Chapter 35

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"Emma! Emma! Emma! Emma!", I hear from the Inside of my Room, thinking Regina's in Danger, I quickly rush up the Stairs, just to see her sitting by the Window with a wide grin. "Yeah?", I ask, out of breath. God if my Sister did this I'd probably throw her out of the Window. "You remember the Asshole you beat down?", She Asks, a wide grin over her lovely Face. "Yeah?", I ask, curiously. What's the big deal? "We can drink from him! Okay hear me out! He's an Asshole that deserves it because he attacked you and you used your Powers on him anyway! Pleaseeeee Babe!", She Asks, adorable big brown puppy eyes gazing up at me. Don't fall for it Emma! "No. We will not hunt Humans, Regina. Leave that thought be.", I reply sternly. She can maybe have some Human blood in a few Years, when she's ready, but there's no way she gets it now. "Come on Babe! It will be fun! Please! I'm hungry! Pleaaaseeee Daddy.", She begs. That 'Daddy' turns me on but doesn't make me change my Mind. She tried it once already and it failed, it won't work this time either. "Nice try Tiny One But no. Away from the Window now, there's still some Blood for you to have in the Fridge.", I explain and she nods, hanging her Head low. She mutters something that I can't hear, but goes down to the Basement for the Animal Blood. She's actually been fine some days ago at School. We haven't been there since, I don't want to push my Luck, but she's not doing so bad.

"Why the long Face, Babydoll?", I ask and she turns to me with a Small Pout before she comes and sits on my Lap. "I really wanted to go hunting with you...I thought it could be fun..I don't even need to drink all of it..please Emma.", She Asks with Puppy Eyes. "Babe.." "I've been doing good now, haven't I? Please Emma just let me drink from that Asshole! He's a no one! No Friends and no Family! I looked him up, he's just a guy trying to get a Job! No one will notice or miss Him!", She explains with an adorable pout on her Lips. Well it does seem like a great chance, but it's way too soon. "Baby it's too soon for this, Soon, okay?", I ask and she frowns and tries to get up, but I hold her down on my Lap, not wanting us to have a fight because of this stupid thing. "Why not?! I've been doing good and It doesn't even matter! I want to hunt him Emma! He's an Asshole and no one, absolutely no one will notice it! It's the fucking perfect Chance! Let me try it! Please! I hate you! Why won't you let me do it?! I want to!", She complains and squirms in my Lap, after some minutes she stops and just growls and pouts anymore. "Baby I know you want to but you can't just yet, okay? And I told you what'd happen if I caught you hunting on Humans.", I warn and she just rolls her eyes. Okay I don't like that-at all. "You're a fucking Party pooper! I bet Mara or Dawn would let me! They're not so much of an Asshole as you are!", She yells and gets up, before I get to say something else, She already disappears. Fucking great! I'm not sure what to do, a part of me tells me to go look for her, another part of me tells me that she needs her space, another one tells me to go after the Guy and make sure he's safe, another Part of me tells me to trust Regina, another one tells me she's a new Vampire and is also pretty damn stubborn. Ugh!

• • • • • • • • • •

I beg that my Suspicion isn't true, but still I find myself following that Asshole. Steve Gillian. I got his name by the Boxing Club Owner. As Regina mentioned, he's pretty much a Nothing. Nothing happened yet, but it's just 9pm. He's on his way home I guess, just like he was at the Evening we had the fight. The Street was Dark and nobody was anywhere Near, It was indeed an easy Game. My Eyes Get Red Of anger seeing Regina from a little Distance, fully on hunting mode. She's so damn stubborn she's going to get in real troubles for it! How can she not listen to me?! I'm just trying to help and she's getting herself in trouble! She's so going to regret that! I quickly rush to her and hold my Hand over her Mouth, pulling her back. She recognizes me in seconds and tries to wiggle herself out of my Grasp, knowing she fucked Up and is going to get to face the consequences. Suddenly I feel a pain in my Palm and I quickly let go of her. She bit me! She fucking bit me! She moves to run away, but being the clumsy little thing she is, she doesn't look and runs straight into a Tree, knocking herself out. Oh she's so going to regret that. I tried playing nice with her and introduce her to the Rules the easy way, now that she clearly doesn't care, she will get the consequences.

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