Chapter 36

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I get down in the basement of the Cabin once I hear Regina's panicked Screams for me. "Emma!", She says, relieved almost. "Don't you Emma me now! What did I tell you would happen if you'd try hunting humans?", I ask harshly and she whimpers. She doesn't look at me, instead studies the Room while saying "you'd beat my Ass up.". Oh dear that's an understatement. Her Arms are tied to the Wall by Thick Chains. Her Feet are free, yet. I know she doesn't like to be tied up and not being able to touch anything, so this is perfect. "So what did you do?", I ask and step closer to her. "...I went for the Jock...but Emma I-I was so hungry and it would've been so easy!", She Replies in a small whine. I shake my Hand and bend down, taking off her Heals and loosing the Chains a little before tightening again. I totally forgot that she'd be on tiptoes without her Shoes. She's so small. I take one of her Feet and move to Cuff it to the Chain at the Ground, but she tries yanking it away. "You really shouldn't make things worse, Regina.", I warm and take her Foot again before cuffing it tightly to the Ground. The same goes for the other one. "Emmmaaa!", She whimpers, trying to reach out to touch me. I know she wants me to hold her or to kiss her, but that's not the time now. "You can touch me later, now you'll stay here and think about what you've done, and I sure as hell will keep my Promise.", I exclaim and get behind her. She squirms and tries to get away, with her Vampire Speed and Strength, but nothing helps. Those Chains are made for Full Vampires, new ones like her don't even stand a little Chance. "How often did I tell you not to go for Humans?", I ask and she gulps. "Nine Times?", She Asks, quietly. "Probably even more often. Nine Times over your Jeans, Twenty Bare. Later today another Twenty, Bare or not will depend on you. Later one there might be more.", I say, knowing she'll heal and I need to take longer to let it stay for some days. She whimpers softly and sniffles. I kiss the Top Of Her Head before my Hand comes in contact with her Ass for the first time. It was no harsh one yet. "I'm sorry! I-I promise it won't happen again Emma!", She cries out, trying to reach out to touch me, but the Chains keep her in Place. "I know you are, but we need to make sure something like this won't happen again, this is just a little reminder.", I explain gently and smack her ass again.
By the last one, she's crying already, not because of the ones now, but because she knows what's yet to come. I pull down her Jeans and panties, revealing her lightly pink shaded ass. She goes to ramble again, but a sob cuts her off when I hit the sensitive Flesh the first time. Twenty is harsh, but she's a Vampire, her Pain Tolerance is higher now and her skin is also healing if I don't leave the message rapidly.

The Twentieth Smack ends, my Hand burns but it sure is no compare to her stinging red Ass. There are handprints forming on it and she's sobbing now. "Think about what might have happened, or what can happen when you try attacking a Human. About how Childish this action was and that this is the Reason you got a Childish Punishment as well. Think about what would've happened if you couldn't have beaten him or would've killed him.", I say and leave the Room again. As soon as I'm out, Tears are falling down my Cheeks as well. I don't want to hurt her, but she has to know how dangerous it can be to hunt Humans. And she's a new one, which makes it all even more riskier.

• • • • • • • • • •

I re-enter the Room and my green Eyes meet Regina's teary brown ones. "Emma.", She whimpers, desperate for me to take her in my Arms, but the punishment is not done yet. "Okay I know Baby, but let's say thirty now and nothing later anymore?", I ask she she nods, taking every offer I give her. Her Ass isn't as red as before and slowly starts healing again. I know I'm going to stop that now. I know after the thirty Smacks her Ass will be on fire and will stay like this for about a Week, given the Healing was interrupted. I kiss the Top Of Her Head again and she whimpers, knowing what's to come. The first one goes, and the first Sob breaks out. I can feel the still warm Skin Of Her Ass against my Hand, but I also know it has to be done. She continues yelping and sobbing, sometimes she lets out screams even.

After the thirty spanks are finally done, she's crying hysterically, saying sorry over and over again. I free her Legs first, knowing they feel like Jelly at the Moment. Then her Arms, the Moment they're free, Regina falls forward and I catch her in my Arms. "Shht you're all good now Baby, you got through it, I'm so proud of you Babe.", I say and carry us upstairs to the Bedroom. I'm careful not to touch her stinging Ass. She buries her Face in my Neck, still sobbing. Her Legs Hang weakly down my Sides while her Arms are holding onto me as strong as she can, which turns out, isn't very strong right now. "Okay lay down Tiny One, I'll get some Powder.", I say and attempt to put her down, but she just cries harder and holds onto me a little tighter. "Okay then not...I'm not going anywhere Babydoll.", I say and kiss her Forehead. I feel her Place three little kisses on my Chin, making me smile. I do the same to her Nose. Once I finally have the Powder and get back to bed, I Stroke circles on her Back and whisper comforting words to her. She's calmed down a little bit, instead of sobbing and crying she's just sniffling and whimpering. "Okay Baby lay on your Stomach Okay?", I ask and she looks as me terrified. "I'm not going anywhere Tiny, I promise.", I say and she nods and moves off me, whimpering when my Knee makes contact with her stinging ass. Once laid down, I pull down her Jeans and panties fully before taking off her Shirt and Bra as well. She's blushing and sucking on the Ear of the Stuffie she's got here, a Blue Donkey from the TV Show Winnie the Pooh I think, for comfort. Her Fangs are in now, so we won't have to knit it. I put some powder on her still warm and stinging Bottom, Covering it generously with the Powder. Then I put her some fluffy socks on, feeling how cold her Feet are, before I lift her up without her Bottom touching the Bed. The Moment she's back on her Feet, she reaches out and hugs me tightly, clinging onto me like there's no tomorrow. I know she doesn't necessarily like it to be unable to touch anything, but it was a part of the Punishment and had to be done. "Are you Alright Tiny?", I ask and kiss her Head again. "Yeah...My Bottom hurts really much...", She whimpers and clings Tighter onto me. "I know baby, but it will be better with every day, okay? Let's get you into something to wear now, okay?", I ask and take one of my Pullovers before putting it on her. It's pretty big on her, which I'm thankful for given it doesn't make much contact with her Ass, but it covers it. "Let's stay like this okay? Let the skin breathe.", I offer and she nods and kisses me softly. "Thank you for taking care of me.", She whispers softly and hugs me again.

Okay Y'all know how it works haha. So dis the end of the Story🔥❤️💥
Maybe comment ur opinion on the FF?
(There are 2 Versions of this Book, this one, the SwanQueen version, and there also is a Camren Version that you can c @ my Profile)
Hope u liked the Story💚

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