The New Team

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Elena's POV:

"This better be real" I whispered into his cheek. "It's real alright" he said in his cocky tone. "How? How did you stay alive" I said stammering from shock. "I will tell you everything but you've got to take me home first" I nodded and climbed into the front seat.

"Why didn't we get Stefan and Caroline" i asked him, "they can't know I'm alive" he said sitting on the table of the boarding house. "Are you going to tell me why or just leave me wondering" I asked sitting opposite him on the sofa. "When he took me from the airport, he took me to a place. Dark, gloomy late kind of place. When I was there he just sat me down but someone else was there" he stopped looking at me, "Bonnie" I finished. "Yes and she had a plan. She had been working on this spell for weeks before Joseph took her and had perfected it. She told me that three people could be protected and couldn't be killed. The thing is there is 6 of us and only three can be saved. You were top of both of our lists and then Caroline, but there was only space for one other. Klaus can't be killed and tyler wouldn't help if he was told he didn't have to. But then it was me and Stefan left. I said Stefan but before I knew it she had done the spell and I was safe. Stefan can be talked out but only by you. And if he knows I'm still alive he won't give up" Damon said with his hands together. "He won't forgive u if we pretend your dead" I said with a raise of my eyebrows, "meh, he didn't like me much anyway." We both laughed. "How long will this spell last for," I asked. "Until Bonnie sends it off, but a maximum of 4 weeks. That's enough time to find out who wants you and kill them" Damon said, "so we have a new team?" I asked, "a new team" and Damon hugged me tight.

We called Caroline and klaus and told them to leave the others. When they arrived we sat down. "So your telling me, Bonnie put a spell on us so we can't die" Caroline said and Damon nodded "awesome!" She shouted in her girlie like way. "Why can't we tell Stefan" she asked and I responded with "well he hasn't got the spell on him, meaning Bonnie didn't choose him, so he can't be part of this mission when there's a ninety percent chance he will die. We don't know who we are facing here". "So were going to pretend that I'm dead" he said with a smug smile. Caroline rolled her eyes but went along with it, klaus said he would do anything but he only said that because there's a chance Caroline's in danger. And we told Stefan that we buried Damon and he didn't care. That's what no humanity does to you. I sat in the bed at the lake house where Damon was going to be living and I laid my head on his chest. "I love you Damon" I whispered half asleep. "I love you too Elena"

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