Chapter 30

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It's been another Week and this Day shall be it. The day I'm going to turn her-or well, Mara will, actually. I'm too nervous and I don't want to mess up-plus she has done it before already. I don't even know how's more nervous-Regina or me. Maybe also Mara-even thought she seems pretty calm. Of course I've talked with my Parents about it and asked for their Allowance, after all I couldn't just go around and turn anyone into a Vampire. The Fact that Regina knew about us already anyway made the Conviction a lot easier thought. I've been drinking from her since several Weeks and she's not necessarily used to the Pain, but she's at least a little bit prepared. A LITTLE. That's what's scaring me-I've always drunk about a minute from her, this will take several Minutes, the whole Progress might even take hours. She actually wants to do it. I'm not sure what to think of it, but I'll be there for her, no matter what she needs or wants.

"Okay now again. Are you REALLY sure? You know we can't make it normal again and can't take it back-it will be permanently. You will die and not be Human any longer. You probably can't see your Family again after some time, given there would be no Explanation why you'd look like a 17-Years Old even thought you'd be 40. Do you understand that?", I ask once again. We're in the Woods, given it's pretty much the safest place right now. There will be much Blood, so my home is no possibility because of Dawn. Her Home also isn't. The Woods seems-Alright now. We're at the Safeplace. It's all going to be alright-right? "Yes, I understand. I'm ready Emma, I promise. I want this. Please.", She confirms with a small smile. "Okay you can hold my Hand if you want to, this is going to hurt more and longer than what we've been doing the past Weeks. It's going to be at your Neck at first, probably later also at your Wrist and maybe even at your Other Wrist. Do you understand?", I explain and she nods. "Yes.", She Replies, inhaling. "Okay Just lay down okay? Your Legs would give out after some time- if you stood I mean.", Mara says and Regina does so. This is probably-no, this is the last Time That I'll see her as a Human. I know I'm going to have to train her to drink Blood. I know she has to drink some Human blood at the first thing she drinks, so she'll be strong enough. I've already gotten her someone there. She will have to learn how to hunt her Food-ANIMALS. She will have to control all those new Feelings and Specialities. She will have to learn how to control the Fangs and the Eyes-how to control her Strength and how to keep Control around People. I might not be able to do it all on my Own, so I'm going to ask my Brother to come here for some time-but just if it gets too hard. Chris. I've mentioned him already, before. As I already mentioned one time, his Job is to train and help new Vampires to gain Control over Theirselves. He might be a great help if I'm not able to handle Regina on my own.

"Okay lets take the Jacket off, okay?", My Sister Asks And Regina nods and puts it off. Mara puts it under her Head, as a Pillow for the Brunette. "One last chance to stop it, Baby. When she's sucking, we can't stop it anymore.", I say. "I want this.", Regina confirms with a small nod before Mara tilts her Head to the Side. She nods to me and when I nod back, she straddles Regina and pushes her Fangs into her Neck, causing the Brunette to cry out loudly. She continues yelping and whimpering, Tears springing not just from her, but also my Eyes. It hurts me to see her in so much Pain, but I have to remind myself that she wants it. She really does-and she's ready, She Said so herself. Her Grip on my Hand tightens with every Second that passes. Whimpers and Sobs falling from her Lips at the painful sting in her Neck. At this Point I'm really glad that we're in the woods, in the middle of the Night, given People won't hear us. Minutes pass, her Screaming continues. "Okay come here.", Mara says and I give her the Knife, knowing she needs it at this part. She makes a Deep Cut on the inside of her Arm before bringing it to Reginas Mouth. "Okay I know this won't taste so good now, but you have to drink it, Sweetheart.", She says gently and after a few Seconds of silence, I can hear faint suckles, next to Reginas whimpers. I grip onto the Nearest Tree, smelling her Blood now so very much. It's Devine and so temping. I've drank from her in the last weeks, it's easier for me to keep control, but still very hard, especially when there's so much blood like right now. Mara's Whole Mouth and Chin is covered with it, also her Shirt is. After some seconds, she Pulls away her Arm and the wound closes. "Okay this is also going to hurt-a lot.", she warns and takes Reginas left Hand before pushing the Fangs back into her Wrist. Again, a painful scream follows and small whimpers do. "Shht, don't try to keep it in, scream Baby, you have every right.", I say, as soft as possible. She whimpers a little bit more and I can feel her Grip on me loosening. The Color drains from her Face and her lids are getting heavier. When Mara pulls away she gives me a sympathetic Look and when I nod, she takes Reginas other wrist, pushing in her Fangs and sucking the last bit of Life out of the Human. I can't help but feel like I've done something terrible. I know She wanted it, But what if she doesn't want it now anymore? What if she's scared? Angry? Terrified of me or herself? I let her go through all that Pain, I let her die. "What now?"
"We wait. It shouldn't take too long. Maximum fifteen minutes"
"What is she isn't up by that"
"Em...Let's not think about this. She will be"

• • • • • • • • • •

I hear a cough and immediately snap my head back into Regina's Direction, I'm actually surprised that it didn't actually snap of. In less than a Minute I'm with her, her Eyes are closed but there's a frown on her Face, now her Eyes are slowly opening. They're flaming Red. Her Fangs are out, sharp as Daggers. "How are you feeling?", I ask as I carefully look at her. "Weird..Hungry... and...Angry..", She says before she quickly pushes herself in my Arms, causing me to stumble back by the sudden Force. She definitely has to learn how to control her Speed and Strength-fast. "Angry because of what?", I ask. I know it's not me, Mara or the Turn, but what else can it be that she seems to angry about. "I'm hungry Emma...Really, really hungry.", She whines. It's nothing I wouldn't have expected. "Okay, I'll get you something okay? Mara can you look after her a Minute?", I ask and my Sister nods and immediately comes over to us, brushing the Hair out of Reginas Face. I quickly run back to the Place I've left the Body some hours ago, it was still pretty fresh, given I've left it in a Bathtub Of Salt. I make a cut at the Arm, letting the Blood drop into the Cup.

When I return to the Safeplace after some Minutes, Mara is at the Ground, holding her Head and pulling the Knife out of her Arm. "What happened?! I told you to watch her!", I ask and help her to get the Knife out. "I don't know! She was calm, I mean, she kept repeating something in a growl, but I couldn't hear it. She kept repeating how hungry she was and suddenly she got up and tried to leave, when I tried to hold her back, she punched me back and I fell onto the Knife. It was an accident, but we have to find her. Any idea where she might be?", She explains and my Eyes widen. Keith.

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