I'll drink to that

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Elena's POV:

I woke up this morning and the whole night flashed back at me. The car journey, falling asleep on Damon and the creepy man. "Morning sleepy" Damon said from the bathroom, "tea he said pointing to the cup on the side which was still burning hot. "What have you done Damon?" I asked, "I kinda texted your aunt Jen from your phone telling her you'll be back in a few days and not to worry" he said smirking, "and why would you do that?" I answered secretly happy. "Because you deserve a break, and what better way to spend your break than with your creepy best friend" he said smiling. "So what are we doing today Damon?" I asked with a smile, "well I thought we could have a lazy day and then we could go to a club, get drunk, dance and have so much fun" Damon said, "I'll drink to that" I said sipping a bit of my tea.

Hours passed and it was time to go out. "Ta da" I said spinning around in my short red dress, "wow" Damon said looking me up and down, "it's my best dress and I thought why not wear it and get drunk and not remember anything" I laughed.

We got to the club packed with people and we found a quiet table in the corner, I sat down resting my feet from the massive heels that were weighing me down. "A bottle of beer please" I shouted at Damon over the loud music. The music was ridiculously loud and my head hurt from 5 minutes of being here. "I know your not enjoying this Elena, have fun, drink that bottle and I'll get you another. I drunk and drunk until I felt sick and soon enough the music got quieter and I felt like I was drifting on the clouds. Me and Damon stumbled around like an old couple and landed in our seats. "Stefan told me you were the bad one" I started before sipping my drink, "look at him now. He's out killing innocent people while your here to cheer me up" I said laughing, "things change" he shouted over the music. "People change" I shouted back. Silence over took us before I grabbed Damon's hand "let's dance" I shouted and he twirled me around as we danced to 'I'm walking on sunshine'

Soon we had been dancing for hours and my feet began to ache badly. I looked over to the girl that Damon had been making eyes with all evening, "go say hi, dance, knock yourself out" I shouted over the music, "I'll sit down" he nodded and made his way over to the blonde girl. I watched as he dirty danced with her as she showed of her tarty clothes. Jealousy raised my body as I watched them two. Damon raised his eyebrows at me as in to say 'are you okay?' And I nodded. He danced till the end of the song and walked back over to the table. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked sweetly. "I'm drunk, alone and jealous" I said bluntly. "Jealous?" He asked confused, "jealous that your dancing with that girl instead of your best friend" I answered. "I would dance wi my best friend but she's still in mystic falls" he joked, I playfully slapped his arm and he let out a fake 'ow'. "If you want to dance, let's dance" he said grabbing my hands and twirling me round and round. I giggled as he pulled me closer holding my hips and seductively dancing with me. I danced back and soon enough I saw the girl watching us jealous. I shot her a wink and a grin as in to say 'ha ha' and she turned about huffing. "That was rude" Damon said laughing at me "she deserves it, who wears dresses like that" I laughed. The night began to come to a close as the slow song came on."come on Damon, don't give up now" I said placing my arms on his shoulders and he put them around my waist. "Tonight has been amazing, thank you" I said looking into his bright eyes, "it's fine Elena, I knew you needed it" suddenly I felt everything overcome me and I pulled him into a massive hug, "let's go" I said into his shoulder.

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