Chapter 25

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AN// tomorrow school will start and idk how often I can update, so I updated ALL parts of this Fanfic today. Please leave a feedback at the end. I might publish a new one today or tomorrow though

It's been a Month, honestly I don't think things could be better. Regina is doing great, I'm doing great. She's told me that Keith is still an Asshole sometimes, but he doesn't disrespect or pushes her or her Brother anymore. Yet, I can still see the Anger she holds towards the Man. I can't blame her-just because I've threatened him and he stopped, it doesn't mean that everything else it forgotten. But...well I'm not sure, it's just-It seems like she hates him so much, like he's done something unforgettable and unforgivable that she would in fact never forget. I'm honestly a little concerned of it, Her Brother seems exactly the same. I mean, I know Regina won't like-do anything-but I'm afraid that Man has done way more than what she's told me.

Currently we're at my House once again, playing Poker with my Sisters and some Friends. There's Ruby and Lily, Robin, August, Reginas Brother Killian, And Belle. To be honest, I only knew Ruby, Lily and Killian, the others are mostly friends of Mara. My Parents are hardly at Home, but they've never been, so, it's okay I guess. Regina's never played Poker before, so she's in a Team with me. "Okay so, during the Game you have to look at Mara's Face expression. Especially when they uncover new Cards, okay? If she's got something good, there is that little sparkle in her Eyes and her Lips go up to smirk for a second before her Face goes straight again and she looks around for anyone that might or might now have seen her.", I whisper into Regina's Ear and she nods and giggles. I show her our Cards before turning them again so nobody could see. "Okay so, they're both Hearts, so we might have the Chance to get a straight Flush, it's pretty possible with these cards.", I explain and look down at them again.

Queen and King, both Heart

"We might as well get a Straight one (AN//Do you say it like this? Lol). Let's just watch the others now, okay? With Dawn for example it's pretty easy. Either she has something bombing, or she doesn't play the Round. She mostly decides after the first cards are revealed.", I explain and she nods and looks around while the Cards get revealed.

Heart Jack, Heart Ten, Spade Seven

I gently nudge Regina's side when she giggles, obviously seeing Mara's Reaction to the Cards. God my dear obvious sister. "Should we enter the next Round as well?", I ask and she puts her Finger to her Chin, thinking. Dawn, Lily, August and Belle are out, leaving Me, Mara, Robin and Killian left to play-or not play-the next Round. She nods her Head and I smile. "120", I say and there's mumbling from the People sitting at the Table. "I'm out.", From Robin, soon followed by Killian pushing his Cards away as well. Mara and Lily are still in, the next Cards are revealed and by their Looks, I'm pretty sure they didn't hit a single thing.

The Ace, Heart.

I look at Regina and she nods giggling. Boy we've got to work on that Pokerface. "120", I say, again. This Time they both jump off and Regina giggles again. Damn she's so damn cute. Actually me and my Sisters-or with some Friends as well, mostly play 'other' sorts of poker, but to be honest-I'd get way too possessive or jealous if Regina was just taking off her damn shoes for anyone but me. "I'm gonna go get something to eat.", Regina says with a light chuckle. "Oh damn yes!", Ruby yells, making us laugh. Was this Girl actually constantly hungry? A few minutes after, Regina comes back with some bowls of Popcorn, Water, and a Banana and an Apple for herself. "Okay so, another Round or something else?", Mara Asks with a Mouth full of Popcorn. "Do you have something else? I've heard you got a gaming room.", Lily Asks with a Small Smirk. "Yeah. There's Darts, Billiard, Airhockey Wave, And some slots. Well and TV of course.", Dawn explains chuckling. "Definitely Billiard!", Robin says and we all agree. Why do guys want to do Billiard so often?

"Okay Team ups. Which Teams?", Killian Asks, even Thought He's already stepping to Robin.
"Me and Lily.", from Ruby.
"It's Lily and Me, not me and Lily.", From me
"Sorry Grammar Queen."
"Dawn and Me!", from Mara.
"Regina and me.", From me.
"Belle and Me.", From August.
"Killian and Me.", From Robin.
"Alright so, I'd say let's play Team One, Ruby and Lily, And Team two, Mara and Dawn, first. Then Team three and four and about Team five we can just choose anyone to go against.", Belle suggests. The Girl's not as stupid as I thought, I guess. Alright so Regina and Me will be going against Belle and August-Shouldn't be so hard. I look to my Side but Regina isn't there, instead she's across the Room, talking with Mara. The weirdest thing is, I can't even hear them because they're wide enough away and the Voices Of The others cover theirs. I want to go there but I feel my Arm being Grabbed by Dawn asking me if I can get some More Drinks. What on earth?! What would Regina and Mara have to talk about? Or to be more specific-what would they have to talk about that I seemly weren't allowed to hear?!

• • • • • • • • • •

"So, what were you and Mara whispering about earlier?", I ask, half jokingly, as I got her Home again. I'm there pretty often now. Her Mother is Nice-Keith is, well, Keith. Killian is cool, we sometimes hang out together even. "Y-You Heard us?", She Asks, shocked. "Well I saw you, so I'm wondering what you two had to whisper about.", I ask, I keep my Voice half jokingly so she won't think I'm Mad. "Promise me you will stay and let me explain?", She Asks. Okay now I'm pretty nervous. "Yes. You can tell me anything Regina.", I reply and Place my Hand on her Cheek. "I-I asked Mara IF she could turn me whe-", "No! Absolutely Not Regina!", I cut her off. Where do those stupid ideas come from?! I've warned her! I would NEVER put her in that Situation! She's a Human so the Pain will be so much, and I can't risk her to die and never come back! She doesn't even know what she's talking about! "You promised you'd hear me out and let me explain..", She says in a small Voice. "Alright fine. Explain.", I reply. Whatever she thinks being a Vampire is like, dying isn't worth it. "I-I thought about the Future...I want you in it, but...You will stay young and beautiful and will always go to Highschool, while I will grow old and die eventually. I-I want to spend the Rest Of my Life with you-as someone like you! You could help me! Please..", She explains with teary puppy Eyes. "Tiny...You don't understand Love, you see all those 'great' things like not aging or healing wounds or so, but you don't understand in what situation you want to put yourself in. Pain-so much Pain that it will kill you. Having to drink Blood, at the Start not just from Animals. Having to move if anybody would ever find out. Everything is getting more intense.", I reply and gently caress her Cheeks with my Thumbs. "But Emma! I'd do it! Please-Mara could-", "Mara will do nothing! Regina you won't be turned. End of the Discussion.", I interrupt her. "What if I died?", She Asks, which caught me off guard. "If I died...would you turn me..?", She Asks. "I don't want you thinking about this.", I reply, harsh. I don't want her to get any more stupid Ideas. And I sure as hell am going to have a talk with my dear old Sister.

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