Chapter 5

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Im in my Room once again while listening to music. Today Regina, Two Brunettes which I don't care enough about to know their Names, Some Guy from the Football Team and Lucy, our Neighbor would be coming over for the Sleepover. I'm not too sure what to think about it, sure I start to like Regina, probably more than I should, but I also don't want to have too much Contact at once and risk loosing Control and end up hurting her.

"Emma!", Regina exclaims grinning before she runs into my Arms, clearly used to some Contact now. I press a light kiss on Top Of Her Head, immediately regretting it by the way I breathe in her Scent and by the Looks Of My Mother. "Tiny, nice too see you too.", I reply dryly before pushing her off a little. "That's My Mom, And Dawn, My Sister.", Mara introduces with a smile, as if this wouldn't be pretty much the first time after a while Dawn gets near Humans directly. That definitely isn't something I like. Of course I love my Sister, both of them, but Regina's Smell is so-ugh! So...good, and tempting, nothing Dawn should be starting with. My Mother must have gotten the divine Smell as well, given her Eyes drift to Regina and stay for a little too long before they meet mine until I nod, confirming that it is actually Regina smelling like that, and that I will take care of Dawn. "Well have fun You all, I'm needed at Work but feel free to take whatever you need, there's still some Pasta left, I put it in the Fridge, just warm it up if you want to. Or you guys get Pizza, whatever you want.", My Mom exclaims before she kisses Mara's Head and now mine, then she walks to the door, sending me and Mara one last glance before she leaves.

"Soooo What Shall we do?", Mara Asks smiling while clapping her Hands together. To others it maybe wouldn't seem obvious, but we, me and Mara, make sure not to let Dawn get too close to any of the Persons in the Room-I especially Watched out for Regina. I make sure She wouldn't stand in front of a Window, so her Scent wouldn't get even more distributed in the Room. I make sure that she's always by my side and near much other Persons, in Hope their Scent would Cover hers. It seemed to work yet, for Dawn and Mara after all-I still smell her so good, and it is hard to keep Control, but her steady heartbeat helps, reminding me what I could destroy if I would slip. "Truth or Dare!", The Football Boy yells chuckling.

"Okay Emma...Truth Or Dare.", One Of the Brunettes Asks, I think her Name is Ruby, but I'm not too sure. I just know one of them is Ruby, the other one is Lily. "Truth.", I reply and hear some 'boo's' from Mara and the Football Boy. "What turns you on the most?", She asks smirking. Well if they want to play it like that. "Cute little Brunettes that have no clue of what's about to happen.", I reply chuckling and smirking, eyeing Mara that very well as me knows Im not talking about Sex. My smirk widens when I see a blush on Regina's Cheeks. She definitely was a turn on, but I know it can't happen. I'm way too strong and her Smell is way too good as if I could get anyhow intimate with her. A single kiss would probably trigger something dark and dangerous already.

"Regina...Truth...or Dare.", The Same Brunette Asks And Regina giggles and chooses Dare. "Get another player horny, it can be anytime during the Night.", She dares and Tiny's Eyes widen a Little, clearly she was not expecting that. Well, never do the first Dare at this Game. Regina looks around, looking for the Person for this Dare. Her Eyes meet Mine and I immediately shake my Head, knowing that wouldn't end well if she would be that close to me. Her Somehow pleading Eyes meet Mara's and she chuckled and Nodded, allowing the Clumsy Brunette to crawl over to her.

While the Others were laughing at Mara's struggling Face, Mine stayed straight serious. I don't like the way Regina is grinding her Hips against my Sister, The way her Breath Hits her Neck, or the way their Fingers are intertwined, Their Hands pushing against each other's. Yet, I can't understand how Mara can stay like this, She doesn't hurt Regina, her Eyes aren't even Changing and nor her Fangs are out. My Eyes widen when I see Dawn gazing at them, her Eyes hungry and her Eye color Changing slightly. "Okay Enough. I'd say that's done great.", I exclaim and carefully pull Regina off Mara, scared to hurt her obliviously by my Strength. I'm super turned on at this point and even if my Fangs or Eyes aren't showing it, I Can feel the well known feeling of Unusual Strength and the Adrenaline rushing through my Body. I carefully pull Regina on my Lap while my Eyes stay focused on Dawn, showing Mara what I was getting at, while I silently told Dawn to stay away. Tiny didn't seem to get in what Danger she had been just seconds ago, as she casually asked a Brunette, I think this one was Lucy, what she'd choose. I eye Mara once more before my Attention is back at Regina.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Dracula? Seriously?", Mara Asks, laughing. We played some more rounds of Truth or Dare, Did some Prank-Calls and then decided to watch a Movie in the Movie-Room Of The House. "Yeah! Come on it'll be fun-and scary.", Football-Boy Replies chuckling before he walks over to me and Regina. "A little Horror Movie is fun, isn't it, Love?", He Asks chuckling, his Hand making Contact with Reginas Cheeks. I can hear her heartbeat quickening and her Grip around me Tightened a little. "Um..y-yeah..yay.", She stutters before looking up to me, once again it seems as if she would study my Eyes.

I roll my eyes once again, probably for like the seventeenth time already, as another scene of the Movie passes. Vampires are nothing like this! I feel Regina snuggle closer to me when another 'scary' scene comes up, and she screams and jumps when a Jumpscare happened. "You okay, Tiny?", I ask. I mean I already know the answer, given her racing Heartbeat and the way she's basically clasping me, but I simply wanted to make sure. "Y-Yeah...I'm just not the biggest Fan of Horror.", She replies and when another scary scene comes on, she hides Her Head in my Neck, as if the Movie would be able to come to Life. I take the chance and look through the Room, honestly, Mara seems as uninterested and unimpressed as me, Football-Boy watches the Movie with a Grin and the Two Brunettes are snuggled close to each other's, pretty much like Regina and me. Worst Vampire Movie Ever! And just look at the Hair of that Guy!

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