The Klaus Plan- 100 views

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I wasn't going to post tonight but then I saw that I had 100 views and I got excited. It may not be a lot for you but for me it's amazing as this is the most I've got on one if my stories so far. Thank you so much, xx

Elena's POV:

We all stood still, not willing to move after what just happened. He circled the room staring at us, I saw his lips moving but I heard no words. All I heard was high pitched screaming coming from everyone's mouth. I tried to shut it out but the pain growing in my back echoed through me. I held it and the pain stopped just to start again harder. "STOP!" I shouted at the screaming mice, no one answered they just stared. "My head is banging, my back is hurting, I hear nothing but high pitched noises and my best friends gone" I sat sliding down the wall behind me. "Did you say high pitched screaming?" Damon asked and I nodded, he looked at klaus and they opened Stefan's door. Throwing him a blood bag Stefan's expression changed as he saw Damon was the one with the bags "your not dead?" He asked and Damon looked at him as his face turned to anger, "you let me think my own brother was dead?"he shouted at me, "head banging, back hurting, people screaming, BEST FRIEND GONE" I shouted at him to tell him there's something more important. "I don't care about your nattering, or your back hurting or anything else. I care about getting Caroline back!" Klaus shouted. "You can not be trusted so I'll do it alone" he said started to go for the door, "no way are you doing it alone. I'm not letting my best friends life in your hands" Bonnie said standing up, "you can't even find out where she is without me" Bonnie said smirking. "And without me, you won't have anything to use for the spell" I said standing next to Bonnie. "And your going to need backup" Alaric said waving his hand to show his ring. Everyone looked at Damon, "well without me it won't be fun will it?" He said smiling.

Damon's POV:

Once the spell was done all that was left to do was find our way there. We split up into twos. Klaus stayed alone apparently going to 'make a surprise', I stayed with Damon, Alaric went with Jeremy who insisted on tagging along. And Bonnie stayed around incase anything happened. "What if when Bonnie was drained of her magic, our magic wore off" Elena said, "then we are screwed" I said and she spun me around, "I love you Damon, and if anything hap-" she started but I cut her off "nothing's going to happen Elena, I promise." She kissed me gently and held my hands "we will be fine" then she collapsed to the floor holding her head. "Elena what's the matter" I said grabbing her hands "my head it's screaming I don't hear anything but the scream. My back is killing me and my heads banging" she said holding her head with two fingers. "It's just the vervain kicking in. You will be fine I promise" I tried to sound convincing but my voice trembled as I said the words. "Go with Bonnie see if she can make it better, I'm going to talk to Klaus" I ran after him and told him what just happened. "I know this isn't just a normal headache, I know that wasn't vervain. It was wolfs bane, but it's different. It's different" I said turning on the radio of the car near us, "this is out of my way. This is wolfs bane for doppelgänger , my blood isn't going to help" he added. "What's the cure?" I asked, "Damon, there isn't one around now" he said facing me. My face dropped. "So what your saying is I'm dying and there's no cure" Elena said walking in front of us and sarcastically adding, "great just great."

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