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Elena's POV:
I was running, running, running far away. My feet gave in and I fell to the wooden floor. My head banged as I hit it on a wood tree. I heard mumbles and foot steps coming my way so I picked myself up and started to run again. But all my skills as a vampire had gone. But suddenly all the bones in my body clicked and I screamed out in pain. I broke all the bones in my body and every click hurt more. But suddenly the pain stopped as I made my way to a small river. I put some water in my mouth then looked up. But my face had changed, I had the usual veins growing down my face but my eyes were different. Golden. And suddenly my body changed. I was a wolf and as I looked around I saw a dead body lying there. Stefan.

I woke up with a bang as I hit my head on the surface behind. "Elena, are you okay?" Damon asked stroking my hair where I hit my head. "Bad dream" I said sitting up a little. "Wolf dream" I said again. "Don't worry about the whole wolf thing. You don't even have to turn, it's okay. You might not even be a hybrid" Damon said sitting up too. "I bit Stefan, I can't control it" I whispered. "Elena, I don't want to pressure you but you haven't um... Seen Jenna" Damon said edging backwards. "Yeah" I made out before standing up and walking out of the room. I laid my head on the wall and a tear dropped down my face. I didn't want to see her. I feel different, strange, dangerous. I could kill her easily. "Elena, she's your baby" Damon said with the small thing in her arms. I smiled for a split second then the feeling over come me, I ran at vampire speed until I was In the woods. Suddenly I fell over someone's legs and I saw Stefan siting there heavily breathing and sweating. "Stefan?" I asked looking at the boy, "sorry I was just" he started and I stared at his arm "oh my god. The bite" I grabbed his arm gently and stared at it. He was dying. "It's okay, Klaus is getting his blood to me ASAP, probably tomorrow. I'm fine. Just fine" he said like he was trying to persuade himself. "Life's too short Elena. Grab it while you can" the words rung in my mind and they stung. I helped him up and I vampire sped to the boarding house. I laid Stefan on the couch and I ran upstairs. I heard Damon's voice talking to Stefan from downstairs and I walked into the room which was painted a faint pink colour. The crib was in the corner and I could hear the breathing of the tiny baby. I smiled and this time it didn't disappear. "Hello Jenna" I whispered. "I'm your mummy. I haven't been here, I know. You don't know my face. But I love you lots. And I will be here from now on" I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. Her little hand opened and closed and her striking hair stood out like a sore thumb. "Your a baby lover after all" Damon said walking in the room smiling. He walked to my side and wrapped his arm around me and squeezed. "My two girls. I love you Elena so much" he said limiting my chin and placing a kiss on my lips. "I love you too. Our little family is going to be the best" I said squeezing Damon's hands. I looked in the mirror in front of us and I smiled. We looked so perfect. The baby. Me. Damon. To think 5 years ago I didn't know him, and I didn't have her. I didn't know about vampires and my life seemed perfect. That wasn't perfect but this is.

Helloooo. So this isn't the end. But there is only one chapter left! If you liked this story there will be a second book. I don't know the name yet but I will put it in the next chapter. It's a soppy ending in the next one about family. But the next story is going to be quite horrible and be a bit unhappy at times. Please read it, it would been the most to me<3 also follow my Instagram @vampiregossipdiaries I would really appreciate it!

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