Chapter 17

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AN//So sorry that i can't update daily now that im on vacation, I'll try to update as much as possible while still enjoying vacation. Got ya a little thread of an extra chapter uploaded today Thought!

I wake up and immediately feel someone snuggled up against me. When I look down, I see Regina sleeping peacefully besides me, our Legs are intertwined, on Arm of hers laying loosely over my Waist while the other one is seemly under my Stomach-when did that happen? Her Face is snuggled between my Boobs. "Go back to sleep.", Regina Mutters tiredly and I smile feeling her Breath against me and her Nose rub against my right Breast. "Mmm no more sleeping, you Tiny Perv. Breakfast.", I Reply and give her Ass a light slap. "Come on, up!", I repeat chuckling but she seems to bury herself even deeper between my Breasts. "Come on, Tiny Perv. It's nine o'clock already anyway.", I comment chuckling as I Tear her off my Boobs. "I'm not a perv!", She pouts and pulls herself closer to me again, once again I feel her Head on my Breast. "Says the Girl with the Head between my Breasts." "Says the Girl with her Hand on my Ass.", She counters giggling. I didn't even realize until now that my Hand was on her Ass. I give it a short Squeeze before Slapping it and moving to get up. "Nooo! You're so warm! Stay!", She pouts and hold onto me tighter. I sigh and scoop her up in my Arms, causing her to squeal, before I make my way to the Living Room/Kitchen of the Cabin.

"Emma! You're gonna drop me! I'm way too heavy! Emmaaaaaa!", She pouts and holds onto me even tighter, which causes me to chuckle. "First of all, You're as petite as a Little mouse and secondary, I have unusual Strength so even IF you were heavy, I could still lift you easily.", I explain chuckling before I kiss her Nose. "That's pretty damn hot..", She murmurs under her Breath, but given I'm a Vampire I can still hear it loud and clear. "Why Thank You.", I Reply smirking and she blushes. "Alright soooo, Eggs And Bacon, Pancakes, grilled cheese, Toast with Honey Or an Omelette?", I offer and her Eyes widen a little. I shift her a little so I'm holding her with my Right Arm Against my Side, while my Other one opens the Fridge. "You can cook? Can you literally get anyhow more perfect?!", She Asks And kisses my Cheek again. "And for Breakfast-Pancakes?", She Request and I nod and kiss the Side Of Her Face before setting her down and getting the ingredients out of the fridge. "The Remote Control for the TV is at the Sofa, if you want to watch TV or something.", I offer and mixed some eggs and milk In a separate bowl. "I think I'm going to watch you. Cooking strong Vampires are pretty hot, you know.", She comments and hops up at the Counter. I then add the Egg and Milk Mix a flour mix, stirring it until it's just smooth. Then I stir it in butter. "Hmmm are they? I think naive and innocent little Girls also are.", I murmur smirking and she giggles. "What tells you that I'm innocent and naive?", She Asks chuckling. "Well you're pretty naive for having a Relationship with me, and also for following my into this Cabin yesterday. In the Middle Of The Woods, with no Chance of escaping. I'd call this naive. The kind of naive that's pretty cute thought. And I can tell you're innocent given your Heartbeat right now.", I Answer chuckling and smirking, but I keep my Voice soft and playing so she wouldn't get afraid. I wouldn't ever want her to be afraid of me, but she also made pretty clear that she isn't afraid-in Fact she called me cuddly. Cuddly! Emma Swan! Vampire and (previous) Killer-cuddly! The Girl can be glad that she's so adorable.

"Don't you have know..get food?", She Asks blushing as she shoves the next pancake filled fork into her Mouth. "I'm good, Babygirl. Don't worry.", I reply chuckling and take her Hand in Mine. "Are you really not uncomfortable? About me being like this?", I ask. "You're the same Emma That I fell in love with, just now I Know one more thing about you, but it doesn't change my Feelings. You're the Person that gives me hugs when I need them, that got through Two Hours Of The Notebook with me, even thought we both know you don't think very high of those kind of movies, and you're the one that kisses me Good morning and Goodnight. I love you Emma. You could be Frankenstein and I would still find you amazing.", She explains Giggling and moves onto my Lap. "But I bet I wouldn't be as sexy as Frankenstein.", I mutter smirking and The Brunette chuckles and agrees. She brings the fork up to my Mouth and I allow myself to taste the Pancakes I made-I knew I could cook, but they actually tasted Really good! "So...what to do for today?", She Asks chuckling.

"I've been planning on leading you to a Nice Place, maybe have a nice Picknick there and go swimming. It's pretty warm today after all.", I explain and kiss her softly. I just can't get enough of her. Her Lips, her Voice, her Smell, her Laughs, giggles or Chuckles, her Body. It's as if she was created of clay by an Artist, I often have to remind myself that she actually is a Human. "You know you can't seduce me more than you already have, right Romantic Guru?", She Asks Giggling and takes another bite of her Pancake. "Mmm I love you.", I Reply grinning. I love saying those words to her. Three little words but yet so meaningful. "I love you too, Em."

Love, Lust, You//SwanQueen Where stories live. Discover now