Chapter 26

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I've been trying to talk to Regina all day already, but she won't pick up the Phone and she also isn't at School or at Home. She usually never skips school, especially not when there's a Test as well, which is today-Biology. She knows she could pass the Test with an A-everybody knows it. She's awesome in Biology-okay actually she is in everything and every Subject. I left school already as well to look for her, but she's also not at Home. I've texted her, Called her, looked for her, but I couldn't reach her anyhow. It was as if she was simply Gone! Currently I'm in front of my House. 'Maybe she'd come to my place?', I thought, but she also isn't here. "Come on-think Swan!", I tell myself. Where on earth is she? I looked basically everywhere! At School, Her House, My House, At the Boxing Club, at the Mall, at the Park we always visit, but she's nowhere near those places. Suddenly there comes an Idea-One Last Place That She night be. I'm honestly not too sure about it, but I always go there to calm down, maybe she also does now. It's worth a try.

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I finally allow my Breathing to normalize again once I see the petite Brunette sitting at the Edge of the Stone, Bare Feet hanging down and nearly touching the Water. I always use this 'Safe Place' so calm down, I'm glad it seems to give her Comfort as well. Or at least a little. I walk over to her and sit down at the Stone next to her. "Tiny?", I ask gently, but she doesn't react and just continues looking straight forward. "Tiny?", I ask again and touch her Arm, it seems to pull her out of her gaze and she jumps slightly, yelping and flinching Away from me before our Eyes meet and she hugs me tightly. "Emma!", She exclaims, even thought it sounds more like a sob breaking finally free. "Shht, what's wrong, Tiny One?", I ask and she holds me tighter. "I-He ha-has to-", She cries, a sob cutting her Sentence off. "Keith?", I ask gently and she nods against my Neck. "Keith has to what, Babydoll?", I ask and she cries again. "D-Die.", She stutters and crawls onto my Lap. I get ya off the Stone and safely down to the Ground, using my Strength and Speed so she wouldn't mind it much. "Why Baby? Has he hurt you again? What did he do?", I ask, trying to sound calm and soft so she would eventually calm down as well. There was time to Kill the Bastard that hurt my Girlfriend later. "H-He si-sixteen.", She stutters crying. I can feel that her Tears have wet my whole neck and my Shirt already, but I couldn't care less. I also feel my Lust for to taste her rising, given I can smell the Scent Of her Blood even stronger now-She must've cut herself with anything. Yet, I can control myself yet. Control is Power. "What do you mean Tiny? I can't understand you? Did something happen when you were sixteen?", I ask and she shakes frantically before nodding against my Neck. 'Okay calm down Swan', I tell myself. If I loose my Temper I'm not only getting the Asshole in Danger, but also Regina.

"Did Keith Do something to you when you were sixteen?", I ask and she nods crying. "Baby do you want to tell me what happened?", I ask and she keeps on crying, but nods. "I-I came Home from a Friends Place a-and my Mom was out a-and Killian was at a Friends place. He-He came to me a-and told me that I was pretty a-and if I wanted to play a Game with him. I Said no bu-but he wouldn't go Emma! He came closer a-and kissed me. I told him I'd tell my Mom a-and he slapped me. He opened his Jeans and took the Belt and hit me with it. It hurt Emma! So much! He-He said that I was either helping him to calm down from a-a stressful day o-or he would hurt me. I-I Thought he just wanted a blowjob but it wasn't enough! He-He hurt so bad Emma! T-There was blood and it was as if I couldn't move. He-He left me laying on my Bed I-In the Blood, Sweat and Cum! I-It was so cold Emma a-and his Hands were everywhere.", She explains, sobbing. I feel Tears prickle in my Own eyes, but I fight them back. I had to be strong for her. "I'm so sorry, Baby.", I say and hold her tight to me. This must have been today a Year ago, given her State today. "I-I want him to Die Emma! He-He has to feel the Pain as well! He-He's Just continuing his Life without Consequences!", She demands crying. I'd kill him-gladly. Really-for Regina's sake. But he's too involved with People, Mostly-Reginas Mother. How could we explain if he suddenly was gone? How could we explain that a Police Officer suddenly disappeared?

"Did you tell anybody?", I ask after some time, gently stroking circles on her Back. "Just you...", She answers. She's not crying anymore, just sniffling. "Better?", I ask and she nods softly, burying her Face in my Chest and resting her Head on my Boobs. "He's going to get his Punishment, okay Baby?", I ask and she nods softly. "Promise?", She Asks And sniffles again. "Promise.", I reassure and kiss the Top Of Her Head. "Can't you just like, I don't know, hurt him? You could dress up as a thief or something like that and break into our House and beat him up-I've seen you beat up that other Guy the other day. It would hurt him.", Regina Asks, her big brown Eyes staring up at me. "Baby It won't make you feel better if I beat him up, but we can try reporting it okay? Or tell your Mom.", I reply and she shakes her Head. "He works there, it wouldn't do anything to report it-he will just get mad. A-And my Mother would take his Side, She always does. And it might make me feel better? To see him in just as much Pain as I'm in. Emma it-it still hurts..Here..", Regina Explains in that soft voice and Points at the Place where her Heart is. "And here.", She says and points to her Head. "I know Baby, but we will work on this, okay? Together.", I say and kiss her softly, taking her Hand in mine and holding it over my Own Heart.

Love, Lust, You//SwanQueen Where stories live. Discover now