Chapter 10

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I wake up and feel someone on top of me, when I open my Eyes I laugh at The Clumsy Brunette shaking my shoulders so I'd get up. "Tiny?", I ask confusedly, not knowing how she's gotten into my Room-Or well, in the House in General. "Hi", She greets giggling. Before I could say anything else, she already grips the blanket and pushes it off me before she takes my Hand and drags me to my Closet. "Why so eager, Tiny One?", I ask chuckling. "We've got somewhere to be! Come ooooon!", She explains shortly and reaches in my Closet to take out some stuff, which she hands me. "I'll wait outside okay? Hurry!", She exclaims excitedly before leaving the Room. I can still smell her Scent as if she'd be standing next to me, while I hear her and Dawn talking about their Shoes Outside. Ugh they're such Girls!

"Okay seriously where are you taking me, Tiny One?", I ask and she chuckles and pulls me into the Building-I didn't read the sign but it soon turns out as a boxing Club. "What are we doing here?", I ask, but she seems to ignore my Question and keeps on walking until we're face to face with a rather Tall but round Man. "What can I help you with?", He asks eyeing me and Regina up and down. "She wants to do some boxing here.", Regina answers and holds our interviewed hand up for the Man to see. "Listen Honey, this here is professional.", He Replies chuckling. "I'm sure she's better than most of your Guys. Tell me what we have to do to get her to be able to do some boxing here.", Regina demands and folds her Hands over her Chest. To be honest, it is pretty hot and cute at the same time. Tiny Kitten here trying to help me is cute, but I know that the Man would never let me fight, or do any of my boxing here-I am a Woman after all. "Here's that. If she beats one of the Guys that's visiting this place for two Years, she can stay and train here whenever she wants. If not...", the Man looks around before his Eyes Land back on Regina. "You're going out on a Date with my Son. He's a nice 24-years old, just well, you'll see eventually.", The rather round man offers. No! Absolutely Not! I mean, I know that I'll beat that Man I'd fight against, given my Strength and the Fact that I've been boxing for over a Year myself already, but there was no way I was letting Regina get between this. "Deal!", She says before I could even say anything. The Man spits in his Hand before holding it out to Regina, who looks slightly confused and disgusted by the Gesture. Instead, I spit in my Own Hand and take his one.

"You're gonna fight!!!", Regina squeals and drags me to the nearest Bathroom by my wrist. Just seconds after, I can feel her washing my Hand, clearly still confused and disgusted by the Gesture I did some seconds ago. "Y-Yeah! But you can't put yourself as some kind of prize! How do you know that I won't maybe loose and you'll have to go out with a Pervy and sweaty Teenage boy?", I exclaim and she chuckles and kisses my Cheek. "I know that you'll win. Don't ask me how, but I just know. And you said you'd keep me safe, remember? There's nothing bad that could happen to me with you by my side!", She reasons happily and drags me back out, helping me put the Hand wraps around my Hand and the Thick Leather gloves. Then she helps me put on the 'helmet' and helps me to settle the Mouth Guard in my Mouth. I can't believe this is finally happening! My First actual fight! Of course I've gotten into other fights in the past as well (which I all won by the way), and also practiced fighting and boxing with my Dad, but still, this is an actual Boxing Club!

"Eight! Nine! Ten!", The Man yells and after a few seconds I let go of the poor man underneath me. Before the fight I had asked the Man from before to lead Regina away, when he did so, the real Fight began. I didn't want her to see me fighting like that, maybe also because I was a little bit fast. Well I'm a Vampire, Fair Play is boring to me. Which surprises me, is that the Man had kept his Promise and is now handing me the keys to the Shop, referring to his Promise that I can train whenever I want to.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you'd do it, but I wish there wouldn't be the damn coffee Accident so I could've seen it whole, the Guy looked so dead when you were done!", Regina exclaims Giggling while she licked her Ice Cream. Oh only if she knew. I might have used my Strength and Speed for it, but it still was a nice fight, given I hadn't put him in Trance. "Mmm I got him pretty hard. Maybe you should run, little Girl.", I reply smirking. "You wouldn't dream of hurting me! You're a big cuddly teddy Bear!", She denies giggling and I smile widely at the feeling of her Lips against my Cheek. I turn to look her in the Eyes and see...desire? No-impossible.

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