Chapter 22

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History-or dear how much I hate it. The thing is, I've heard it all before either by another Teacher, in another School, or my Grandparents and/or Parents told me about it. Maybe I should feel bad about it-but it's all freaking boring to me. The Professor had put on a Movie for us to watch, which is even more boring than usual Lessons. Anyway, I apparently wasn't the only one being bored, because as I looked besides me, I could see Reginas Eyes slowly starting to close, before she'd quickly blink them open again. I take out my phone, responding to some Messges, before my Eyes fall on Regina's Contact. We haven't really texted yet, given we were mostly together anyway, but we did exchange our numbers of course.

Me: Hey Cutie
Regina: who are you supposed to be?
Me: the Monster in your Closet
Regina: oh-hi Em!❤️🙈

I (literally) snort at that one, earning weird looks of everybody else in the Room, before my Eyes drift back to my phone.

Me: How'd you know it was me?
Regina: you're my only Monster, Babe. My little cuddly-lovie-Monster
Me: 'cuddly-lovie-Monster. I hate every single word of that Phrase. I'm dangerous, don't play with me little Girl. You should be showing some fear instead of-that thing
Regina: make me
Me: get your Mind out of the Gutter Tiny!
Regina: I can't-I'm horny!
Me: Boring History Movies are making you horny? You humans are as weird as interesting
Regina: not the Movie, Idiot! YOU ARE!
Regina: now don't you grin so stupid!
Me: you know how much I'd like to take you right here?
Regina: on the Teachers' Desk?
Me: Yeah-you'd like that Baby?
Regina: why don't you do it? Not here, but we can say we need to use the Bathroom
Me: Babygirl you know I can't yet. What if I hurt you?

I look up when I feel a kick in my Leg, then I realize it was her

Regina: so you're just gonna make me even hornier than I already was, just to leave me to be then? Asshole.
Me: I'm sorry babe, no more pouting? I wanna see your adorable dimples again ❤︎
Regina: Stop it! Let me be mad at you for a little! Please
Me: You wanna cuddle later?
Regina: Yes..
Me: that's my Girl! ❤︎
Regina: Stop making me smile! Everyone is looking!
Me: how about you tell them that your GIRLFRIEND is making you smile like that, and that she thinks it's the most adorable thing in the world
Regina: I Said let me be Mad at you!
Me: Awh but that'd mean no cuddling later
Regina: that'd mean no kissing
Me: touché Mills, touché

• • • • • • • • • •

"So...what about the Dinner?", Regina Asks as we were FINALLY at Lunch. We have to get out and have that Dinner in a Restaurant, given I insisted there would be no Austin-nor my Stupid Aunt or Uncle. "We'd say Saturday at eight.", I Reply and she checks her Phone for a Moment before nodding. "Do you guys think they'll like me?", She Asks, turning to me and Mara now. "Of course Honeypot! You're great! You're cute, well behaved-so, no drugs and all that, and you know about us already anyway.", Mara Replies with a Small smile. "That's...True..I guess. But what if they still don't like me? Do they even like Humans?! Or approve a Relationship like ours?!", Regina Asks nervously. "Babe they will love you, okay? It doesn't matter that you're a Human. It's all going to be okay, I promise.", I Reply and kiss her-soft and careful as always, so I won't hurt her. I know I'll be ready for more soon, but right now I have to make sure that EVERYTHING is absolutely safe for her. We get interrupted by the Sound of a Camera, and when we pull away and turn back to Mara, she wears a huge Grin and her Phone is pointed at us. "What? First official couple-Kiss-Photo!", She says grinning and shows us the Picture. I had to admit-it did look cute. Okay she was mostly the Reason for it. Her hand on my Cheek and the hint of a dimple on her Cheek given the way she was smiling into the kiss, it's just too damn cute for anyone to take. To be honest about that Dinner-I'm pretty nervous as well, but I try not to show it, I know that would uninsure and scare Regina even more. But after all, it is also going to be the First Time I'm going to introduce them a Human as my Girlfriend. It's all new. They're fine with Regina being in the House and all that, but I'm still so nervous. What if they get mad at me for telling her about us? What if they hurt or 'make her disappear' because of it? I'm not sure what to think of them or their actions after what Mara had told me. Do they know that it was the same case as it is with Regina now?

"Hey.", I get ripped out of my Thoughts by that Voice, when I look up, I find a Boy about 18 years old standing at our Table. "Hey?", Regina Asks with a Small smile. "Uh-I was wondering-If I could, you know, get your Number? Or maybe you'd like to go out sometime? I heard there are great movies playing at the Movie Theatre right now, we could, you know, check it out or something. What about Tonight?", He says with a cocky smile. "I already have plans tonight.", She Replies And Mara whispers, in a Volume which she knows only I can hear, 'Oh I bet'. I want to roll my eyes, but at the same time I want to keep on listening to their Conversation. "Maybe tomorrow then? You could come to my House-I've got a Pool!", He offers and she smiles a bit before shaking her Head. "I'm taken.", She replies And he gives her a small smirk. "He doesn't have to know.", He says and I can tell that both, Mara and Regina, are keeping in their Laughters. "I wouldn't mess with this one, you know, she's pretty...well she doesn't really like sharing.", Regina Replies with a Small chuckle. "What She doesn't know, won't hurt her.", He says with a small Grin. "Rather not.", She Replies And turns away from him. "Come on, it will be fun, Babe.", He says and before she gets to reply, I speak already. "I think she really doesn't show any interest.", I Reply as cocky as he was before, then I purposefully let my Eye color switch to Red for a few Seconds, causing his ones to widen and the Boy to stumble back and run. Well Regina was pretty damn right with saying that I'm not good at sharing.

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