Day 3

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Elena's POV:

I was woken up to my phone ringing. I saw the caller ID which I had changed from a picture of us, to a picture of nothing. I decided to answer it while I had Damon at my side listening in. "Hello" I answered, "Elena, she have you been?" Said a panicked Stefan, "places" I said angrily, "oh sorry I didn't think to search there" I rolled my eyes at Damon who was mimicking Stefan. "I'm sorry that I panicked you, didn't think you would get out of the blood bag long enough to notice" I shouted, I heard a slight 'burn' come from Damon behind me. "I guess your with Damon, and before you lie I already knew. It's pretty obvious with neither of you at home" Stefan said angrily, "loosen up, have some fun, I just want you home soon. I love you Elena" he said, "goodbye Stefan" I said hanging up. Damon looked at me and saw the tears running down my face. "Hey hey don't cry. If you cry I'll cry" he joked, "shut up" I joked and hit him with the pillow. It was day we were coming back and I didn't want to. I got into the car and looked at Damon, who was sitting down. "Damon recently, I have been remembering things I didn't before" I started "like the night with the guy". "You don't have to remember that Elena" Damon said, "no it's important. Damon, I think the guy vervained me" I said worried, "what?" Damon sat up looking at me seriously, "not enough to knock me out but enough to get me to the floor. And when I was on the floor he called me Katerina" I said laying my back against the bed spread. "Elena you should of told me sooner. I could of found out who he is", "Oh my god Damon! I remember he was stronger than me and not because of the vervain. Because he was able to move fast and stop me from leaving, Damon he was a-". "Vampire" Damon finished, "and" I said. "He's going I be pissed at me"

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