Chapter 7

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AN//Above you can see Regina's Sweater

I stand once again at my 'usual spot' in School, smoking cigarettes and thinking about yesterday. Was that Daydream some kind of warning? Of What would happen if I didn't pay too much Attention and let myself fall? I don't want to find it out, to be honest.

"Emmmaaaaaaaaa!", I hear Reginas Voice before she's skipping into my Direction and I feel her Arms tightly wrapped around me. "What's got you in such a good mood, Tiny?", I ask chuckling and she chuckles as well a little. "Well, I was thinking maybe we can like-hang out?", She Asks And plays with her Fingers a little. I just realized it would be the first time that we'd hang out alone, without any Sleepover or Lunch as Reason. "Sure, What do you want to do, Tiny?", I ask and her big brown eyes widen even more and she hugs me again. Did she except me to say no?
"I was thinking that we can...I don't go get Granny's after school and just chat?"
"I think I'd like that"
"Yeah, Tiny."
"You know...Smoking is pretty bad for your Health.", She murmurs and I laugh lightly. That's at least a good thing about Vampirism, you can't really get sick. Like, I'm healing. For example if I'd cut myself with a Paper, the wound would be healed in Seconds. "I'm good, Tiny. You wanna try?", I ask and she shook her Head. "It's Really Di-", I cut her off by blowing some Cigarette-Smoke into her Face, which causes her to cough and stumble a little backwards. "C'mere, Tiny.", I say chuckling while I drop the Cigarette and step on it, effectively crushing it by that, before I pull the Smaller Brunette into my Arms and we make our way to the next Class-English Literature.

"Aren't you hungry?", Tiny Asks frowning before she put another Pommes in her Mouth. "I already ate.", I lie and drink some more of my Water. Just then I feel the Tip Of a Pommes against the Corner Of My Mouth, now that I looked over at her I can see her Tongue sticking out as she leans over the Table. "What? You've got to become big and strong!", She says giggling as I take the Pommes and eat it. She's adorable this way, just laughing and feeling happy-yep-happy and laughing Regina are definitely my Favorite Reginas. ", Regina Mills, Tell me about her.", I reply smiling and she chuckles lightly and nods. "She's...suborn. Very Suborn! But, I guess she's also kind of sad. She wants her Parents to be less stricter and she wants them to care about her, not just her Grades. She wants to have Friends like Emma and Mara, people that let her forget all that Sadness and just let her be herself. She loves her Brother and Sister, But she doesn't get to see her often, given she moved with her Husband to New York for a Job at the News. Regina likes doing Silly things, she loves Salad, but also burgers and Pommes! She loves Cuddling and she loves to spend some Time with that Tall Blonde! She got her a Nickname even! No one ever got Regina a Nickname, so it's really special for her, she loves it and brags Of that Blonde Girl in front of her Brother.", She explains Giggling. "Regina Mills sounds pretty damn awesome to me.", I reply and she chuckles lightly and blushes cutely. God she's so adorable! "So...who's Emma Swan?", She asks with a small smile before eating her Pommes again. "Hmmmm Lets see. She's....confident, mostly. A bit of an Asshole actually. But when she cares about someone, then she's actually not so bad at all, because if she cares about you, then you're her first priority. She will do everything to keep you safe and happy. But she's also scared. Scared of loosing Control. She needs and loves Control and it can get dangerous if she doesn't have it anymore. She denies very much things, things she desires, but she often feels like giving up. She and her Family have been moving from place to place, really often actually. She hates that but she thinks she's finally found some place she wants to stay. She's always wanted to go boxing in a Boxing Studio or something like that, but they always underestimated her because she's a Woman. She can't stand it, but knows better than to cause troubles. She's really close to her Sisters and Parents, but from everybody else she's pretty cut off. One Day she met this little clumsy Brunette that stumbled into her Room. She was such a tiny thing, Emma couldn't help but smile at her, sitting on her Floor in that little Panda onesie. Since that Day those Two became Friends, they still are. Emma cares about her really much, she wouldn't let anything happen to her. Pretty dumb Blonde huh?", I prate, as ever with Regina, there's a small smile on my Face. "I think I like Emma really really much."

• • • • • • • • • •

"Thanks for today...I'd love to hang out more often...if that's okay.", Regina says coyly with her cheeks covered by an adorable little blush. "Of course. I think I'd love that, Tiny.", I reply and there forms a huge grin when I feel her Lips on my Cheek before she gets out of the Car and waved me goodbye before getting inside of her House. God I really like this Girl.

I find myself smiling widely in my Room, Regina's dark blue sweater in my Hands as I take in her Smell once again. It's the only Time that I can smell her and my Fangs are out. I guess she forgot it in the Car, so when I got home I took it in my Room so that I'd give it to her Tomorrow. By now, I wasn't too sure If I shouldn't just keep it. It made my whole Room smell like her (Of course the scent wasn't strong enough for Humans to smell it but A Vampire could, If they wanted to). It was a really cute clothing item actually. Pretty much in A 'Kimono Style' and with a Turtleneck. The knit poncho is made of fine knitted felted soft wool, which kept her Warm during cold days like today. It wasn't winter, but also wasn't so warm-well, as My Mom Calls it, the 'Autumn-Weather'.

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