The Memories You Forgot

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Damon's POV:
"Just stretch out your arms and fall. It won't hurt, see" I said leaning back and falling onto the rock ground below. "I'm scared" she shouted down.
"You will just fix, don't worry. Do it Elena!" I shouted back up at her and suddenly she fell right besides me rubbing her back and laughing. For one moment our eyes locked and I saw the girl who would gamble everything when we went on road trips. "Told you it would mend" I said laughing and she slapped my arm. "How can I do this?" She asked confused. "You can run as fast as lighting. You can hear anything. And you can out strengthen any other human. Because your a vampire" I said looking at her and seeing her reaction. "Can we have lunch now. I want you to teach me everything we have missed. And while our baby is in Caroline's hands I think it's okay" she said gesturing signals over 'our baby'

"Tell me about Bonnie. She seems nice" she said. "Bonnie's your best friend, you've been through everything together. She's a witch. She brought you back to life" I said whispering. "What about Caroline and that man who was all bloody when I came back to life" she said not knowing Klaus's name. "That's Caroline and Klaus. Caroline's your other best friend, she controlling, annoying but she cares for you a lot. She's a vampire like you. Klaus is a hybrid, but he's a special vampire called an original. That means he was one of the first ever vampires, he's stronger and faster than almost anyone. He can compel other vampires but we can't. Them two are a bit confusing, they say there not together but there always with one another" I said looking at her confused face. "What about you? You claim to be my boyfriend, but I don't know a thing about you" she laughed. "I'm Damon Salvatore, I used to be a monster. I would kill for fun and betray my own brother. But then I met you and you showed me that we can eat out of blood bags and be strong and happy" I said smiling and she smiled back. "Brother?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "This is complicated. Stefan Salvatore. He's a....ripper let's say. He s out of control and no one is able to get him back, but you. You loved him once. He loved you. But then he traded you in for inhumanity life. And then you met me and fell in love with me. Now we are here. And all the memories and regret is gone." I said burrowing my head. "Show me Stefan. I need to see Stefan"

We drove for hours to a place a far away where Stefan had been staying. Now and then I would go there. But we had brought backup. By backup I mean a baby and a witch, but it's as good as backup as we need. Elena knocked on the door, not realising what she was going to be in form we looked at each other and gains grew over our faces as a Stefan opened the door and the smell of rotten blood hit us. "What have we here" he said smirking.
"I don't remember you" she said siting on the old coach. "Good, I don't want you to remember me" Stefan said walking around his small apartment. "This is a great home, Stefan" I said sarcastically. "Well I was bored of the clean rooms and the constant waking up at nights by a banging and moaning" he laughed. "Damon, what does he mean?" Elena asked clueless, "he means nothing darling" I said shooting a look at Stefan. "Why did you come here?" He asked sitting down opposite me. "Wanted to check up with my baby bro" I said watching as Elena trawled the room looking at everything in her pathway. She picked up a picture and stared at it intently. As I walked to her side I saw a picture of me and Stefan standing together, arms round each other from 1864. "You too seem happy. What changed?" She asked taking the picture to her seat next to me. "You changed it" Stefan said bluntly. "What?" She asked looking like her heart just sank. "Your the reason we are not close, well you and your evil doppelgänger. You ruined me and my brothers friendship by ripping us apart. You had to chose and you chose one of us meaning the other hated the one who got it all. And that's why I'm here right now Elena" he said not even trying to cut corners. "Stefan, you know that's not true" I said touching Elena's hand. "I remember" Elena said standing up. "I remember bumping into Stefan outside the boys toilets. Then Again in the graveyard. I remember Damon opening the door to the boarding house and me feeling sick with guilt at liking him straight away. I remember pretending to be okay when I kissed Stefan but wishing it was Damon. I remember us. And I remember having our baby. I remember it all" she said smiling at me and repeating the last words. I hugged her tight like I never wanted to let go. "Well that hurt. And baby. You had a baby" Stefan said standing and we smiled sweetly. But suddenly two arms wrapped round Elena's neck and griped as they strangled her. It was all a rush as Elena bit into Stefan's arm to free herself

She sat still, sad at what she had done. He was in pain but it wasn't usual pain. "Stefan what's the matter? It was just a bite" she said standing up. But as the boy pulled up his sleeve there was small hole red, and disgusting. Like something was eating him. "What's that?" I asked edging backwards. "I've never seen it before. I started when E-" but Elena cut him off. "Oh my god. My bite done that" she said shivering in my arms. "It can't of, it was just a usual bite" I said looking at her."unless. Bonnie done that spell that I told her not to do." I said looking at Stefan. "No, she wouldn't of" Elena said looking scared and worried. "There's no other explanation." I said standing apart . She straightened herself up and looked at me, "I'm a hybrid"

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