Baby Jenna

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Damon's POV:
"Try and stay with me Elena" I said holding her head as Bonnie rang klaus. "I can't, go through the pain anymore" she said gasping between each word. "Come on, fight through the wolfs bite. Your Elena Gilbert, you've been through life and death" I said gripping her hand as she winced through the pain. "This is death Damon! I'm dying! And so is the baby at the moment" she shouted holding her half round stomachs. "Stab me in my arm" she said and I stared at her until she continued, "change the pain". To my debate I stabbed her arm and she held it like nothing else hurts. "Again" and this was our routine for the next half an hour.

"Elena try and stay awake. Keep your eyes open" I said as her eyes flickered. "I need to talk to Bonnie" I said running out the door. "We need the spell Bonnie" I said to her. "There isn't one Damon!" She shouted. "She's dying Bonnie. Less than five minutes left" I said running to her lifeless side. But there was no breathing or crying or wincing. Nothing. I shook her fragile shoulders and shouted her name. But nothing changed until a panicked klaus ran to her side. I sat with my head against the wall with my eyes pinned on hers. No blinking, no watery, no sign of emotion. Nothing. She's dead. My girlfriends dead. My soulmate is dead. But then a noise shocked me, a cry. A high pitched cry which I had never heard before. And suddenly my eyes moved to a light pink small creature. Her eyes were bright blue and sparkled as she opened them. Like mine. Her hair was a ruffled dark and her whole head was covered with tiny strands. Her whole body was covered by a pink blanket and I heard voices muffled around. But I heard nothing. I smiled at the tiny hand on my newborn as she wiggled her tiny fingers around. I reached out and stroked her tiny hair before being passed the whole body. She was light and weighed almost nothing. But she was fully sized for a baby. Her face was beautiful and just like...Elena's. She still sat still and then the shocking truth hit me. She died like she said she would. And I had the tiny baby in my hands. She didn't want me to have her if she died, she wanted me to give it to someone else. But as I tried to pull away my hands I couldn't get them off her. "Damon I have a spell" I heard and I nodded eyes still fixed on the baby. "Her names Jenna" I said stroking her little hair. "She wanted her to be called Jenna. Baby Jenna" I whispered kissing her forehead. And then a breath came from the girl next to me's mouth.

No one spoke. No one moved, everyone just sat there as Elena sat up with her back against the wall.. "Stop that thing from crying!" She shouted as I cradled the new baby. "Why am I bleeding? And why is that thing near me" she said gesturing to the baby. "That's your baby" Bonnie said touching Elena's hand but she leant out. "I don't have a baby. I'm only 15" she said shuffling back but wincing in pain as the whole in her body healed. "Your 17 Elena, your a college student and you've got a baby girl with me" I said slowly handing the baby to Bonnie. "I'm sorry who are you? And who's Elena?"

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