First Day Back

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Some of the characters that are in this chapter are dead in the later series of tvd but I've brung them back to life for the fanfic


Elena's POV: 6 weeks gone

I woke up this morning feeling horrible. I must if drank the whole bar out of alcohol with help from Damon. I don't know what happened at the grill yesterday but it was fun. I needed the drink and Damon seemed to too. My phone rang and I was met. With the familiar picture of Me and Stefan. "Hello" I asked sleepily "Elena, I'm so sorry about everything and not showing up those weeks ago you just haven't even talked to me since-" I cut him off annoyed as he'll, "Stefan your excuses don't pass this time" I said hanging up. I shouted down to Jena "If Stefan pops by, don't let him in" I was met with a muffled "okay". I got dressed and realised it was the first day back at school. Great. I got my bag and got out of the house to be stopped by a car horn. "Want a ride?" Said a familiar voice coming from Damon. "Sure" I said smiling at the boy which six weeks ago I realised I loved, since then we had been so close. "Damon this is the wrong way to school" I said realising that we were going the opposite direction, "I know," he said grinning. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Vegas baby!" He shouted loudly and I laughed. At that point a road trip didn't sound so bad. Hours went by and we weren't even close to Vegas. "So what's happening with you and lover boy Stefan" he asked laughing. "You really wanna talk about it?" I asked and he nodded, "well I haven't seen him since the dance and I don't plan on until I have to. He calls me everyday trying to make me forgive him but I can't. Not yet. He did run off and kill a girl while I was waiting on the stairs for him" I said blabbering on. "And I came to the rescue like super Damon" he said laughing. "I'm so tired" I said. "Sleep then, we still have 2 hours left" I rested my head on his shoulder and I slept for the rest of the journey.

"Elena, we are here?" Damon said shaking me. "Where is here?" I asked confused at the massive building. "It's the casino, my favourite one" I laughed at the fact he had took me to the smallest casino ever. "There's a chip shop down there, I'll get some and you wait inside for me" so I went walking inside and I found the machine that I played on the first time me and Caroline went to a casino. I put in my money and soon enough I won 100 pounds. "Lucky girl" said a man walking past me with a smile that showed his awful teeth. "What about I get lucky now" he said winking at me. "No thankyou" I said trying to get away but the next thing I knew I was knocked out cold.

I woke up in a room just above the small casino I was just in. I woke up laying on the bed cold and alone, I looked down and saw that I was only in my underwear. Suddenly the same familiar man came out. "So you woke up?" He said laughing. "What have u done to me" I asked trying to move away from his grasp. "Nothing yet I just wanted to wait till you gained consciousness it would be funnier." He laughed. He started kissing my neck and I struggled to get away but I felt weak in his grasp. I concentrated on the area down stairs and I heard my name being shouted by Damon. I whispered quietly his name hoping to god he would hear it. And suddenly he did. He came bursting through the room and pushed the fat man off me locking the door. "Elena what happened in here?" Damon asked me, "he knocked me unconsciously and then he tried to-" I was about to finish when Damon run over to the man and punched him to the ground. "So your the boyfriend, she kept saying would find her" he said smugly. "Your just a boy you can't hurt me" and after that Damon snapped his neck. "Damon! What did you do that for" I shouted. "Did you see what he was going to do to you, he deserves to be dead" I hugged the boy in my arms and I felt safe. Sad but safe.

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