Chapter 6

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should I do more 2-Version stories? If yes, which Version(s) would you like??

I felt something poke my Side, slowly poking me out of my Sleep until I finally open my Eyes to find-Regina. I take a quick moment to look around. My Alarm Clock reads 3.04am, The House is Silent-so what's Regina doing here? And why is she in my Room? "Hey...", She greets with a little fake-chuckle. "Tiny...What are you doing here?", I ask confusedly and sit up in my Bed before pulling her closer, Her Face shows dried Tear strains which make her Eyes puffy and Red, as much as I can see from the Light of the Moon shining in the Room. "I-I had a nightmare....I-I swear I didn't want to come here! But...I don't know...I'm sorry..", She murmurs and looks down. "Did you have a nightmare because of the Movie?", I ask and she nods-great. "C'mere.", I Mutter and pull her into my Lap. Her Scent is killing me and I'm pretty sure that my Fangs are out, probably my Eyes are also showing but given she doesn't sit to face me, and the Room is too dark for a Human to see me, I stay.

"It's okay, And it was just a dream, and just a movie. A really bad Movie actually, Vampires aren't like that.", I coo and she snuggles closer to me, allowing me to smell even more of her divine Aroma. "How do you know? I don't think you know much about Vampires.", She Replies sniffling, But with a Small Giggle. "Mmm careful little Girl.", I murmur and she giggles more. "You're purring.", She says giggling and I feel her push herself even closer to my Body. I just realized that Mara was right, that Push to taste her Blood on my Tongue isn't that huge anymore, being so close seems to work. "Mmm I sure know that Vampires are dangerous Humans. They're Brutal Animals that are just waiting for innocent little Girls to cross their Way so they can...", I whisper before moving right next to her Ear. "Snap!", I finish and poke her Sides with both of my Index fingers, causing her to laugh and giggle again. "What if they're not like there would be Vampires here, what if they would be Nice? Like one of us, just with, well-superpowers? What if they would help us, given they have these powers? Fall In Love?", She Asks And tries to turn around to me, but my Grip on her is tight enough to keep her in Place and not allowing her to see my cold Red Eyes and The Fangs that would be revealed if I just opened my Mouth a little bit. "Vampires aren't Puppies, Tiny. You can't Love them. They can Love each other's, maybe, but never a Human, they're another species and it wouldn't work out, they would hurt each other's. You have to be scared of them because if you're being naive, then they will get you.", I whisper And breathe in her Scent once again-This is too much-this is way too close already, but I can't pull away, it's as if My Body wouldn't be under my Control anymore-just like My Mind. It's as if 'Me' was replaced by something darker and more dangerous, something that possibly could be dangerous for Regina, even though the Brunette doesn't know it.

"Everyone is worth to be loved.", Regina replies And I lean down, my Breath hitting her exposed Neck, given her Hair is once again in a Bun. I feel as if I was hunting-Some Time ago, when I used to hunt Humans, a time long before the Accident, it feels exactly the same now. I wasn't lying to Regina, us Vampires are awful and brutal Creatures, we set our Victims in some sort of Trance so they wouldn't move until we'd bite. We would grab them and rip our Sharp Fangs into their Neck, sucking Life out of them during great Pains for the Victim. It feels as if Regina is in that Trance, given she just doesn't move away from me, even though I know my Breath must be hitting her Neck. So why doesn't she pull away? I hadn't put her in that Trance-why isn't she long gone? Why isn't she aware of the great Danger she might be in, just in this Moment!?

I try to push her Scent off, to focus on anything else than my Desire to taste her, feel her, hear her Screams as I suck the last piece of Blood out of her Body. I'm struggling hard, it's as if my Body won't move away from hers either, Even though I don't want it I can feel my Mouth opening, I try to stop myself, but I can't. It just takes A few seconds before I push my Fangs into her Neck, my Right Hand moving to Cover her Mouth while my other Hand holds her that tight and close that I'm probably hurting her really much. She tries wiggling herself out of my Grip but nothing helps, and I do try-I do try to stop myself from sucking, but it doesn't work. It doesn't take long until I can feel her body going limp against mine. I did this.

"Everyone is worth to be loved.", Regina replies And I blink to see her turned around to me, my Fangs are still there and the Dark Room seems to hide the Color of my Eyes right now. My Body it's mine. "W-What?", I ask, dumbfounded by what had just happened. "You Said Humans And Vampires couldn't love, if they existed, that they maybe just Love Each Species, But everyone is worth to be loved, love is no Gender and no Species.", She reasons. Wait was this all just some kind of Daydream now? I raise my Hand to her Neck, carefully Of course so I wouldn't hurt her. I slightly title it, checking for any bite marks that my Fangs would've left...but nothing. My Eyes find hers in the dark, and even though I know she can't see my Eyes, I find her ones confusedly scanning my Face, probably looking for my Eyes. "It was just a Dream. Sleep now, Tiny. You need your Sleep.", I mutter and kiss the Top Of Her Head.

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