Chapter 34

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I wake up with a smirk on my Face, looking besides me there's Regina curled up in the Blanket, her Hair pretty much everywhere. "Come on Babe we've got to go to School.", I say and kiss her softly. I'm not too sure about bringing her to school yet, but we'll have to try eventually. I know we won't be in school for the whole Day, but I want her to try interact with Humans at least for a little bit. Maybe we even get to stay a whole Hour, even thought I'm doubting it. "Nooo.", She murmurs, her Voice raspy from sleeping and our late nights events yesterday. "Come on Sleepyhead, lets get showered.", I say chuckling, lifting her up in my Arms and kissing her Neck. Given our 'Late Night Activity' Yesterday, we both simply stayed naked, just wrapped in the covers.

I begin pouring water into the Bathtub, setting Regina on my Hip and holding her with my Right Arm while she continued sleeping against my Shoulder. "Babe you've got to get up.", I say chuckling and she pouts a little, trying to bury her Face deeper in my Neck. I carefully get into the Tub, Regina still leaning against me. "No sleeping now Babydoll, or you won't be able to sleep at Night, we wouldn't want that, would we?", I ask smirking, remembering the last night. Thankfully no one walked into us thought. She tiredly gets up and sits down on my Lap, rubbing her eyes and poking her Fangs again. "Why won't they go in? I tried everything! Ugh!", She mutters frustratedly, somehow trying to push them back in by her Hands. "Baby That won't work, you'll just hurt yourself.", I say, and as if it would've been planned by anyone, just as I finish the sentence her Finger Slips and she cuts it with her Fang. She whimpers and holds it out for me, as if she'd expect me to kiss It better. "It's going to heal Tiny, don't worry, just look.", I say, pointing at her Finger. She cringes a little and crunches up her Nose, telling me it was heeling already-yes, the Feeling of it isn't the best one, but at least it doesn't hurt. "Okay See Tiny One? All good.", I say chuckling, plashing water over the Finger for the Blood to go away and the heeled finger to appear. "Now to your Fangs. I can't help you with That, Princess. You've got to gain control over them. Try to calm down completely, not just your Body, also clear your Mind. Be relaxed, then they will go in and just come out when you loose this Control again, aka mostly when you get an angry little Vampire.", I explain chuckling and she giggles lightly. I begin to wash myself while she just sits there, her eyes are pressed close and her Tongue is sticking out a little bit. To be honest I'm not sure what she's trying to do, or if it's her way to try go back to Sleep, but I'll just leave her to it for now.

"Emma!", She exclaims and I jump a little. She's been sitting still for at least ten minutes. If I wouldn't know better, I would've gotten scared. "Yeah?", I ask, chuckling. God the Tiny One really got me now. What about announcing that she comes back to Life before scaring the Crap out of me? "Look!", She says and opens her Mouth widely, giving me the Chance to see her Teeth-her Fangs are finally in. "That's great Babe! You're learning fast!", I say and kiss her Nose again before I start washing her Body. We've got a little bit more until we have to be at School, it's just 6.32am yet.

• • • • • • • • • •

Turns out going back to School might not be a Possibility for the next Time. Nothing has happened so far, but Regina looks around widely, barely able to keep her Eyes Brown. I can sometimes see them flickering to Red, which is why I put her Sunglasses on. It won't cover it all, but it should help covering her Eyes for now. "Hey Guys! I've missed you, where you been? I've been tryin to get your Asses all weekend!", Ruby asks laughing. I actually haven't really checked my Phone yet. "Yeah we were busy, sorry Rubes. How was your Weekend?", I ask, trying to sound polite. I look over to Regina just to see her Eyes red again, I know she's trying, but I also know that this is extremely hard for her. It's like bringing a Child into a Shop full of free-or at least very cheap Ice cream and candies but not allowing them to take or taste any of them. "Nice actually. Me and Lily went to visit her Grandmother, very nice Woman. A little scary, but nice once you get to know her and you're 100 percent sure she likes you. What have you two pretties been doing?", Ruby replies chuckling. Oh well I turned my Girlfriend into a Vampire, the usual, you know. "We just relaxed a little, went camping.", I lie and she smiles before another Girl, Belle, Joins us. "Hey, everyone, how are y'all?", She Asks with a Small smile. My Eyes travel down her shirt, which has 'I Stan you Jesus' written on it. Im about to answer when I feel a tug on my Sleeve, noticing it was Regina, I look besides me and see the desperation and helpless look in her Red Eyes. "Excuse is for a Moment.", I say quickly and drag her into the Nearest Bathroom. "Out. Now.", I growl to the Three Girls in the Bathroom. They try to complain, but when they see the look in my eyes they decide against it and quickly leave. I shut the door and turn back to Regina. Her Sunglasses are down now and I notice her Fangs are out once again. Her Eyes are flaming Red and teary. "I-I'm Sorry I tried but-but there are so many a-and I'm so hungry.", She whimpers and I pull her close to me. I understand the Tears and the desperate look now, she's afraid to have another Accident. "Shht it's alright Babydoll, you kept Control and that's all what counts, I'm proud of you for telling me when it got too much. C'mere.", I say and take a bottle filled with fresh animal blood out of my Bag. It's from three Mice I caught today. There still is more in the Fridge, but I figured that'd be enough for now. It's a black 'Earth Bottle', so the Blood is still fresh and you can't tell what's in the Bottle. You also can't smell. She quickly takes it and drinks some of it, not wanting to waste all of it yet, she pulls it off her lips after some seconds and gives it back to me. I'd say it's about halfway full now. I watch her as she presses her eyes close again and her Fangs are slowly going back in, once her Eyes open, they're brown again. "Ready to go?", I ask and she nods with a small smile.

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