Chapter 4

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"What do you mean, you can't control it?!"
"I'm trying okay?! You smelled her, Mar!"
"And I also manage to keep my mind in the Gutter, Em! If Mom and Dad find out about this then you'll never get anywhere Near humans for at least three Years! Stop that right now Em!"
"I'm trying okay?! It's just-Ugh! Help me Mar!", I groan as I let myself fall on her Bed, successfully plopping down next to her.
"Help you with what, Em?"
"I-I can't help it. I've never experienced something like this, Mar. She's so intense. Her Smell and the Sound of her Blood pumping through her Veins, it's killing me! Her Voice! She's just so-I can't even explain it! It's so hard for me to keep my Fangs back, by just smelling her! I don't know what's going on!", I explain frustrated. I told Mara about the Imagination of tasting Regina's Blood. Of the Hardness to keep Control over myself when it came to her. It's so damn hard and I don't know what to do, so I asked her. She's my older Sister so she's gotta have some experience, right? After all she's eight Years older than me, that's the closest I've got. I know I can never tell my Parents, or I'd end up like Dawn.

"Alright....stay as close as possible to her-Of course without showing your Fangs or Eyes. I know it may sound weird, but you need to get used to her Scent. The closer, and the more often you are with her, the more you'll get used to her Scent. Don't stay away, you'll become addicted, believe me. You have to get used to her, it's like when Mom or Dad get a new Spray for the House, The more often we smell it the lesser we Mind it. I'll help you, okay? You don't have to go through this alone, Em. But don't tell Mom, Dad or Dawn.", She explains And hugs me tight. Has she ever been through something like that? I remember a Time when she had to stay in the House as well, but she had never done anything Bad, so I had never understood why she had to stay in-I still don't do. Was there some Similar Situation? Is that why she knew exactly what to do when I told her about Regina? "Thanks Mar"

• • • • • • • • • •

I did pretty much everything Mara told me to, I stayed close to Regina and even hugged her! God I never really hug anyone. I mean, after that I had to flee to the Bathroom because my Fangs were out, my Eyes turned red once again and I was literally scared that I'd crush her with my Strength, but it'd be able to get used to Her Scent-even if it feels impossible. Regina however, seemed to like the Attention I payed to her so far. She cuddled me all the Time she could, seemly glad that I wasn't pushing her off me. So that was how it is now, it's Lunch and Regina is calmly snuggled to my Side while I try my best to keep Control over myself-and not to crush her as well. It's working a little, but I know I won't last long-the Girl is too tempting. Luckily, Mara already comes to (hopefully) draw my Attention to something else than The snuggly Brunette.

"What about a Sleepover, Guys? My Place.", She suggests. Wait what?! That is her great Plan?! Now I'm also able to fight myself at Home?! And What about our Parents? Or Dawn? Won't they notice my Struggle? "Yes! Sounds Fun! But before Fun-can anyone explain this to me?", Regina Replies And takes out some Maths stuff-trigonometry-great! "You know what? Emma is great at Maths! I also gotta go, I just wanted to ask ya if you're in, So at Seven at my Place?", Mara asks and when Tiny nods, she runs off.

"Okay at which one do you need Help?", I ask while my Eyes roam over the Sheet. "Number 5:
Solve the trigonometric equation given by
(2sin(x) - 1)(tan(x) - 1) = 0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 2 pi.", She reads out loud. "Okay so, where is the Problem? Don't you understand that Topic at all or is this Example just confusing you?", I ask and she seems to study my Eyes for a Moment-which confuses me-they aren't red because my Fangs are in. I have control right now, so what is so interesting about my Eyes? "Uh-Just This...I've tried it so often but I end up even more confused  than at the start.", She explains chuckling-well dang that was adorable! Like-fuck Kittens Or Puppies-this-Regina Tiny Mills-Is the cutest Person on this earth. "Okay come here so you can see.", I instruct as I pull her on my Lap, which turns out pretty dumb given I can smell her seductive Scent now even more. "Okay let's see.....first of all The given equation is already factored.", I explain and take a Sheet Of Paper before writing some things down and typing some stuff in the Calculator.
(2sin(x) - 1)(tan(x) - 1) = 0
"which means"
2sin(x) - 1 = 0 or tan(x) - 1 = 0
sin(x) = 1/2 or tan(x) = 1 equivalent equations to the above
"So the solutions are", She starts and writes them down on the Sheet. I can't help the smile on my lips to see her Tongue sticking out in concentration.
x = pi/6, 5pi/6, x = pi/4 and x = 5pi/4
"Yeah.", I reply chuckling and she squeals and hugs me tight before I feel her Lips against my Cheek. "Thanks!"

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