The Ball (based on true events)

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I'm using a few little bits from the actual series, but in a different order so don't get confused. Thanks xx


Elena's POV: Elena's Diary

Dear Diary

I haven't write for a while but I felt like I needed too. Its the day of the ball. The mystic falls queen and princesses ball. Caroline's the queen and all the runner ups were the princesses. Meaning I have to attend the ball. I looked through my wardrobe and found my blue, strapless, maxi dress that I brought for the occasion, I looked at it and sighed. My had to dance in a line with other runner ups and the queen with partners. I invited Stefan even though I still feel bad about lying to him about what happened with Damon. He was so cocky yesterday and I'm still a bit mad but I'll deal with it. I got my hair done with Caroline and my makeup done by Bonnie and we returned the favour to each other. I smiled looking at myself in the mirror, I looked just like mom.

Elena xxx

"Let's go!" Caroline shouted as we got into the limousine. The Queen was allowed to pick two other people to arrive in her special way of travel, she picked me and Bonnie (obviously). Our dates would be waiting for us the other side and would walk us down the fake read carpet. It was all so cheesy but Caroline seemed to love it, she was the centre of attention. "You look beautiful, Miss Gilbert" Stefan said as he hooked arms with me while walking into the building, "don't look bad yourself, Mr Salvatore" and we laughed before being told to be quiet by queen b. As we were walking into the building I saw a figure surrounded by other members of the council and he winked at me. Damon. "Stefan don't, don't mess this up for us, he's not worth it" I said squeezing Stefan's hand which was now in mine. I went upstairs and got ready for the rest of the day. The next thing was the dance.

Stefan's POV:

I quenched myself as I saw Damon standing there all smug, he knew he had got between us and he loved it. I looked around the room and thirst covered me, at least Elena thought it was just jealousy. The thing I haven't told her is recently I've been on the blood bags, it took away the stress of Damon being back in town and it's made me much stronger in case he tries to come to the house. But it's uncontrollable and all I want to do is drain the life from all the students. I stood up straight and blew it off but I knew I was going to need a drink and fast. I ran u os takes to the bathroom where I smelt blood, I gasped as I saw a young girl bleeding from her hand "hey are you okay?" I asked her, "I fell over and cut my hand on the wood, can you help?" Before I could pace myself I was sucking the blood from here fragile hand. I carried her on my shoulder and ran away. I pushed her into the grass and told her not to be scared and not to run. I bit her neck and sucked her blood until she was drained of anything. Then I realised what I had done.

Elena's POV:

It was time for the dance and I was standing at the top of the stairs waiting to be called. First was of course Caroline then the others followed. I was last except a girl called mollie who didn't seem to have turned up. I stood there waiting my turn and waiting to seen Stefan's smiling face ready to dance with me. As they called the person in front if got scared. They finally called my name "Elena Gilbert dancing today with Stefan Salvatore" I started walking down the stairs and stopped halfway down and saw no Stefan standing there. I felt like crying then and there at the fact I had no one to dance with me. I was about to run back up when the lady spoke again, "sorry my mistake I meant, Damon Salvatore" I saw Damon run to the place where Stefan was suppose to be and I continued walking. He hooked arms with me and walked me down to the dance floor. "Wheres Stefan?" I asked, "I don't know" for some reason I believed every word he said as I looked into his eyes. I was stood face to face with him as we walked in circles doing the touching-not-touching dance. Then we went into full blown dancing and I felt myself get lost in the dance. I looked up and smiled and I saw him smile. And for the first time I realised something. The cocky man had made me fall In love with him. Badly.

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