Chapter 29

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AN//Some Pics Of The Paintball Field ;)

"What's this?", Regina Asks from around the Corner, when I finally arrive at where she's ran to, I see her next to my black Motorcycle. "That's my Baby, be careful with it.", I reply chuckling and caress the Seat of the Bike. "Can you drive it?", She Asks. "I wouldn't have it if I couldn't. Wanna take a Ride?", I ask, smirking. "To where? that thing safe?", She Asks chuckling. "Guess there's just one way to find that out, and you're super safe when you're with me, Princess.", I answer chuckling and lift her up to sit her on the Seat of the Bike. It's been a few weeks since I first drank from her, now it's something we do about every week. It's helping me to get used to the Taste of her Blood, and to resist her better, and for her to get used to it. Every time she keeps asking how long it will still take until I'd turn her. Im not too sure about it yet thought. I take the Helmet and put it on Top Of Her Head before securing it, then take a small backpack from inside before returning back outside. I sit down as well and she wraps her Arms around my Waist before I drive off. First she yelps and I can feel her Grip tightening around me and resting her Head on my Back. It makes me smile. She's so goddamn adorable!

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"Paintball? Seriously?", She Asks laughing once we arrive. "Yeah? Come on, it will be fun! I promise.", I reply and she giggles but gets off the Bike. "And remember me to never get on that thing again.", She exclaims, turning back to look at my Motorbike. "Don't call My Baby a Thing, it hurts her.", I reply and caress the Seat of the Motorbike again. "I thought I was your Babe?", She Asks with a Small Smirk. Damn Girl. "You are my Baby, you're my Girlfriend, this is also my Baby, The love of my Fifty years old self.", I explain proudly. "I'm seriously in a Relationship with a Grandma.", She says with a playful eye roll. Oh no missy! "Mmm a Grandma that gets to touch you very inappropriately, little Girl. And you like it.", I reply smirking and push her against the Nearest Tree. "A Grandma that you love dearly and whose touch you Love.", I whisper in her Ear before I trail small Kisses all over her Neck. My Hands wander to her Ass, squeezing it. Then I pull her closer again, connecting our Lips. "Wanna go paintballing now?", I ask chuckling, giving her Ass one last Squeeze, (as a goodbye-but she doesn't have to know this), before taking her Hand and pulling her towards the Entrance Of The Building.

Once we got into the clothes, we get lead to the Field. It's pretty cool actually. I mean, to be honest I could kill off everybody in less than a minute, given my Extra senses and my Speed, but I might do a little fair play here-might. And Regina looks so adorable in the Uniform I swear I want to eat her up alive! We got into a Group Of 4, and got the Color Yellow-The other Group, also four persons, have the Color Blue. Our Teammates are pretty okay I guess. One of them is rather small-Smaller than Regina actually! He looks pretty much like a typical nerd-Superman shirt (I saw it before we got into the Painball Outfits), a green jacket, Brown Hair, Milky Skin, Glasses, cheeky Grin, rather small Lips. The other Teammate Of ours, is pretty much the same. They're friends I think. The other one also is a Guy, even smaller than the other one, weird Beatles-Hairstyle, small Eyes, rather big nose, Turtleneck, checkered shirt, pretty thin. Both of them aren't really the type Woman would go after. It seems like they're slightly older than Regina, maybe about 34 years old. Pretty old to go Painballing, but what do I know. They seem like they've done it before and they're good at it, which is better than some idiots that have no idea how to use anything. I didn't catch their Names, but at first the thinner one tried flirting with Regina-until she said she's got a girlfriend-me. I guess he's one of the Guys that is so desperate that he tries is at everyone.

Anyway, we get outside and there is a loud noise, signaling that it begins. The two Guys run over to the right side, behind some Building while Regina and me run to the Left, to a Truck. I quickly look around, checking for Cameras or Anything like that-just to make sure. The sound of the Paintball Guns shooting soon becomes annoying to my sensitive Ears, but it also tells me when somebody comes too close to us. "Down.", Regina says and Just when I bend down, I hear her Paintball Gun take off and a Grunt from someone behind me. I laugh loudly, noticing that she's hit the Poor Guy right in the Balls, while she blushes and her Mouth makes an 'O' shape. "Okay come on.", I say chuckling and offer her my Hand, I take a quick look over the Field before running with her over to some sort of 'little House'(even thought it looks more ruined than Normal). We position ourselves at the Windows and start looking out for the other Team. It's pretty easy for me, given I can see them even in several meters distance, hear them and smell them. It's some funny kind of hunting. I glance over and see one of the Guys in our Team, The 'tall' one, giving me weird hand signs. Okay so-He wants me to-no he will-no Wait-Regina? What?! Me? Ugh! Okay no wait! He wants to go forwards! No-No Wait right! So what does he want from me? Okay wait that's a gun-he wants me to keep his back free! I guess that's it. Why couldn't he just say it goddamn it!? (Okay Yeah He Probably doesn't know that I can hear him). He suddenly yells frantically, running forwards. God what a nerd. Anyway, for the sake of our Team, I shoot around him, successfully making the other People in the Aria go back in their 'hiding' (even thought I can see them but ok) spot.

Love, Lust, You//SwanQueen Where stories live. Discover now