Chapter 20

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The smell of Pancakes fills my Nose once I wake up, when I look besides me, the Bed is empty and I can hear Reginas humming and quiet singing from the Kitchen. I smile when my Eyes fall on the pretty Brunette in front of me, She doesn't face me and also doesn't seem like she's noticed me yet, but she's quietly singing to 'Summertime Sadness'. Given she has her AirPods plugged in, she hasn't noticed me yet. What confused me thought was her Voice-it's small and quiet, like she is insecure about singing, even thought her Voice is great-really great. I've heard much People sing before, but she's actually really good at it. I tried it myself in the past, but gave it up later and turned to play the guitar and later then, the Piano instead. I carefully wrap my Arms around her waist so I won't scare her, then I pull her closer to me so that her backside is pressed against my Front and I'd be able to place a kiss on the Top Of Her Head. "Good Morning.", She says grinning as she puts away the AirPods. "You're up early. And you've cooked Pancakes!", I Reply chuckling. Damn my Girl could cook as well. "I don't know if you can say 'cook' when we're talking about Pancakes, but yes, I made pancakes. Thought it was kinda cute as a compensation to the Pancakes you did yesterday.", She explains with a smile on her Face, showing off the cute dimples on her Cheeks. "I love that Idea.", I say and kiss her Nose before turning her around to remind her of the Pancakes. She giggles as she notices it and quickly checks on them again. "I've also never heard you sing before.", I utter as I pull myself closer to her. "I-Uhm-you weren't-you weren't supposed to hear that. I-...forgot. I'm sorry.", She Replies in a shaky voice, as if she was scared of my Reaction towards it. "Don't be sorry, Tiny, It was beautiful.", I Reply and kiss the Top Of Her Head. "R-Really?", She Asks wide eyed once she turns around, as if it would be the weirdest and unthinkable thing in the world. "Yeah, you should do it more often.", I Reply and she shakes her head and looks back to the Pancakes. "My Stepdad doesn't like it when I sing...he'd say how bad I am at it and that it's annoying. He-He gets bad then..sometimes I hum without even realizing it and he does bad things against it..", She mutters quietly. "Regina, does he hurt you?", I ask serious. I swear I could finish that dicksucker in a second! If he'd ever dare to lay a hand on her! "No...not yet..he's always warning about it a-and he sometimes raises his Hand but he's still afraid that my Mom would see it. He-He yells at me often, Emma. It's so loud and scary. He says that he's my Dad and that I have to address him as such. He pushes me..calls me Names, but my Mamí won't believe me.", She explains softly. "Oh Tiny, C'mere Baby.", I Murmur And take her in my Arms, holding her tight, but not tight enough to hurt her. I figured out how strong I could hug her without hurting her a while ago already.

"I-I want him to go Emma.", She murmurs Against my Neck. "I know Baby. He might get a Job somewhere else or your Parents break up-then he will go.", I Reply, hopeful. "I-I meant the other gone..Killian said it would all be better then and that it wouldn't be bad, because he is a bad guy and bad guys deserve to be punished.", She Replies with watery eyes. "Some People really do deserve it, but you can't go around to kill People, It's all going to be fine Babygirl, I promise I'll protect you whenever you want to. If he ever scares you again, just call me, okay? You just have to tell me what he does.", I Reply and she nods. How fucking ironic for a Vampire-aka Killer-to say that. "Okay..Thanks Emma.", She Replied And kisses me again before turning back to the Pancakes before speaking softly. "He-He cheats on my Mom-I know it. I've seen the Woman he's cheating with. He says he will kill me if I told my Mom, but she wouldn't believe me anyway. It's like she's blindly in Love with him-But it is no Love. He hates Killian and Me. He pushes me and every time Killian asks him out about it, he's yelling at us and pushing us, saying our Mother would never believe us anyway. He thinks he's our Father now and wants us to call him as such. He-He's destroying our Family-No one ever wants to be Home because of him. He's also really strict. I honestly don't know what my Mother sees in him, but around's like he is another Person. He becomes nice and romantic even, but when my Mother isn't here..", She trails off and puts the Pancakes on two Plates. I wish I could help her, but I'm afraid that would only make the Situation worse. "What is then?", I ask, softly so she doesn't get scared or uncertain. "It's dangerous...I'm scared of him...Killian, he-I don't recognize him. He's so angry all the Time when he's around-My Mother always scolds him because of it and kicks him out. I always let him inside by the Window in my Room, but..It's like my Stepdad Keith hates us without any Reason. I'm so scared that he will hurt me, but on the other Hand I don't think he'd dare to do it with my Mother or Killian around...I sometimes wish that I could be living with my Sister and her Husband. They're so nice and sincere. My Sister tried telling my Mother what is happening because of this Man, but she won't listen. My Mom She-She kicked her out of her Life. Told her to go and never come back. She's blocking her calls and texts. It's like-like my Mother would be so blinded and cold hearted suddenly.", She explains with a little frown on her Face.

"I don't want to go back there Tonight..", She says and sits down on my Lap while pouring a great Amount of Syrup over her Pancakes. "It's going to be alright. And you can always come and stay at my House, Okay?", I remember her and she nods.

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