Chapter 28

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It's like all of us are frozen right now. Regina is clinging tighter to me, while Mara slowly moves to get up. "Dawn.", She tries but my Sisters' Eyes are Glued to Regina's Jeans covered Leg. I know that she can smell the fresh Blood-you can probably smell it even some Meters away from the House. "Dawn, it's okay.", Mara tries again, this Time Dawn's Eyes Leave Regina and go to my Flaming Red Ones. If she'd just take one Step closer I'd be up to my Feet. "Come on, lets go for a walk, okay?", Mara offers and gently nudges my other Sister, who seems to have a fight with herself at the Moment. Yet, she gives in and leaves the Room. "For a Moment I really Thought.."-"I know, me too Tiny, but I wouldn't have let her hurt you, I promise.", I reply and kiss the Top Of Her Head again. "I know...Should I leave Thought...I mean it's probably Easier for her then..", Regina Asks Softly. I agree and get up from the Bed, taking a Bag and some more Bandages and Wipes in case they need to be replaced. "Can you walk?", I ask, softly. The Images Of Her Leg won't get out of my Head again. I'm a Monster. I've hurt my Girlfriend even thought I vowed to myself that I'd never do it. She tries to get up, but whimpers and falls back down on the Bed. "I guess I can, but It stings pretty much. Like, from here.", She points at her toes on her Right side, "to here.", She says and points to her Waist. "Okay c'mere Babygirl.", I say and scoop her up in my Arms Bridal Style before carrying her out to my Car. There's no trace of Mara or Dawn, they probably went hunting some animal in the woods. Thanks to Regina, I'll be full for some time now.

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"Can you stay?", The Brunette Asks as I sit her down on the Bed after the awkward conversation with her Brother and Mother about why I'm carrying her. There was no way I'd leave her anyway. "Of course. Do you need me to change them?", I ask, pointing to the Bandages. "Will you be okay?", She Asks And I nod. I close and lock the Door while she takes off the Jeans once again-probably I should get her something looser to wear for now. I carefully put off the Bandages, remembering how Mara did it. She whimpers slightly but doesn't say anything further until they're all off. They're full of blood and it was close to getting through the Bandages and onto the Jeans already-it probably would've if we wouldn't change it now. "I'm so sorry.", I apologize and look down, not being able to look at the Damage I caused nor able to find her big brown Eyes. "It's okay Emma, I asked for it, remember? And I didn't use my Safeword. Was it Painful? Yes, very painful. But would I do it again? Yes, because I want this. I want to be yours, and you to be mine, forever. I want to be like you. And I know this here will help me to prepare. And I survived it, didn't I?", She replies And takes my Hand in Hers before kissing my Knuckles. Why does she want to be turned into a Monster like me? I just don't get it. She's so great the way she is. "I guess's just...I couldn't stop...couldn't hear...Mara had to push me off you. I honestly don't know how long I would've kept drinking. And I hurt you-more than necessary.", I admit and begin to clean her Leg before putting on a new Bandage again. "But you did let go, nothing bad happened, Babe. And I know this was hard for both of us, probably harder for you than for me actually.", She Replied And I Feel her soft lips against mine once again. "What On earth did I do to deserve you?", I ask, laughing. "Hmmm...I'm not sure but you can make it up to me now by cuddling.", She says giggling and I immediately take her in my Arms. We've been a lot better by that, but I'm still careful that I don't hurt her by my Strength.

"Do you see me in your Future? Like, as your Vampire Girlfriend?", She Asks after some time, breaking the silence. "You know what I see? I see a Big House with a big yard, flowers planted and a Pool Outside. Maybe some swings with two kids on it. A young brown Haired Boy and a young brunette haired Girl, playing soccer with Their awesome Blonde Ma. Next to them I can see the Beautiful Brunette trying desperately to put some sunscreen on them while the cocky Blonde Woman steals little kisses here and there. The Brunette and the Blonde have a ring on their Finger, and whenever their Children would ask them how they met, they would giggle at the wild times. They aren't lame, but they're satisfied. Later on I can see the Blonde practically dying because of the Black Bikini the Brunette, The Mother Of The beautiful and handsome children, put on.", I explain and she giggled a little at the end. God she's so cute I think I could eat her alive-which, given I basically drank her blood some hours ago-might not be such a good statement. "I think I would like that."

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