Chapter 32

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"Ready?", I ask and Regina nods softly. We open the Door to her House and quickly get in. Regina, just as myself, know that this will probably be the last time for some Longer time to be here. I know the Change from Human to Animal Blood is hard, it doesn't seem to be yet, but it will be. And she also has to learn how to control herself. Of course, bringing her to Humans isn't the wisest decision, but we need our Plan to succeed. Plus it's her Family, she'll do everything to keep them safe. "Regina! God finally you're at home! I was so worried!", Her Mother Said immediately once we got inside. "Miss Mills...we, we have to talk to you about something..someone.", I start and in matter of seconds I can feel Regina pressing against me. I stroke her Arm, trying to calm her nerves a little. "Is it about Keith? Have you seen him Girls? He just won't pick up the Phone and I can't find him. Anyone knows where he is?", She Asks And I can hear a Wimper of Regina at the Man's Name. It's silent so her Mother wouldn't hear, but given my Vampire Hearing, I can. Yes, actually the Man is in a Grave right now, where he belongs to. "Ma'am...Your Boyfriend Keith Left the Country. When...When Regina was sixteen he raped her, it happened again and this time we wouldn't sit still. We threatened to go to the Police and report it, but then we saw his Car take off and Leave.", I explain and hold the Brunette tightly. "No-No this cant be! Regina..?", She Asks. "I-I'm Sorry just hurt so much I didn't want to stand it again..", She confirms, lip quivering and Eyes tearing up. She still has the Control over them-which is good. I wonder if that's the Reason she killed him. Of course her Emotions suddenly got more intense and she was hungry and Angry, but I can't help but wonder if she was also afraid it might happen again if she wouldn't stop it. "I-I-I'm so so-sorry Regina.", She says, hugging the Petite Brunette tight and holding her. Nobody can relax a child better than a Mother. "He's..He's gone now Mami, He can't hurt me anymore.", She Replies And clings Back onto me. She's careful with her new found Strength this time. It's going to take some time to get used to it Thought. "Are you leaving again?", Cora Asks, frown on her Face. "I just want to be in a little distance now Mami...I'm sorry..please understand.", She answers and her Mother Just nods, sure hurt but trying to understand her Daughters' Decision. I nod to her once again before we get home again. Exactly-home. I want Regina to move in with me, it's also going to be much easier this way.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Are you Alright?", I ask, noticing Regina's ether pale Face. "I-I'm Hungry Em.", She answers. As soon as we got back in my Room, her Eye color got back to Red. It sure is hard for her to control it, but she's doing a great Job, and with time, it won't need to be controlled all the time anymore. "Okay Wait a Minute, can you stand it a little bit longer?", I ask and she nods with Teary Eyes. "Why am I so hungry Emma..? I-I got so much already.", She Asks, confused but also terrified. I would be lying if I said I didn't see this coming. She doesn't seem to regret the Change to a Vampire yet, but she sure as hell doesn't seem happy as well. Why on earth did I let this happen to her? "You're a New Vampire, as you already felt, your Feelings and Senses are getting more intense. You're hungry most of the Time. You've had Keith, which kept you full for some Hours, but given you're all new to this and technically STILL in the transformation phase, your Body needs as much Blood as possible. It's like a Newborn wanting milk, it's natural. At a Point your Body will crave Human Blood, but you will have to come around and stick by Animal Ones. That Phase can come at any time, Dawn had it pretty soon, I had it pretty late. When it's late, then it's not as intense, given you're used to Animal blood already.", I explain and she nods along, sucking up all the information. "I don't wanna Kill for Food..", She admits and I sigh. "I know baby but you'll have to, or you'd die. It's natural, like a Cat hunting a Mouse. It's just like that, they all die eventually. But we also help them to get more, by Hunting no Babies or young animals. Mostly the Adult ones, some even take the older ones.", I assure her and she nods, not 100 percent sure, but not that nervous anymore. "What would we get?", She Asks And looks out of my Window, having a clear view of the Forest. "Much actually. From Mice and Squirrels, Hamsters and Rabbits, to Deers, Foxes and Cows even. Technically also Dogs and Cats, but no one drinks from them mostly, we pretty much love them and also pet them. Depends on where we Live, there are also Wolves, Coyotes technically, even though they're tough, lynxes, Chicken, Reindeers or Weasels. Today we can start easy, for example with a Weasel or a Deer, maybe a Rabbit or a Squirrel.", I Explain and her Eyes widen. "Ca-Can we try a Weasel?", She Asks desperately. "Sure, The Forest is pretty full of them.", I say and grab my Red Leather Jacket. I take my other one, a Black one, and put it over her Shoulders. "It can get a little cold sometimes. As a Vampire you might not feel it that much, but we want to make sure.", I Reason and she nods again. "Thank you....not just for helping me, but also for letting your Sister turn me...I know it wasn't easy for you.", She says and I kiss her Nose. "It's okay, Tiny. If it's what you really want, then I'm never going to stop you.", I promise and she kisses my Chin again.

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"Shht stay still!", I remind, pushing Regina back behind the Tree. "Okay you're fast and can hear, smell and look into much distance. It will help. You have to concentrate on your Aria and your Victim. Be careful not to run too fast, but don't leave the Animal out of your Sight.", I explain and she nods. I can tell she's hungry-very hungry. "Got it!", She says, immediately running to the Deer. We actually planned on getting a Weasel, but somehow a Deer sounds more appetizing to her right now. Within seconds, I hear a shriek of the Animal. It's down at the Floor quickly and Regina starts to drink the Blood, but stops herself. "Its Not as good as the other one.", She exclaims pouting. "Well it's Animal Blood, that is not as good as Human ones, but you have to get over it and take what you can, drink.", I order, rather harsh actually, but it seems to work, given she's back at drinking the Deer's Blood. She doesn't seem happy about it, but stops complaining. Let's hope it stays like that.

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