The First Goodbye

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Elena's POV:

"Damon!" I shouted running over to his side. But no one else was looking, it didn't shock anyone. Compulsion I'm guessing. "No no no no no" I whispered tears flowing down my cheeks. I stroked his perfect black hair and tears dropped onto it. I looked back and everyone just stood still . "What are you doing? Get over here help. Caroline....Klaus....Tyler...Even you Stefan" I looked at them with a flat face and I was in pieces, in a ball. No one even showed an emotion. "Stefan? He's your brother" I cried out with a whiny voice like a 2 year old. "Elena, there's something we need to tell you" he started with a smile. "Your smiling? Your brothers dead and your smiling" I broke down and signalled them to stop talking. I picked up his body and pulled him to the car. I placed him on the back seat and laid my head on his chest like we used to do when I was sad. I watched his eyes glimmer still like they were still working and I kissed his forehead gently, "Damon" I stroked my hand over my face and felt myself fall into a pit of depression, like the whole world was destroyed. I sat there with my hand in his and a blank expression sat on my face. I didn't cry, I didn't have the energy. No one followed me, no one cared. No one cared he was dead! Only me. I got out my diary and started writing. It felt like the only thing to do.

Elena's Diary:

This is not far. He's gone. Damon. I can't deal with it his warm hands now cold and his shiny hair now dull. He's gone, and he went on a argument. I didn't get to say sorry, I didn't get to hug him, I didn't get to kiss him for the last time. I didn't get to tell him I love him. Now he's gone, with a stake in the heart, if I say it anymore maybe it won't be true, maybe it will go. Maybe he will blink and kiss me. Maybe he will tell me he loves me and grab my hands and play with my fingers like he used to. It was all too fast. 5 months ago, we were best friends. Running around on road trips and dancing madly. Gambling, laughing and having fun. Then he kissed me, and I fell in love. Then Joseph and Stefan and everything happened and now he's gone. I can't say goodbye. It's like A piece of my heart chipped off and fell apart inside of me. As I look at his beautiful face, sadness overcomes me instead of love and lust. Now it's gone, everything. Me and him. Him and me. Us. It's gone.

I shut the diary suddenly in fits of sadness and realised that my top was going sea through with tears. I clutched his hands tighter but said nothing, my words would ruin the moment. I just leant in and kissed him gently. Then something happened. I felt something. Someone. He kissed me back. I pulled away in shock and the boy blinked. "Elena" he whispered but I ignored him and just leant in again

A True Love Story (A Delena Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now