The Fight

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Elena POV:
My heart was shaking as I heard the boys talking about me. Even over the car music I could hear them, I heard the words that stung my whole body. "So what's the cure?" Damon asked Klaus, "There isn't one now." The words sent shivers up my spine as I was angry and felt like crying at the same time. "So what your saying is I'm going to die" I said and both of the boys looked at me "great just great" I mumbled before walking off.

"Elena!" I heard someone shout from behind me, "Go away Damon!" I shouted back. "Elena, I didn't know it would be this bad. If I did I would of told you straight away" he said grabbing my arm, I wiggled my arm out of his hand and said "I don't care about me, I care about Jeremy, I care about you, I care about Jenna and Alaric and I care about my best friends. I can't leave everyone behind. And I can't leave you behind Damon" I said with tears running down my face and he pulled me into a hug. "I will find a cure to this baby, I promise" he said running his fingers through my hair.

We made our way to the door of the house. I was shaking from fear of what had happened and fear of what is happening to me. I shook away the feelings of death and hurt and focused on getting my friend back. We all stood behind the door while Damon and Alaric went first. They opened the door and to their surprise they were aloud in. "Meaning this either belongs to a vampire or the owners dead. Probably the second one knowing Manson" Damon said. They walked in checking the coast was clear and waved me in. I walked slowly in checking each doorway as I went. Staying close to the walls with a dagger gun in my hand I felt useless. I had nothing to do but wait. I wanted to do things, go mad, not care. While Damon wasn't looking I crept downstairs knowing the basement is where he will be. Where no one can hear or see anything. I ran down the stairs focusing on what was being said "So Caroline how's your friend Klaus?" He asked in a sarcastic tone, "Why do you wanna know about him?" She asked back, she had some gut even thought he or probably had her tied up somewhere. "Might pay him a visit tomorrow, surprise was always Niklaus's kind of thing" he said, I could hear his footsteps as he circled round a hidden scared little girl. I crept down the stairs until I heard a noise "Who's that!" He shouted, "My hybrids are not supposed to come down here" he said standing up and opening a gate. Suddenly a voice shocked me as I crept down lower "You hybrids, I created them" said an angry Klaus. "Hello Niklaus"

I stood at the bottom of the stairs listening and watching to everything that was happening. "Manson, reason with me. You know I got kill you in a heart beat, but I won't. But give me Caroline and then we will leave you in peace" klaus said with his cocky tone. "We? Your not alone. I should of guessed. Let me think there's the creepy witch, the dark haired Salvatore, the vampire hunter-teacher, the tag-along brother and the vampire doppelgänger who's standing on the stairs" as I heard the words I started to run but a firm hand was placed over my neck. I struggled for breathe as he held my neck tight. "Elena?" Caroline asked, I made out the words "Car it's okay" before falling to the floor. I got back my breathe and Klaus signalled for me to stay down. "So when did you start hanging around with a crowd" Manson asked Klaus, "Since they didn't trust me to go alone" Klaus said. Then Klaus's arm was wrapped round me as he stood in front of me. "Saving people who if they were dead would be much better off for you" Manson said walking round us. "There's a reason she's not dead" Klaus said flashing a small wink at Caroline. "Blondes are so my type" Mason said sneakily, I felt the anger in klaus body rise up to his head as Manson got the key to Caroline's gate. He wrapped his grubby hands around it. Klaus's body got hot as he charged at Manson grabbing the key out of his hands but letting me go. Soon enough I was in Manson's arms and having a steak to my heart. "If you move princess, I will kill you" he said pointing the dagger to my heart. "So what? I'm dying anyway" I kicked back kicking his legs with my boots. I grabbed the stake out of his hands and pointed it to him. Klaus took over and threw me the key as I unlocked Caroline's cage and sent her running. Klaus after her. "When did the princess get so brave" he asked me, "When she was forced to grow up" I pushed him to the wall plunging the stake into his back but he just pulled it out. He grabbed my neck and pushed me to the wall and then threw me to the floor. "Do you know who I am? I'm a hybrid with the powers of a witch. I would kill you right now if you moved" he said laughing. I laid on the floor hands spread apart and he came and plunged the stake into my stomachs and then pulled it out. I let out a yelp before he had put on leg each side of me and the stake pointing to my heart. "Don't touch her" Damon said pushing the man off me, he helped me up and then plunged the stake into Manson's heart. I saw the veins appear on his face as I fell to the floor.

Elena's Diary:
I almost died many times today but the scariest bit is I still am. I've still got a wolf bite that has no cure and who knows when I could die. But all I could think about is dead Manson and our victory. I went home for the first time in days and I sat on the sofa. I watched as Jenna and Alaric squabbled over what dinner we should have. It felt like normal, like I wasn't a vampire and we were all normal. But then there was a knock on the door. "Hello Sunshine" he said , "Manson" I made out before he stabbed me in the heart.

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