The Other Brother

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Elena POV:
I was running, running, running as fast as I could I'd didn't want to stop. I was at the edge of the woods when my feet began to give in and I fell into the arms of a strong man. "Elena, Elena it's okay. It's okay, it's me" I looked at to see Stefan with tears down his face "I've been worried sick, Elena" he said kissing me gently. As I pulled away I saw a steak had been placed through Stefan's heart, "Stefan!" I screamed at my boyfriend bleeding to death. "He's gone face it," said a voice from behind me, Damon. "You done this to your own brother!" I shouted, "No Elena, you done this. By pretending you love him. Tell. The truth and he will come back" Damon said with a grin. "I love him Damon, that's the truth" I said lying. "Elena, I've got to go. Nobody likes a lier" he said running off laughing leaving me with the corpse. I cried and cried and cried, pulling out the stake, but nothing happened.

And that's when I woke up.

I screamed. "Elena! Are you okay?" Stefan asked rubbing my shoulder. "It's just a bad dream, it's okay" I said scared, "come here" he pulled me into a warm hug and I felt my heart beating ten times as fast. I fell back to sleep and the next thing I knew It was 9 o clock. "Stefan wake up!" I pushed the body and he groaned, "Date day remember?" I said with a wink. "I have great plans." Stefan started "first we go for a walk around the woods and have a romantic picnic, then I'll take you to that theme park you have always wanted to go to. Then a romantic dinner" he said staring at me intently, "that sounds amazing Mr Salvatore" I said with a sweet smile. "But you know what we are going to do first?" I shook my head sweetly "this" he said flipping me over so he was on top of me. He kissed all down my neck and all down my body. I felt a wince of pain as he bit my bottom lip. Then my phone went off, "Hello" I answered, "Hey it's Caroline, you need to get down here and quickly. Bring no one and nothing, not even you Stefan" she said before hanging up and I laughed as I knew he was listening. "I'm so sorry, but this sounds important. I'll be an hour max, why don't you get dressed and make the picnic and I'll be back soon" I said kissing his briefly on the lips.

I got into my car and drove to where Caroline asked to meet. It was a parking lot just round the corner from the cemetery. "Caroline!" I shouted from a distance (even though I didn't need to shout) "Elena quick!" She answered. I ran over to her vampire speed and stood beside her. "What are we looking at?" I said with a confused face. "In the distance, follow me" we ran to the other side of hrs car park and stood by the black Mercedes convertible and I smiled. "What is this?" I asked, "Don't pretend like you don't remember. Think about it, the car, the number plate, the seats" she said pointing at each thing. "I don't know Caroline" I said truthfully, "who's car is this?" Caroline asked. Suddenly flash backs came back of all the Radom road trips and the rides to school. "Damon's, It's Damon's Car" I said quietly, "exactly"

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