Chapter 33

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Smut Warning

I wake up to the feeling of someone's Mouth on my Neck and someone's Body on top of mine, when I open my Eyes, I meet Regina's Red Ones, looking at me full of Love and Lust. I take around my surroundings and realize it's still in the middle of the night. It's been hardly a Day since we Turned her, so the Transformation isn't all done yet-it takes about 48 hours to be so. Once that Time is over, her Eyes will go back to normal and she just has to fight them in situations as when she's Aroused or Angry. "That's a new way to wake up.", I chuckle lightly, but before I can ask further Questions, like why she's on Top Of me, I get shut up by her Lips crashing against mine. Desperately almost. I feel her Hands on my Breasts, massaging them while her Center is Grinding against mine. "Fuck..what's got you so eager? Aren't you hungry?", I ask. I planned on asking it in a joking Matter, but my Moan caught me off guard and let it come out more as an actual Question. "Your Sister got me something already, now I'm just hungry for you.", She answers moaning, her Hands get off my Breasts for a quick Moment, just to pull off my Shirt and Pants, before I felt them back against the naked Flesh, given I wear no Bra to bed. "Fuck. As hot as you are, I'm not a Bottom Babygirl.", I remember, and get up fast, given my Speed and Strength she's pinned against the Door in matter of Seconds. Her Legs are wrapped around my Waist, Her Arms hooked around my Neck and her Mouth over Mine. Okay yes My Vampire Girlfriend is fucking hot and gorgeous! This Time I let her take Lead at the kissing (to a certain degree of course!), Moaning as my Tongue hungrily Collides with Hers and start a hungry Dance Of Domination. Her Body starts grinding against me again, making me Moan loudly. "You..are wearing way too much, Little Girl.", I Mutter and walk us over to the Bed. My Eyes are probably perfectly matching with hers now. I hungrily rip off her shirt (literally-in two pieces-too bad it was my Favorite Shirt Thought) And pull off her Leggings. I don't think I'll ever get enough of her or her Body. God her toned skin and long legs. Her gorgeous Ass and her firm Breasts.

In one swift movement she's on her Stomach and I quickly pull off her last clothes before giving her Ass a light slap. "Stay.", I mutter and she does so. I can smell her Arousal and it's driving me insane. I come back with some 'supplies', Cuffs and a Vibrator to be honest. "Nooooo Emmaaaa.", She whines once she sees them. I'm very well aware that she wants to touch me, but that'll have to wait until she can behave and not wake me in the middle of the Night for Sex. "No.", I simply reply and caress her Ass again. No one can blame me for that one-I freaking love her Ass! And yeah I know that sounds pretty pervy but I'm her Girlfriend so I'm allowed to say that! Before she'd whine more, I cuff her Hands together, then I take two of my Belts. I quickly turn her back around and cuff her Ankles to the Bed. "Seriously! Can't you just fuck me?!", She shrieks desperately. "Only when you tell me why You thought assaulting me in the Middle Of The Night was a good idea.", I reply grinning and Place a kiss on The Gap between her Breasts. "Well Maybe because a certain Blonde got me horny! You're hot and you expect your Girlfriend to do nothing about it?!", She Asks, even more like complains. I smirk at her, she looks pretty damn funny right now and I can see how Annoyed she is by the Handcuffs right now. "That's Not an excuse. You'll learn your Lesson Thought.", I reply and strip down the Rest of my Clothes. She whines and tries to get up, but I hold down the Cuffs. "Move and I'll also attach them to the Bed.", I warn sternly. "Yes Daddy.", She Replies with a seductive smirk. "That won't get you out of the Handcuffs Babe, but nice try.", I say laughing and she huffs. I sit down on her Lap, Running my Finger over her Breasts and down to her Stomach. I smirk at the Fact that she shivers, before I trail my fingers down to her Inner Thighs. One of my Hands is still resting on the Cuffs, holding her upper body down. "Emmaaaa.", She whines, puppy eyes out as ever. "No. I need my sleep and as much as I love you, I won't have Sex with you in the middle of the Night just because you get horny.", I scold, slapping her inner thigh lightly, which causes her to Yelp. "Please! I'll be good and I won't wake you next time just put them off! You're so mean!", She whines with a small pout on her Lips. I lick over her Folds for a quick moment, so her Juices aren't coming in touch with the Sheets yet. She gasps before I pull away, then she immediately pouts again. "I didn't know you were such a whiny and pouty little thing.", I say chuckling and lightly trail my Fingers over her Mound. "Emma can you please just fuck me!!", She exclaims. "Be Quiet I don't want My Family to wake up just because SOMEONE is horny.", I reply and she immediately shuts her Mouth. She probably would also do everything to keep someone from coming inside right now. But I don't lock the Door-I want her to remember this. She has to know Rules, and she has to get at least a little bit of sleep, I don't want her wandering around and doing things she probably shouldn't do while I'm asleep. "Now, if you're Good then I'll fuck you, If not, then I'll relieve myself and leave you here until the Morning. Horny and untouched.", I threaten and she gulps and nods. "Good. Then let's make some Rules, now that I've got your Attention. First of all-Do not wake me up for Sex in the middle of the Night, we have plenty time for that but at night you should be sleeping. Which leads us to Rule Number two. Don't wander around or leave the Room when you can't wake up. When you're having problems at sleeping, tell me, if you're horny, then Wait until the Morning or we will find ourselves in this Position again.", I explain and she nods. I take the Vibrator and lightly put it against her Clit, it's still turned off but I want her to know what she might get.

"Now to the General Rules. Number One-Don't try to hunt Humans, if I catch you doing that, or if anybody does. It means problems. Not just for us all, but also your Ass will be so sore that no Vampire Healing in the world can help you. Now Number two-try not to hunt alone, and if, then just hunt for smaller things. They're your Food but they're also Animals, some of them can get Dangerous sometimes and might hurt you. Rule Number Three-Don't tell anybody about yourself. Control your Eyes all the Time. Try to always control your Fangs. ALL. THE. TIME.", I say and slap her inner Thigh again. She nods again, not wanting anybody to wake up from it. Or maybe just to obey-I'm not sure, but I also don't care right now. She's not whining anymore. I turn the Vibrator on the least mode and she moans softly, then She bites her Lip to hold the Moans in, giving me a View Of Her Fangs. Damn she really is hot as a Vampire-well she was before as well, but now that I don't have to hold back too much anymore-it's more thrilling actually. Even thought I miss her little human side already. "Good. Rule Number Four-Don't flirt with others. I'm getting jealous easily and you don't want me to have you to show that. So don't you okay with me, Little Girl. Rule Number five-No Quick Visits at your House without my Allowance, it's not safe for you to go around alone, or if someone tries assaulting You-it wouldn't be safe for them either. Remember those, they're pretty much the most important, if you don't behave, there will come more. Not from Emma the Vampire, but from Emma your Girlfriend.", I explain and she nods again. "Good. Be quiet and I won't stop. You can Moan and come, but don't be too loud. Or well, be if you want to, I'm not the one in the Embarrassing Situation if someone decides to come in. The door isn't locked after all.", I remind her with a small smirk and she gulps and nods. "Keep your Hands down as well, take it as a punishment for waking me in the middle of the Night just for this.", I say and she nods again. I can tell she's a little imitated, but mostly horny and desperate.

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