My Beating Arms

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Damon's POV:
She sat up with her back against the couch. Her face was blank. No expressions. No sadness. No happiness. Just her face. She was pale and her hair was going grey at the top when Bonnie told her "this won't last. You are still dying but slowly but it will be more painful at places." She got up and walked past me like I wasn't there. We saved her life just to tell her that it would be gone again soon, we had to do something. I winked at Bonnie and followed Elena upstairs. "Hey" I said quietly knocking on my door. "Get out!" She shouted throwing a pillow my way, "well this is my room so it belongs to me" I said smirking and sitting on the side of the bed. "We will find a real cure, we just needed more time" I said rubbing her hand but she pulled it away. "How much more time, a day, a week, a month or even a year. Because every day we wait is one more day I'm suffering and thinking about death. I can't go through that" she shouted putting her head into a pillow. "I know it hard, but you've got to fight through. What's stopping you from being strong" I said laying down next to her. "The pain, the guilt, the upset. You" she said quietly. She slowly made her way closer to me, "I can't leave you in the big bad world alone can I" she asked kissing me all over.

*The Next Day*
"Elena!" I shouted as I knocked on her door. I heard a slight mumble then her come up to the door looking worst an ever. Her hair was greasy and going a dingy colour. Her clothes were baggy were she had lost weight and her face was pale even though she had put on makeup to cover it up. I didn't realise I had been staring until she lightly tapped my face. "I look awful" she said walking off and sitting down. "No you look perfect" I kissed her cheek and sat next to her. "What did you want to talk about?" She said talking my hand, "what happened with Manson?" I asked. "He tried to kill you after you were dead. He stabbed Bonnie's back and he tried to stake me. To get to you, because apparently he needed you to love him." I raised my eyebrows "end was obsessed with Katherine. But then he went for Caroline and klaus staked him in the heart. Truth he isn't dead, but it gave us a head start to get away with you" I said rubbing her hand. "Bonnie's spell?" She asked. "It is a protective, life saving spell. It makes you come back alive for an amount of time. The first two days are guaranteed no pain. Because umm"I struggled to get it out "because it turned you human for them days. Then the rest normal" I said and she jumped up to get her phone. "We've got to go to Bonnie," she said racing out of the door.

Elena's POV:
I hated keeping secrets from Damon, but it was the best thing to do. "I have a spell,it guaranteed to work by bringing you back to life. But it's not guaranteed to take away the pain. It sounds scary but it's not and it's painful" Bonnie said. "What is if?" I asked. "It crushed your organs inside and then you die. But when you come back to life the amount of pressure on your Insides will have squeezed out the wolfs bane and took away the killer" Bonnie said reading her spell book. "That's great" Damon said jumping up. My face turned an expression. I couldn't do this. But as Bonnie got ready to do her spell and started chanting I felt the pain hit me. "Stop!" I shouted knowing it wasn't too late. They looked at me as if I was crazy. "I can't crush everything inside" I said shivering. "It will come back Elena I promise" Damon said stroking my back. "Damon I have to tell you something and you can't freak out" I said ready to tell. I felt his hand peel away from my back. "Well I was human yesterday and well." I started but stopped. I looked at them both and said, "I'm pregnant"

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