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Elena's POV:

"I can't do it!" I shouted at Alaric as I punched the lunch bag, "your a vampire you can do anything" he said winking at me. I playfully punched him on the arm, "he's 500 years older than me. I'm screwed" we both laughed and I got back to practising.

I came into Matts house wearing a tank top and some track suit bottoms. My hair was thrown up and I looked a right mess, I was hoping to be seen by no one. I ran up the stairs to be stopped by a tall figure, "someone's a bit sweaty" Damon said laughing, "shut up" I slapped him arm on the arm and he gave out a yelp. My phone rang and I answered it swiftly, "hello" I said sweetly, "hello princess" the voice shocked me and I looked at Damon. "So recovered yet, from your loved ones death?" He said sarcastically. "Not great thanks to you, but your not going to through me off guard" I said toughly. "Of course not Elena, that would be boring. I want you to be shocked. Like boo" I turned into my bedroom to see him standing there with multiple weapons, my weapons. "Damon, I thought I killed you" he said smiling. Damon stepped in front of me, guarding me like a shield. "Top boyfriend ay? I'm loving the act Damon. What happened to the old you. The player, the humanity less vampire. He was so fun" Joseph said and his words stung. "You knew him?" I said looking at Damon, "briefly. He wasn't my favourite Bishop" Damon said raising his eyebrows. "Nope, but I wasn't your worst" when Joseph smiled I knew something was up "who was your worst Damon?" I asked my eyes still pinned on Joseph. "His brother, Manson. He's the only vampire with witch qualities. He tried to kill me, more than once. Joseph and him were very close, I bet it hurt when I killed him" Damon said with a smirk, "now you've got the outline on him Elena. You'll know what your up against. You have 2 weeks until I being you to your worst nightmare. Then your dead" he said and laughed. "And Elena you little spell-" he started then stabbed me, I winced in pain "doesn't work when the witch dies" he said.

"Bonnie's dead" I stuttered into Damon's shoulder. "Maybe not" Damon whispered, I looked up at his face. "There was two witches there. Bonnie and her mum" Damon said, his faced turned cold, "the spell protects you from death, not hurting. Bonnie could be alive, but her mum will not be"

The next day- Elena's Diary

It's today. I can't wait any longer to get Bonnie back and find out if she's alive. We jumped in the car and Damon led the way. It's been a long journey and I'm sitting in the back with Caroline. I've been trained and Alaric's here too. He's driving. The plan is for Damon and Alaric to go in, they both can't be killed so there safe enough. Then when the coast is cleared and the guards are dead, me and Caroline make our way in. Joseph is likely to be there but if we can distract him for long enough we can get Bonnie and run. Things have been weird recently between klaus and Caroline, we both knew that they liked each other but not in this way. He would do anything for her and she would do it for him.

I shut my diary and placed it in my bag smiling at Caroline as she stared at me with her beautiful eyes. "Hi" she said sweetly and I raised my eyebrows, a tear rolled down her face and I pulled her into a hug. "When did it get like this. Remember 2 years when the only problems we had was you and Matt were on the rocks. Now were both vampires, Bonnie's a witch and everyone we love is in danger. I wish we could take it back" I felt the tears hit my shoulder as she talked. I stroked her soft hair and comforted her until she removed her head and smiled, "we will get her back, I promise"I said to her. Damon and Alaric had been gone for more than 8 minutes and I was starting to get worried. They were my family, I needed them. Suddenly a figure appeared at the door far away and signalled for us to run in.

As I stepped in the building the floor was made of dead bodies. As I saw the bodies I saw the golden eyes shining, hybrids. "Oh no, Klaus is going to be angry" Caroline said. We walked through the corridor and we split up going opposite ways. It was dangerous but the slightest noise and someone would be there in a second. I turned around and saw a smiling man. "Lovely for you to come" and the next thing I saw was the needle coming my way. Vervain needle. And me faking passing out.

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