Chapter 8

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Ughhh. Finally Friday-School was getting best of me this week. "Hey Tiny, Biology Huh? You're excited?", I ask Regina as we wait by her Locker, knowing she LOVES Biology. "...Yeah..", She Murmurs before stumbling through the Corridors. "Are You okay? Where's My Little laughing Clumsiness?", I ask as I cup her Face in my rather Big Hands. "...My step-Father and Me had a fight...I mean, we fight often..but, this one was huge and my Mother threw and Locked me out of the House for the Night..", She mumbles and I can tell she's trying to hold back the Tears. It wasn't surprising, after all she was a Human, and Humans are fragile and weak. "Why's that, Tiny?", I ask and lead her to the nearest Bathroom before taking her slightly shaking body in my Arms. "I-I did something bad and my Stepfather yelled at me. I was so scared and cried-to what he yelled more and went to hit me. I-I tried telling my Mom and she got mad a-and told me to come back when I would apologize to my Stepdad.", She explains crying, I really tried to keep my Fangs in, I song even know why but I'm so damn furious, but it is no right time for my Eyes to Change nor my Fangs. "What Does your Dad think about it?", I ask and she tries speaking shakily. "My Mo-Mom never let me meet him. Every time I ask about him I get yelled at..even at my Siblings....Emma I don't wanna apologize to my Stepdad-he-he's mean. He didn't even marry my Mom! He-He's Just Her Boyfriend But-But I hate him.", She mumbles crying as she holds onto me even tighter. "Shhh and you don't have to, all you have to to is to be my little laughing Clumsy Mess, I'll take care of you.", I whisper into her Ear before pressing a Kiss onto her Head, careful that my Fangs are in.
"No Buts, Tiny one."
"I wanna feel good, Emma. L-Like having Fun! I-I don't think I can see everyone today. B-But I also don't wanna go home...My M-Mom would be so mad if I wouldn't apologize."
"Alright Tiny, C'mere.", I say, And with that I drag her out of the School and into my Car.

• • • • • • • • • •

"Where are we?", Regina Asks with a small smile as my Hands cover her Eyes while we slowly walk to the Entrance of The Theme Park. Let me make this clear-I've never been good at cheering someone up by my actions or words, so I kind of hoped that this Theme Park would maybe do that work for me, after all she had said that she wanted to have Fun-so what's better than a Theme-park, right? After I paid for our Visit, I slowly take my Hands from her Eyes, closely watching her Reaction as her Eyes widen and a grin spreads on her Lips. "A-A Theme Park?! EMMA THATS AMAZING! Thank you!", She Replies grinning and I smile once I feel her Arms around me once again. "Look! We're almost the only ones here!", She exclaims before she takes my Hand and drags me to the First thing that seemed to catch her eyes. Oh dear what did I get myself into.
"No! No way I'm doing this Tiny!"
"Come ooonnnnn! It has Loopings!"
"Thanks for pointing this out."
"No way. I'm not dying today. Neither are you."
"Aren't you too small for it anyway?"
"Emma I'm not that small! I'm about 1.63 meters!"
"Ughhhh maybe start with something less deadly?"
"The Ghost House?"
What could a ghost House do? I'm a damn Vampire-everybody knows Vampire beats ghost.

I look over to see Regina laughing as we ride the 'Alton Tower'. First of all I was pretty uncertain about it actually-after all it's high and well, I'm not really often in Theme Parks in General, But this sight made it al worth, after all a Laughing Regina is my Favorite.

 First of all I was pretty uncertain about it actually-after all it's high and well, I'm not really often in Theme Parks in General, But this sight made it al worth, after all a Laughing Regina is my Favorite

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I can't help but let my Lips curl into a huge grin hearing Regina's laugh once again. Currently, I'm more focused on the Sauce dripping from my Chin, given I'm seemly not able to eat properly. "Come here.", She Says Giggling And cleans my Face with a Napkin. "Thanks.", She says and pulls away again once my Face is clean. "Shouldn't I be the one to say 'thanks' Now?", I ask chuckling and she nods and giggles again. "I meant for this. For taking me here when I needed it.", She explains and I smile softly. "Of course. Now, let's try those Loopings huh?", I ask and she squeals cutely before dragging me to the Ride.

I smile as my eyes meet her Chocolate brown ones once again. After several Hours of many different rides, we decided to slow down a little at the 'Ferris wheel'. It's nice actually. Regina is snuggled close as ever, her Arms wrapped around my Shoulders and her Head on my Chest while I enjoy the View I get from up here. She doesn't know it, I think, but she's actually also made my Day. I think I'm falling for her, but I know it can't be. Not just that I'm WAY older than her, but also the Fact that I'm a Vampire and she's a Human. I'd hurt her at some Point, I just know it. Plus I'd have to tell her that I'm a Vampire-at some point at least. The next Struggle would be Kissing-how could we kiss or cuddle without my Fangs coming out or without my inner Instincts to taste her Blood. I don't want it! I don't want to hurt her, but I know that I might do. After all I'm much stronger than her, not just in my 'Fangs-Eyes-Adrenaline' state, but also in general. In that State of mine, as I call it, I would be crushing her whenever we'd cuddle. It would be like a Relationship between a Tiger and a Kitten. Do I want to try, if she wanted it? Of course. But I don't want to hurt her. Ugh why do I have to fall for a Human?!

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