Chapter 12

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I wake up and smile once I see Regina snuggled up besides me. I inhale her Scent once again before kissing the Top Of Her Head. "Mmmm Morning.", She murmurs and snuggles closer to me. She's wearing one of my Shirts, which is slightly too big on her and reaches to her Thighs, given our Clothes were soaked by the Rain yesterday. "Good Morning, My Tiny one.", I Reply grinning and she giggles before kissing my Jaw. "Are we...official?", She Asks And once again I get lost in her Eyes by the way she's looking at me. "Do you want to be?", I ask and she nods coyly. God she's so damn cute. "Well, will you, Regina Mills, be my official Girlfriend then?", I ask and she giggles again. "That's all you've got? Be more romantic Swan.", She says chuckling. "Yesterday we had our first kiss-in the Rain, I don't know how much more Romance I can do.", I Reply laughing and she giggles and nods. "Of course I want to be your Girlfriend.", She says and we kiss once again. My Fangs are out, but I hope she won't feel them. And I'm glad the Kiss is slow and passionate, so I can pay Attention to not accidentally hurting her with them. I know I have to tell her about the Fact that I'm a Vampire, but not yet, I want her to be sure that she wants me, loves me even. If she won't take it well then I'm afraid I can't do anything else than either kill her or lock her away so she won't tell anybody, I don't like any of those Options but I know that I'd loose her either way, given we would have to move away again.

We cuddle for a little before the Door opens revealing the one Person in this House that I hate more than anything. "Oh-I didn't know you had a Visitor, Austin Gómez. I'm Emma's cousin.", He introduces hisself and takes Regina's Hand before placing a small kiss on it, yet she's fast to pull the Hand away. "R-Regina. I'm her...Girlfriend..", Regina murmurs and I give her Waist a small Squeeze, silently telling her it's okay. Once the words have left her mouth, I can't help but smile. Before Austin can say more, Regina leans further to me to whisper in my Ear. "I think I'm going to get showered before we can go to school, you drive?", She Asks And I nod and mention my Head in the Direction Of The Bathroom Door.

"She's indeed...delicious.", Austin comments once she's out of the Room and we can hear the Shower bring turned on. "Leave it.", I grunt and get out of the Bed. "You know it's a very interesting Smell she's got there-laundry detergent-isn't it?", He says smirking. "What do you want, Austin?", I snap and he laughs. "Sharing? Come on you know how much I love Brunettes, and she-wowwww, you got yourself a good one. But tell me, how can you be with her without having a little taste? I bet she's as good as she smells. Did you try already? Or should Dawn do that for you?", He Asks smirking and my Fist harshly finds his Face. I'm not sure if it's because of what he said about Regina or Dawn, but Anger flashes Through my Body. "Okay okay! I get it, you don't want to share your Snack!", He grunts and moves to the Door once again. Just as I thought I'd finally be able to change into something to wear to School, my Parents come in. Ugh what now?! "Honey was Regina here for the whole Night?", My Father Asks And I gulp and nod. "Emma you have to talk about this with us! And Regina? Honey you know how Dawn is, we have to take it slow, and Regina's Smell isn't really something to start with.", My Mother scolds. Okay so-She basically said Regina smells too good? Yeah not weird at all when your Mom says that about your Girlfriend. Okay let's just say it, right? Bluntly as ever. "She'll be spending much more Time here...she's Ugh...My Girlfriend.", I say with a huge grin. I couldn't help it at the Word 'Girlfriend'. My Parents already know that I'm Gay, I've had some Girlfriends already (although they all had been Vampires). "That's great honey, but maybe spend some more Time at Hers? We know that Dawn is getting really good but even Mara confirmed that Regina's Smell is...tempting. We're just trying to keep everyone save.", My Father requests. I could take care of Regina! I'm a Vampire as well-why do they seem to forget it? I know how tempting Regina's Scent is! "I can keep her Save! Even if it's from my own Sister! I promise Dad.", I promise. And Austin-If I have to, which I don't think I will, given he mostly just teases, but still. "Alright...But, Don't do something stupid okay? And-treat the Girl Good Emma, you're a Swan.", My Dad says and I grin and nod my head enthusiastically. I have a Girlfriend.

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