Chapter 14

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AN/A rather early update tdy ;)

I feel someone shaking my Shoulders hysterically, first I think it's Regina, but then I realize that it was too strong to be her, when I open my Eyes, I stare right into Mara's blue Ones. They are reddened and swollen from crying, as I can tell by her panicked breaths and the Dried Tear strains on her Cheek. I've never seen her like this. "What's wrong Mar'?", I ask and pull her into my Arms, trying to calm her down at least a little bit. "I-I'm so sorry.", She rambles crying, I can smell some blood on her, and I frown seeing dirt all over her Face. "What happened Mar'?", I ask, calmly, hoping she would calm down as well. I have to stay calm but I can't help but think what's gotten her so shaken up. She wouldn't hunt People-right? "I-He just ran in front of it.", She stutters and cries more as I hold her. "Shhht Tell me exactly what happened Mara.", I say gripping her Shoulder with one hand and with the other wiping her Tears. "I was on my Way H-Here and I-I wasn't concentrated so my Eyes didn't stay on the road a-and suddenly there was a-a noise and I felt something under my Car. I-I got out and t-there was that Guy!", She sobs against me. From the Three of us Sisters, it's very quick very clear that I'm the one with the lesser Emotions, while both of my Sisters are actually kind. I'm also the only one of us that purposefully killed Humans instead of Animals-they'd Probably die of Guilt.

"T-There might have been a Cha-Chance for him but-but-There was some blood Emma a-and I was so hungry.", She cries and I know exactly what happened. She killed him by drinking his Blood, if he wasn't dead by the Car anyway. "Shhh, it's okay Mara. I won't judge you. You're a good Person, but you're a Vampire, it's in your nature to drink. The Guy would've meant Problems, if you hadn't killed him, I'm sure Dad or one of the others Had. Maybe even me, okay? It's in your Nature, like it's in the Nature of a Bird to fly someday, if they don't fly, then they're weak and valuable, they can't get Food or flee of Attackers-they die. Okay? So it's exactly what we need to do. We're Vampires and we have to keep ourselves alive. God we're probably a part of what? 10% Precent of all the Vampires in the World that don't hunt Humans and Animals instead? It's natural Mar'.", I explain and hold her tighter as she nods along my words. "Where's the Body?", I ask, knowing that it has to disappear before someone would find it. "C-Car.", She whimpers. She's not as shaken up as before, but still a little bit fussy. I get up and quickly put on some Jeans, Shoes, a Shirt and my Red Leather Jacket before taking her Hand and leading her outside. "Do you already have the Shovels in the Car?", I ask and she whimpers and nods. I think this is the first time she's killed her Human in her whole Life-I mean, okay, she's sad, but isn't this a little bit overrating? I'd ask her later. Ever since we moved here we kept shovels in the Car already, it's just some kind of Protection. Like keeping a Tampon close when you know you might get your Period soon. Okay well, I don't get my Period given I'm basically already dead, but-yeah Whatever.

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"Care to share why you're being so dramatic? I mean, I know it's your First time killing a human but seriously Mar', don't bother so much, most Humans are pretty fragile and weak anyway, which is why we hunt them.", I ask while digging deeper into the Ground. "...It's not the first time...", she admits and looks to the Ground-shamefully even. "What? I-I Thought you?", I ask confusedly. When had she ever killed someone? And Who? Was it before I was born?-No. She's just 8 years older than me! "Okay..don't tell Dawn about it okay? The lesser know the better.", She starts and I nod. "Okay so actually, Mom and Dad wanted it to stay between us three. Mostly because they Realized that they made a huge Mistake.", She starts to explain and I listen carefully. "I was like you once-like, in the Same Situation. I kind of 'had a Regina' if you want to say so. Her Name was Alice, she was a Human. It's been almost one hundred and 140 Years since that Time, 134 to be exact, but I still find myself thinking about her so often. Just like you, I almost lost it when I smelled her. She smelled-ugh-Devine, Amazing, gorgeous! Others didn't seem to mind her Scent as much as I did. It drove me crazy! She drove me crazy. I didn't know what to do, I've never had Problems controlling myself-around anyone, so I did the Thing that seemed wise to me-Tell Mom And Dad about it. They told me to keep it in, when I told them how hard it was, they locked me in the House, so I wouldn't accidentally blow our cover up. I hated it, It was as if she was a drug to me; I was getting worse. Getting Aggressive and Rude. Mom and Dad would keep me away from you. One Night they put you down to bed and left the Door Of The Room unlocked. I escaped and ran away to find the Person I quickly became too addicted to. When I found her...I kissed her but it got too heated..first-First I hurt her by my Strength, then I-I drank her blood and killed her by it. I tried turning her once I realized what had happened, hoping it'd maybe save her, but it was too late. I've been Depressed after that, really depressed. We had to move away and it took me almost fifteen Years to 'get over' her.", She explains. I find myself with no words left to say, so I just hug her tightly and kiss the side of her Head, telling her it's okay.

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