The Fighter

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Damon's POV:
"For how long?" I asked staring at my cup of whiskey at the bar. "3 months, but I'm scared Damon. Vampire pregnancy only lasts a few months" she said staring at her food not eating. "You've got to eat" I said pointing at the plate of fish fingers and chips off of the children's menu. "Well you don't see to be eating. Your drinking a lot... Not eating" she whispered angrily. "You just told me I'm going to have a baby. Of course I'm not going to eat" I drank the last of my whiskey and clicked my fingers to Matt who ran over and gave me more. She sat there staring at me as if I was sick. But I wasn't. I loved her. But this changed It all. "What are we going I do?" I whispered before drinking another sip. "Well first of all your going to stop drinking" she said ripping the cup from my hand and shouting at Matt to stop serving me. "Your cut off. Then we are going to go home, talk about the vampire inside of me. And then we are going to plan it, until you know that this baby will just make us stronger." She said rubbing my hand. "Because I love you" I leant in and kissed her forehead. "I love you too baby" I said.

*5 Days Later*
"So I done research and this baby is going to be human until it takes it's first sip of vampire blood. So we don't let it feed on us and it will live a human life until we decide to tell her about vampires" she said smiling as she racked through the books. I just nodded and she muttered a word that I made out as typical then stormed out. I sat down and read through the books Caroline picked out of her collection that she got off of Klaus about vampire babies. I smiled as I saw how small the hand is but I shook it off. "This baby is a monster" I shouted to Elena. "A monster this is our baby!" She shouted back even though her voice was cracking. And as I looked at her I saw it. The greyish hair, the dark circles, the bags under the eyes and the pale white skin. "Elena this baby is killing you" I whispered to her as I saw the weight loss on her. "No Damon. I'm dying. We are all dead. But I'm dying, and soon this little baby is going to be born and I'm going to not be here. Because you are too busy drinking your way through the drinks cupboard to help Bonnie with the spell" she shouted at me with tears down her face. I walked over to her and pulled her head into my chest but she pulled away, "Damon I can't leave you with her. I don't trust you, she's not invincible. She can die. And knowing you you'll force feed her vampire blood so she's the strongest in her class. Or the fastest or the one who bites people" she said pushing me away. "Damon, if I don't find this cure for the thing I'm dying of. I'm not leaving you with my little girl" then she bit her lip. "Girl?" I asked shivering, "I had a scan done. It's a girl" I smirked as I looked at the tiny pictures of baby girls, "a girl" I said to myself and I saw a smile spread over Elena's face. But the smile faded and turned to a frown. Then a face of hurt as she fell to the ground with her fingers on the side of her head. "Elena!" I shouted running to her side. "Now" she whispered. "What?" I asked putting a pillow under her head. "It's happening, the spells wearing off. You've got to get the baby out" she said looking up at me "and quick"

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