Chapter 2

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I wake up and turn off my Alarm. The first Day Of School-again, oh look how great. By now I'm not even caring about my Outfit or do any special stuff to get some Friends anymore. It's obvious that I'm going to get A's in all classes, after all it's the third Time that I'm doing this crap. In School I get to smoke at least, it's pretty nice. "Em?", Mara yells through the Door just as I'm about to step into the Shower.
"Can you take me and my Friends to school? Y'know, my Car won't work."
It's about the eleventh time already that her car won't work-why isn't she just getting a new one!

• • • • • • • • • •

I look outside and spot the Smaller Brunette from before as she hugged my Sister happily. Oh if she only knew that we weren't the type of Person you want to become friends with-okay well, Mara is actually a good Friend, but with me, a Person that's pretty much constantly down, and Dawn, a 'young Vampire' that can hardy control her Emotions, or Desires. At the Moment the Brunette saw me, she flashed me a Small smile before she skips over to the Car and gets in.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Hey! Emma! Wait!", Regina yells behind me, causing me to roll my Eyes. Why can't humans just realize what's good-and not good-for them by themselves? Because I'm definitely not good. I don't stop my rather fast walk, but she still manages to speed up and sprint next to me. "Hey! What's up?", She asked smiling, as if I wouldn't have ignored her just now. "What do you want, tiny?", I ask and open my Locker. "Mara told me that we're having almost the same Classes, so I wondered if we'd maybe stick together and like go there together.", She murmurs with a Small smile at the end. Well she was an adorable little thing, even for a Human. "Try to keep up the Pace and you can, stick by my Side, I'm not going to look for you, tiny.", I Reply cold faced before making my way further through the Halls.

Just as we stand at her Locker, I seem to realize her Smell. It was a mix of Freshly cut Apples and Baby Powder? Well it seemed like it. I heard her Heartbeat as if I'd be standing right next to her with my Ear pressed against her Chest, and I couldn't Stand it! I wasn't like Dawn so I was going to be fine-right? And Tiny and me were just going to be in the same Class anyway, well she's Mara's Friend. But to get the Point-she wasn't mine. The Girl would just get me into Problems by her Presence. "You done tiny?", I ask smirking while she (tries) to put her books into her Bag. "My Name's Regina, you know. I'm not that tiny.", She Replies chuckling, drawing my Attention to her pink Lips before I force my Eyes away and back to meet her Chocolate Brown Ones. "I don't care. Now answer my Question or I'm going to leave now, without waiting.", I deadpanned. "Ugh-Yeah...I'm ready as well...Biology first, Huh?", She Replies And closes the Locker again before swinging the Backback over her Shoulders. As an Answer I just give her a small 'Mh' before I continue walking. Biology is pretty much going to be the most boring subject this Year. Well and Maths. Don't get me wrong I'm good at it, Of course (it's after all my third time doing this all), but it's still boring as Hell, and it gets worse every year, it seems. However, Tiny seems quite enthusiastic about our Classes. Humans.

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It's killing me. She is killing me. Her Smell, mostly. It's so aggravating! About ten minutes ago she's put her hair in one of those messy buns again and now it feels as if her Smell would be all over the Place, and it's eating me up alive not to taste it. It's as if you'd be holding a tastable candy in front of a child, close enough so the Child can smell the temping Smell, but forbid them to eat the Candy. I've never felt that way-I'm not that young anymore! But She-Ugh! I see her exposed Neck and a Voice inside me tells me to grab onto it and taste the forbidden Liquor of Hers-my personal forbidden Candy. Of course she has to sit right next to me as well. I mean, she doesn't know what torture she's sending me through, but she's so teasing, yet so oblivious. I know that if I'd taste her then it would mean Pain for her, very much Pain, but her Smell-I've never smelt anything like her! How does Mara manage to stay around her? Doesn't she smell it? No-she has to smell this! We smell everybody, which is why my addiction to her smell is even more confusing to me. She turns to get something from her Bag but at the Moment she's back in her Seat, it feels like there was a new wave of her Scent send to me, and that Time I can feel my Fangs coming out. I know it won't take long until my Eyes are going to turn, so I quickly get up and ask the Teacher if I may use the Bathroom.

First of all I Splash some cold water into my Face, thankfully my Eyes are slowly turning back to Green. I look down in Relief but find the Edge Of The Sink slightly damaged by my Strength. Fuck! Okay so new Plan-get Away from Regina. The Girl somehow got me to loose myself, which couldn't be happening-Control is Power.

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