Chapter 11

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AN/So sorry for the late update guys

I'm on my Way home once again. I hate School, even thought Regina and Mara make it a lot better. I love to see the little oblivious Smiles on Regina's Face during the Lesson, or when she chats with Friends. By now You'd think I had gotten used to her Smell, Well No, actually I don't think I'm every going to get used to it. It's still so tempting, but I manage a lot better now. It's like I can control myself even better and keep my Fangs in, just like my Eyes. With the Strength I have a little Problem, but I'll manage to control this one as well. I've come to the Realization that Regina's Scent makes me hungry-really hungry. I manage this as well, by Hunting in the Evening, but which worries me is that It's as if I'd be hungry for a Human-Regina-and I know if I ever hunted Humans again, my Parents surely would kill me. Regina hadn't seemed to notice it all yet, which is good. What isn't good, is that I have to go through the Rain right now because My Dear Sister needed my Car and took it-It's basically pouring and I'm soaked. My Brown Boots are probably already filled with water (at least a little bit) and my Jeans are tightly sticking to my Legs. My Red Leather Jacket is damp and wet, and my Shirt tightly clings to my Chest.

I grunt when some Guys bumps into me, making me even angrier and more annoyed than I already am. "Don't I know you?", He Asks, And I realize it's one of the Guys that's been fighting at the Boxing Club as Well. I chose to ignore him as I continue to walk down the Road, Im not anywhere near Home, but maybe I can surprise Regina-she lives pretty close. I'd take the Bus, or anything, if there was any. But this Path Of The Street, several Meters or so, is literally just pavement, Corn Fields on the Left, And a Forest on the right Side. I'm here pretty often after I hunt so I know the Aria pretty well. "Ey! Stop ignoring me Bitch! Answer my Question!", The Guy demands and grabs my Shoulder. Oh poor guy you better leave that be. I'm pretty damn Angry (and hungry) already and even thought I know I'm not supposed to hunt Humans, I might make an Acceptation for this Asshole. "Hands off.", I snap and turn around to him. "You're the Bitch That stole me my Place!", He grunts and goes to punch me, but I catch his tiny girl fist in the Air and twist is, making him groan in Pain. He seems to try it again, and I feel him pushing me down on the Ground as he lowers himself above me to punch me, but given my Strength I Easily push him off and place myself above him instead, now repeatedly punching him.

I feel my Fangs coming out at the Smell And the Sight Of The Blood on his Face, caused by my Punching. It's nothing like Regina's, but I guess it'll do. He doesn't even move anymore actually, yet I continue punching him over and over again. For daring to Attack me you'd think, but I somehow got carried away and now I'm left thinking about Austin-the Way he inhaled Regina's scent in my Room as if she'd be a Rose in the Garden, for reminding us all, especially Dawn, of that dark, dark time. For tricking Mara and Me to turn Him into one of us. I didn't realize how hard or how often I had punched him before I felt someone grab my Shoulders in Attempt to pull me off him. When I turn around to the Person, Fist dangerously raised in the Air, as if ready to punch, I'm faced with a shocked and scared Regina. Wait scared? She knows she'd never have to be afraid of me, right? "Regina.", I mutter darkly, my Fangs are out fully and I'm Stronger than usually, but I try keeping my Eyes neutral. It feels now even harder to resist her. "Y-You. I-Is he?", She Asks shakily and stumbles to her Feet, looking at the Guy further. I listen to hear any heartbeat, and luckily I can hear one (besides Regina's racing one). It's weak, really weak, but still there. "No! He's alive! I swear! Regina, What are you doing here?", I ask and step closer, but she backs up as Tears run down her Cheeks. "You-You..", She tries, but seems to have no words left. She's scared, which upsets me. I don't want her to be scared of me-I'm her Friend. "Shhht it's okay, he's also gonna be fine. He attacked me and it was just self defense.", I try to reason and step closer once again, but she backs up further. "That, Is Not Self Defense.", She whispers and points to the Guy. "Listen he annoyed me, and made me angry, then he attacked me. I couldn't help it.", I explain and Reach for her, but she jumps back as if in fear. "...How do I know I'm not going to annoy you one day? How do I know I'm not going to end up like this as well?", She whispers, Cheeks wet by the Rain and the Tears. "I won't ever hurt you, Tiny.", I Reply and attempt to run towards her to catch her, I know I have to make this good, if my Parents, or worse-Austin, would know about this, then they surely would kill Regina for 'knowing what happened'. She yelps and backs up further, but when she realizes that I'm not about to stop until I have her, she runs off into the Forest, I chase her as fast as possible, but given the slightly foggy Aria in the Forest, and the Rain, it's hard for me to find her. I can't really orientate on her Smell, like I always do when I'm Hunting, given the Rain covers it and it's as if it'd have washed it away for now, but I can still hear her racing heart. What if she falls? What if she comes across some animal? What if she gets lost and I'm not able to find her? I run as fast as possible, with a human speed of course, the last thing I need is her somehow seeing me doing anything abnormal. I call out for her Name, no reply, but I know I'm getting closer, given I start to smell her again and I can hear her cries besides her Heartbeat.

Not long after, I see her sitting on the Ground, knees pulled to her Chest and Arms covering her Face. "Tiny..", I murmur when I'm standing directly in front of her. She looks up through her wet long lashes, and her Lip quivers. "C'mere.", I say and she immediately does so, wrapping herself tightly around me. I don't know what caused her to stand up, or to cooperate so fast, but I was glad about it. "Shhht what's the actual Problem here, Tiny?", I ask and she cries harder. "Emma", She Just sobs out, as if she wanted me to hold her even closer to me, but I know I can't do so, fearing I might crush her if I used too much of my Strength. "Shht it's okay Babygirl, I'm here. Are you scared of me?", I ask and she visibly Relaxes when I Stroke circles on her Back. She shakes her Head and buries her Face further into my Neck. "Good. Because I won't ever hurt you, Tiny. I promise. That Guy was just-I had a really bad day and he came up to me, called me Names and punched me, I lost it, okay? But that won't ever happen with you.", I coo and she nods against me.
"Do you like me?"
"Of course I like you, Tiny."
"No I you like-like me?"
I pull her a little bit off me to look her into the Eyes. "Yeah.", I Answer honestly and kiss her forehead as softly as possible without hurting her with my Fangs, which are still out. I can feel them going back, giving I'm gaining all my Control again, but I'm still careful when it comes to Regina. "Really?", She Asks And I smile at the little spark in her Eyes. I nod my Head and kiss her Nose. "Emma...I really want this...please..", She murmurs and pushes herself closer to me. I know I should think of her Safety and how wrong this is, but I somehow can't-not now. "I do too.", I say. I check my Fangs, which are gone now, before I crash my Lips Against Hers, moaning at the touch of her Soft Lips Against Mine And the taste of her Tongue Against Mine. It almost tastes like Cherry, actually. When Air becomes a Problem, we pull away and she giggles. "What?", I ask as she giggles happily. "The Girl I liked kissed me.", She says and I chuckle and kiss her Nose again.
"Let's get you home and out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold.",
"Your Home? My Stepdad is-"
"Yeah, Of course. You can hide at my place as long as you want to, my little Clumsiness."

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