Chapter 27

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Given it's already around midday anyway, I got her to my Home, not bothering with School. She's in no State to go and be in School now anyway. On the Way back To my House, she fell asleep in my Arms, Given I carried her. All that crying clearly tired her out, she's actually been sleeping since two hours already. "Hey, you weren't in School today.", Mara exclaims as she enters my Room. Right the Person I wanted to speak with. "Clearly you are neither.", I reply and push her out of my Room before stepping out of it as well and closing the Door behind me. "Why do I feel like I'm in Trouble?", She Asks chuckling. Oh look how ironical my dear Sister is. "Did you tell Regina that you'd turn her?", I ask, trying to keep my Voice low so I don't accidentally wake Regina-even Thought I think the Girl could sleep through an apocalypse right now. Mara gulps and goes to speak, but I cut her off. "No! Are you out of your Mind Mar'?! Regina doesn't even know in what Situation that would get her! She's not thinking clearly! She can't be turned, it would be way too much Pain! Hell she even asked me if I turned her if she'd die.", I ask, frustrated. "First of all, Daddy, Im pretty damn sure that she knows in what situation she'd put herself. I bet you already held her ten lectures and five Power Points about it. But all I'm saying is...maybe it's the Right thing? You should've seen her Em, she looked so desperate and Sad, like a kicked puppy. Wouldn't it be her Decision if she wanted it or not?", She Asks. Oh great so Regina used her damn puppy eyes on Mara-that's at least a little bit understanding then. "No it's not! She's a Human and has no idea what Pain she'd go through!", I reply. Why does Regina want to be turned so badly?! We're Monsters! "Then Show her! Damn just give her a little Taste if the Girl wants it so badly. After that she should be able to judge if she wants it or not herself.", Mara suggests. Is she actually out of her Mind?! "What If I cant stop?", I ask. "I'll be there, okay?" "Thank you."

• • • • • • • • • •

"Are you feeling Better?", I ask when I see Regina waking up next to me. "..Yes..I'm just.. it's weird..I'm just so..revengeful when it's about Keith..", She says and kissed my Chin softly. A Move that kind of was 'our' Move. I always use to kiss her Nose, she always uses to kiss my Chin. It's pretty damn adorable, even I have to admit that. "Well he hurt you pretty bad, it's understandable that you want him to suffer just as much.", I reply and hold her close to me. Just Then she seems to notice Mara in the Room. "Hey...Emma and me talked about your Wish to get turned, Do you still want to?", She Asks, Softly, and sits down in the Bed next to us. "Yes! Yes of course! Emma didn't kill you for it, did you?", She Asks, turning to me at the End. "No I did not, but we've decided that if you wanted to, we might be able to give you a Taste Of it.", I explain and she furrows her Eyebrows. "Like tja free Month at Netflix?", She Asks And I mentally facepalm myself but also can't help but smile. "No Baby. I've told you there would be Pain, and you were stubborn enough to tell me you still wanted It. So...Mara Thought...", I trail off. I really don't want to do this-I know it will hurt her. "I thought Maybe If she drank from you, not much, maybe half a Minute or a Minute, then you would get a Taste Of it and then you could overthink your Decision about it.", Mara finishes for Me. "Okay!", Regina agrees enthusiastically. God little does she know. "We thought somewhere you can easily cover it, so Maybe your Thigh or your Wrist. Even thought Wrist isn't that easy to cover.", I answer and she nods and slowly takes off her light blue Jeans, revealing her Long tanned Legs. "Okay, If you really want me to Stop, you say a Safeword okay?", I ask and she nods. "Henry?", She Asks And I nod again. She once Mentioned that it was her Fathers Name-her actual Fathers Name.

"Okay are you really, really, really ready?", I ask, Taking hold of her Waist and pulling her closer before my Face Rests hovering over her Thigh. She nods and just as I open my Mouth, she interrupts again. "Wait!", Thank God. Please tell me she wants to stop and never think about it again. "Will it hurt badly?", She Asks And Mara Nods, knowing lying is useless. "Come here, you can hold my Hand.", She offers and Regina immediately grabs her Hand and takes it in her Smaller one. They both nod to me and I can feel my Fangs Coming out, Just as my Eye Color Changing Just at the Imagination Of Regina's Blood on my Tongue. Alright...let's do this. I tighten my Grip around her Leg and dig in, My Fangs pushing into the Soft flesh. I can hear Regina's Yelp, but she's not saying her Safeword. I begin to actually drink from her, she whimpers and yelps, but doesn't say anything more. Her Taste is-it's indescribable! It's fresh and somehow fruity. It's the best I've ever Tasted. I drank from Humans in the past already, but she-she's so different and it's like she'd be a drug for me, an addict. It's like I can't nor want to stop. It tastes so Good. I can hear muffled Screams, but it's as if I was high, I close my Eyes, taking in her Taste further. The Blood is running down her Leg already and I lick it off before pushing my Fangs back into her, hearing another muffled Scream. Soon enough, I get ripped out of my own little World thought, by Mara pushing me off Regina and off the Bed.

Once I get up, it's Normal again. No more Muffled sounds, I can hear Reginas whimpers clearly and immediately get up again. My Eyes grow wide seeing three Bite marks of mine, even thought I just noticed doing two-which was also way too much already! Tears are running down her Cheeks. It's all hang Fault! I couldn't hear her, it's was all just-blurry some minutes ago. Did she say her Safeword? Did she beg me to stop hurting her? Is she afraid of me now? All Questions running through my Mind. "Emma!", She yelps, stretching her Arms out for me to take in her Mine. "I'm so sorry Baby.", I exclaim and take the crying Girl in my Arms while Mara is washing the Blood off her Leg before putting a bandage on it. Honestly, I've never had more respect for my Sister. She's literally in front of something a Part of her deeply desires, but she remains controlled and Helps Regina instead. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to do so-as we just saw, I'm not. I've hurt her more than necessary by pushing my dagger-like-Fangs in over and over again.

• • • • • • • • • •

One hour passed and I still need Mara to Babysit me so I won't hurt my own Girlfriend. "I-I want to.", Regina says, quietly, but I can still hear her. Currently were in Mara's Bed, all the Three Of is, given my sheets are covered in Blood. "What?", I ask, not understanding what she Means by it. She hasn't spoken a word since now. "I-I want to be turned, but ca-can we do something like this again? So I-I'll get a feeling for it?", She Asks, softly clinging to me. To be Honest to say I'm glad that she still loves me is an understatement. I've probably hurt her more than anybody has before, but she isn't mad. "If this is what you really want..then okay...but not yet, okay, Tiny?", I ask and she nods her Head before yawning and cuddling closer to me. Suddenly the door opens, revealing Dawn, eyes deep Red and a little bit of blood on her Chin, probably the one from my Sheets, as I can tell by the Smell of it. It's not anyone's-it's Regina's-and I'm sure she wants more.

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