The 1980's- The Dance

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Elena POV:

It was 5 o clock and the dance started at 7. I started to get ready putting my hair up into messy styles and wearing 80's style makeup. I put on my dress and got into my car. I checked my phone as I sat outside the Salvatore's house waiting for Stefan. I finally rang him and he answered "oh hey Elena, I'm so sorry I can't make it tonight" Stefan said from a place that sounded like a nightclub, "got it" I said hanging up. I buried my face in my hands and cried. For the first time, I cried about the way Stefan is now. There was a knock at the window and there stood a Damon Salvatore. "Damon?" I asked through the open crack of the window, "Waiting for Stefan?" He said in a sympathetic way. "Not anymore, he's busy apparently" I said, "fancy a ride?" And Damon jumped in the car and we drove to the school. "So are you my date now?" He said doing the weird eyebrow thing, "I guess you can call it that" I laughed. We walked into the building which was filled with people dancing around and drinking. I grabbed two cups of whiskey for us and handed one to Damon. "Everyone's having a great time, I wish I could say the same about me" I shouted over the music. "You wanna have a good time?" I nodded, then he took my hands in his and twirled me around just like the night at the club. He showed me some 80s dance moves and I laughed the whole time. I looked around and people were looking but at that point I didn't care. I loved every second of being with Damon. The music stopped and on the stage appeared Matt, I looked at him and he raised his eyebrows. "I have a message from Elena Gilbert" everyone looked at me and Damon put his arm round me like 'don't worry I've got you'. "Someone called Joseph wants to dance with you tonight" everyone cheered and I froze. "He's here" I whispered to Damon but all he did was nod and take my hand. He guided me to Alaric's classroom and he sat on the desk. No one talked, we just sat. "Elena, we saw you run out. That Joseph guy sounds sweet, you should dance with him" Caroline said walking in with Tyler. "Caroline he wants to kill me" I said bluntly, "then maybe u shouldn't dance with him" tyler joked, but Caroline elbowed him. "Your going to dance with him" Damon said, "What no!?" I shouted. "Your going to have to, we need to see what he looks like, we need to see who he is. I'll be right next to you with Bonnie and if he causes any trouble I'll just get her to do her witchy business" he said with hand signals.

I stood at the drinks stand waiting for someone to approach me, Damon and Bonnie were ago the other corner of the room dancing. I looked around and I saw no one who looked out of place, I stared around and realised I knew everyone. "Elena, are you okay?" Jeremy asked as he walked up to me, "Im fine Jer, wanna dance?" I asked him. Jeremy out his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his shoulders. "This guy was asking for you earlier, he went by the name Joseph?" Jeremy said worried. "Don't worry about that, I'll talk to him soon" I said smiling, "why don't you talk to him now" I removed my arms away from Jeremy and stood there silently, I looked back and I saw Damon shift where he was standing. "Hello Elena" the voice had changed and if was like another man was talking out of my brother mouth. "Joseph" I whispered.

"I feel as if we should talk, fancy a dance" he said with a smug tone. "I think I'll pass but thanks" I starting edging backwards into Damon's grasp but he grabbed my hand. "You don't want to do that, I have a fully loaded gun and I will shoot your little Jeremy" he laughed, "Fine do it. My brother doesn't die". "Oh is that the case. Because this evening when I was choosing my outfit I decided to check for any unwanted rings" he showed me his empty hand where his ring was supposed to be. "Damon stay back" I whispered. "Glad we are on the same page. Now I've been asked to bring you to someone,and I must obey" he said grabbing my wrist.

"Who may that be?" I asked. "You don't need to know yet princess" the words stung, Someone wanted me dead. Or did they want me alive. Whatever happens I'm not going with him. "I'm sorry but if Someone wants me, he has to come get me and I'll gladly go" I said. In a quick movement I ran back into Damon's grasp and he stood I front of me like a shield. "Fine" and then I heard the shot, and so did everyone else. And Jeremy fell to the floor. "Jer!" I ran to him and sat by his side. I saw something shine in the sun as I out a pillow beneath his head. A necklace. I pulled it out and there was the ring on the chain. And then he woke up.

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