An (un)Welcome Back Suprise

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Elena's POV:

"What's he doing back?" I asked pacing the car park. "That's what I was wondering, so I done so snooping and found out something" she said twiddle ring her fingers together like an evil witch. "You've seen him?" I asked, "Well not really, I've heard him. He was talking to Alaric. He said that he was back for his monthly visit" Caroline answered. "He comes back every month and doesn't even see me?!" I shouted, "well you did break his heart and leave it smashed on the floor" she said, I shot her a look "but that's not the point" she added. "Elena, he obviously doesn't want to see you. I only brung you here so you could see that he's okay" Caroline said hinting that we should leave. "I'm not leaving Caroline! I'm waiting until he comes back" I said giving her a look that said I'll be fine and that she can go. I sat on the floor with my side on the back door. I waited for what seemed like hours until a figure appeared from the distance. "Excuse me miss, I need to leave" Damon said in a fake voice not realising it was me. "Miss?" Damon asked again. "Damon" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear, "Elena?" He asked going back to his normal voice.

"So you come back every month ah?" I said while walking through the forest with him. "How do you know that?" He asked stopping in his tracks. "Well you visit Alaric every month so I'm guessing you come back" I said gesturing from him to keep walking. "Why don't you visit us anymore?" I asked looking at his intense blue eyes, "us? As in you and your BOYFRIEND Stefan. That's why I don't visit" he said. "I'm so sorry Damon, I haven't had the chance to say it but I'm so sorry. It's not fair me choosing, I should of chose neither of you and at least you would of had each other." I said suddenly feeling really guilty. "Don't apologise, you chose your Salvatore and the other one had to leave town. It was the deal" he said with a fake smile. "I've got to get going soon so we should go back" He said not looking at me directly. "Stay" I said bluntly, "I can't" he whispered. "Damon look at me, I said stay" I said seriously. "Elena, no. It hurts to see you to together and for one point in my life I haven't felt raging jealousy everywhere I go. It's better for me and your you and Stefan." I got so annoyed at his words that I shouted so loudly. "It's not better for me! It's better for me to loose my best friend is it? It's better for me to spend hours every day wondering if your okay is it? It's better for me to have to change the subject every time someone says your name because it hurts, is it? Nothing better for me these days. It's just better for you" I said storming off. "Elena wait!" He shouted after me. "What?!" I shouted back, and the next thing I knew he was hugging me so tight I felt as if I couldn't breathe. "I've missed you Damon" I whispered into his broad shoulder, "I've missed you too"

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