I want out

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Elena's POV:

It was 9 o'clock and I clambered back into my car. I had missed the whole day wi Stefan because of his brother, how was I going to explain. At leave Damon agreed to stay for a while in a hotel until it's all sorted out. I turned on my home which had been of all day and I had 10 missed calls and 4 texts. I decided to text Caroline back saying 'I'm fine, I found Damon, it's all okay:)' but I decided to tell Stefan in person the reason that I've been gone for 12 hours without even a text. I drive back to the boarding house and knocked on the door to be greeted by an angry Stefan. "Oh hi welcome back Elena" he said sarcastically. "I'm so sorry Stefan, Caroline had a fight with tyler and I spent today trying to cheer her up" I lied, "well that's funny cause Caroline dropped round here wondering where you were?" He said tapping his foot "so are you going to tell me where you really were?" He asked. I spent the next half an hour explaining to him about Damon and persuading him to stay. "So you blew me off for my brother. It's just like 6 months ago then" he shouted, "That's not fair Stefan! This was different, he's my friend. When you haven't seen a friend in 6 months you at least spend a day with them!" I shouted back. "Yeah a friend who's head over heels In love with you Elena!" He said. "So what? If it was the other way around and I had chose Damon, you would want to see me right? Or would you just turn off your humanity like last time?" Angry Raised through my body as I shouted. "Your unbelievable bringing that up, I was compelled!" He shouted at me, "you weren't compelled to kill thousands of innocent people" I screamed at him. "You know what I want out" I said suddenly, "what?" He asked suddenly sitting down. "I want..I want out of this. Us. Until you realise your the one I want and Damon's just a friend. Then we can talk" I said walking towards the door. "Elena wait" he shouted after me but I was gone. I sat in my car and I cried. I turned on my engine but I didn't know where to go. Then I started driving until I got to 'Mystic Falls Motel' I got out of my car and asked on the office for Damon Salvatore. They called him up and told him he had a visitor.

"Elena?" He said as he saw me standing there, and all I could do is run to him and hug him tightly crying on his shoulder, "Hey Hey, are you alright? Come on let's go upstairs" He took me to his hotel room and I sat on the bed while he stroked my hair. "What happened Elena?" He asked lifting my head so he could see me. "You don't want to know" I said knowing it would hurt to talk about me and Stefan, "I wouldn't of asked if I didn't want to" he said smiling. I told him about Stefan and our massive fight and how I said things I didn't want to, "I didn't know where to go and all I could think of was you and I wanted to see you and talk to you because your the only one who really understands what happened with Stefan when he left town and.." I said getting out of breathe, "and I can't go home, cause Jeremy's got friends round and I can't go to Stefan cause I don't want to see him right now" I said laying back. "You can stay here if you want, I'll sleep on the floor." He said smiling. "No you shouldn't have to sleep on the floor. I will" I said shaking my head "Nope, I won't let you" he said smiling cheekily. "What about we both sleep in the bed" I said then bit my lip. "Won't that be weird for you..and Stefan" he said shyly, "we are friends, so what if we share a bed."

I got ready in the bathroom and came out with my hair tied up in a messy ponytail and my pjs on. Damon said nothing just walked past me into the bathroom. I got into bed on my side and faced the door Damon was going to come out of. 10 minutes later he appeared and made his way into bed. "You know the last time I was in bed with you, you were dying" I said laughing, "let's hope that doesn't happen again" he joked. I closed my eyes but I felt two piercing blue eyes on me and turned around, "stop it" I said jokily, "stop staring, you creep" I joked. "Sorry miss" he laughed. I faced him and closed my eyes putting my hand outside of the cover, a minute later so was his. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" He said moving around. I closed my eyes again trying to ignore his gorgeous eyes. Minutes pasted and no one spoke. But a second later I felt something rub across my fingers, his fingers joint with mine. I smiled. "Goodnight Damon"

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