Chapter 15

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AN//above you can see some parts of the Cabin

After what Mara has told me Yesterday, I don't want any Secrets between me and Regina anymore. Exactly-I'm going to tell her. I want, if it ever gets that bad, her to know how to defend herself. I'm pretty scared of her Reaction actually. It's Friday morning and I've just texted her the Address I want to meet her at 7pm. I plan on having a nice date night with her, it might be my last one. Nice Food and some Romance, I know very well that she is a sucker for that. I plan on staying with her over the Weekend at a cabin that I found when we moved in here. I found it when I was hunting, it was empty and after a little bit of research, I found out that the Owner Of it had died about 6 years before. The Cabin is mine now. It's in the Woods, so even if things go wrong, Regina won't get away. The Address is at the Road next to the Woods; I'd get her into the Cabin and Lock it. If she took the news bad, she'd be forced to stay and hear me out-if she still wants to get away from me then, let's say...I'll just improvise. It is all great Planned. I know it is way too soon to tell her that I love her, and that I'm a Vampire, but I don't want to risk anything with her. I know that I love her, and if she loves me as well, then she knows already as well. I hope she will understand. She usually understands, and she's pretty naive actually, which might help here, but still. There is so much that can go wrong.

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"Are you okay, Baby? You seem kind of stressed.", Regina Asks As her hand comes up to stroke my Cheek. "Today is...really important, Tiny. I-I need to tell you something important tonight, but before, I want to take you out on a Nice date.", I explain and kiss the top of her head before I take a Blindfold out of my Car. Better safe than sorry. "Do you trust me?", I ask, and without hesitation she replies with 'Yes'. I put on the Blindfold and lead her through the Forest, making sure that she doesn't fall or run into anything.

"Okay, here we go.", I sigh and put it off, revealing the Cabin to her widening Eyes. "Is this yours? Wow! How come you never told me you had a Cabin...Wait you're not trying to kill me or something, right? Cabin in the woods style.", She says giggling and kisses my Chin. Oh how ironic! "Of course not, Babygirl. But maybe you shouldn't always follow people into the Woods, it's not safe for such a naive little girl as you are.", I tease smirking before pulling her Flat against me and resting my Hands over her great Puerto-Rican-Booty. I immediately regret it Thought when I feel my Fangs coming out. Great! She chuckles lightly before taking my Hand and entering the Cabin. It's already a little dark outside, but I plan on waiting a little longer.

"Alright so I've been thinking, maybe we could watch a nice Movie and cuddle, before we have Dinner.", I offer and she nods enthusiastically. "Yes!! God I think I love this now already. You're amazing, Em, I really love yo-your Personality and Creativity.", She says, voice cracking slightly, but I choose to ignore it. I have to keep my mind clear for what's about to come after Dinner. "I'm glad..okaaay so, Notebook, Pretty Woman, The Tourist or When in Rome?", I ask. I don't like any of those Movies, but I know Regina loves them, so I'll have to get over (almost) two hours of Drama and/or Love. "You're really going to watch that with me?!", She squeals. She sure as hell knows how much I detest these movies, but I'll manage for her. I'd do everything for her. "Of course, go ahead Tiny One, choose whichever you want.", I say and lightly tap her Bottom before she runs off to look at all the Movies sprayed out on the small Coffee table. I already asked Mara if she could bring us some Food over, knowing that if I cooked anything it would be cold until we'd eat it.

I look down at my Girl with a smile as we sit all snuggled up at the Sofa and watch the Notebook. She sits on my Lap with her Head resting against my Chest, one Of My Arms is wrapped around her waist while the other one is playing with the Ends of her long and curly raven black/brunette hair. Every now and then she hums, for example when I'd kiss her Head. Sometimes during the Move I'd massage her scalp and she'd literally purr. It's a pretty damn cute sound and a turn on at the same Time. I kiss the Side Of Her Face once again before gently nibbling on her Earlobe, which causes her to gasp a little. My Grip around her Waist tightens as I pull her closer to me, gently kissing the side of her Head once again. "You're so amazing, the, yet passionate...I didn't think you'd be the Romantic Guru when I first met you..", She murmurs with a constant little smile on her Face. "Mmm you want it a little rougher?", I ask smirking before my other Arm wraps around her as well, tightly holding her into Place. "You know, you're pretty damn bad for me, but I can't stay away, you're just so-irresistible.", I mutter and get up before throwing her onto the Sofa, myself hovering over her. She moans lightly as the once so soft kiss goes rough and wild, my Hands roaming over her Body, from her Cheeks to her Shoulders, then to the sides of her Breasts before they come in contact with her Waist, from there they wander to her Thighs which I give a soft squeeze before my Hands slid under her Body and cup her Ass Roughly, which caused her to Moan lightly. I find myself sucking on her Neck once again, my Teeth, including my Fangs, brushing against the sensitive Skin. "Fuck.", She mutters Softly before I trail my Tongue over her Neck. "You know...I try..I really do...but...fuck look at you...I was right before, naive little girls like you shouldn't follow big bad People like me into the Woods...", I Moan before I push my Fangs into her Neck once again, immediately followed by a Scream and Whimper. "Did you-Did you bite me?!", She yelps And tries to push me off, but my Hands on her Wrists stop her from doing so while I roughly suck the Blood out of her. It tastes so sweet, somehow like a good wine, just-even better. Tears soon fall from her Eyes as she screams for me to stop and let her go, but my Body won't move, not once a bit. I use one of my Hands to pull her closer before taking her wrist in my Hand, that hard that she hisses and hiccups, before I rip my Fangs in her Wrist as well, causing more Sobs and hiccups to fall from her Lips. She fought as long as she could, until I feel her body go limp against the Sofa and her pulse disappearing.

"Well, I mean at our first meet I was a little confused, given the House was so huge and I just completely got lost-and I stumbled over my Feet!", Regina says laughing. I shake my Head, seemly going back to Reality. Fucking Hell! My Eyes Scan over her Body to her Neck-no Marks, no injuries. Another Daydream-was this a warning? Is this what might happen if I end up like Mara? What might happen if I tell Regina the Truth?

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"Okay sooo, what now, Romantic Guru?", She Asks Giggling as we finish our Food. "Okay Come here.", I Answer and pull her to the Sofa, I pull her down on my Lap so she's facing me. When Mara got us the Food, I locked the Door-she's not getting anywhere now. This had to be done. "I-I have to tell you something..It's...I've wanted to tell you pretty long already actually, but I always decided to wait, thinking it would be better if I waited a little, but this can't wait. Regina I'm-", "I love you too!", She cuts me off. Her Cheeks blushing in a deep Red as she does so. Well-it wasn't really what I was starting to say, but it definitely makes me smile. "It wasn't what I was trying to say, but I'm glad, because I love you too, Babygirl.", I Reply and kiss her softly. "So what was it?", She Asks And plays with my Fingers on her Thighs. "Promise me You'll let me finish first, okay?", I demand and she nods.

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