Chapter 24

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Smut Warning

"See? Tonight was great.", I reply as I get her Home while she unlocks the front door. "Yeah..You wanna come in? My Mother and Keith aren't here and my Brother is staying at a Friends house.", She suggests with a small smirk and I gulp and nod. I would be a liar if I said I wouldn't be turned on. On the other Hand, I'm probably always when it comes to Regina. As soon as I close the Door and turn around, I can feel her soft lips against mine already, making me relax and feel good immediately. It's as if she would've put a spell on me. Well even if she would, it'd be so damn worth it. I moan when she nibbles on my Lips, teasingly. I bring my Hands to her (gorgeous!) Ass before pulling her closer to me and switching our positions, trapping her against the Door. She let's go Of My Lips Just for our Tongues to meet, they immediately begin a Dance with each other's while her Hands roam all over my Backside, pulling off my Jacket before dropping it to the Floor. "..Fuck..", I Moan when she Sucks on my Neck. My Hands push the Dress up her Hips, revealing-Her Naked lower half! Wait she hasn't been wearing Panties the whole evening?! The Girl clearly wants to me die. I growl aroused before going back to kissing her. "Emma...please.", She begs, and I can see the desperation in her Eyes. "Alright...Tell me if I'm doing something too rough or if something is uncomfortable, okay? I trust you to tell me that.", I Reply sighting and she nods eagerly. Alright here we go I guess. I pick her up, her Legs immediately wrap around my Waist while her Arms hook around my Neck to hold herself up-yet our Lips never really separate, and if, then just because we're in the need for Air.

I carry her upstairs, the Directions to her Room falling from her Lips. Once there, I kick the Door open with my Foot and trail kisses down her Neck, careful and concentrated so she wouldn't get hurt in any circumstances. I softly lay her down on her Bed before stripping off my Top and Jeans, her copying my Movements with her Dress, leaving her absolutely naked in front of me. I take In a Moment to appreciate her rather Petite form. Her Stomach is flat and her skin is toned. Her breasts have the Perfect size for my Hands and she's shaved to perfection. Her Eyes are sparkling with Love and Want. I take off my Underwear as well before I lean down and trail kisses all over her Face, then I carefully kiss down her Neck, then her Breasts and then her Stomach. I stop at her Hipbone, baking her whine and squirm under my Touch. "Emmmmmm.", She whimpers And I chuckle lightly. "Be Patient, Tiny one, or you won't come tonight at all.", I Reply smirking and kiss over her thighs before kneading her soft flesh beneath my Fingers, which caused her to Moan again. A sound I quickly became addicted to. "Please", She Moana And arches her body off the Mattress and into my Touch. But I'm taking my Time. Of course teasing her was fun, but I mainly have to get used to this, so I wouldn't let anything slide and let her end up hurt because of me. It's hard enough for me to contain myself, my Eyes are shining red and my Fangs are out, but most importantly, my unusual Strength is back, which I'm painfully aware of.

I begin to massage her breasts while kissing the Insides of her Thighs, making her Gasp before she moans again, she keeps on trying to get closer to me, but I have a rather firm grip on her Waist. I trust her to tell me when I'm too rough, or when I hurt her. I have to trust her for this, it's the only way possible. She tangles her Fingers in my Hair, trying to guide me towards her dripping wet center, this time I finally give in thought and lick over her Folds. I smirk when I hear her Heartbeat quickening even more, her Grip on my Hair getting tighter and a delicious Moan falls from her Lips. "Please", She whimpers again, and I do as Requested, again. I decide it's enough of the Teasing so I slowly stroke with my Finger over her Waist, the other Hand keeping her still while I eat her out. To be honest, I've never had anybody that tasted like her. I wonder if it's because she's a Human or because it's her. Either way I'm amazed and dig in once again, licking her folds before I find my way to her Clit and suck it into my Mouth. As ever, I'm careful so my Fangs Of Strength won't hurt her-she seems to enjoy it all yet, thankfully. This is probably the most dangerous thing I've never done, and I'm nervous as Hell, afraid that she might break, as if she was made of Glass. "Fuck!", She moans as I lick over her a few times, then I start to fuck her with my Tongue, earning myself WAY more moans than before. Her Grip on me tightens and I can tell she's close. "Should I let you come?", I ask, my Question muffled by her Body. "Ye-Shit!-Yes! Please!", She replies And tries to rock herself against my Face once again, but as before already, my Grip on her Hips keep her from doing so. "Cum", I say, and as if it would've been a command to a perfectly trained one, her body shakes and she comes. Most of It gets into my Mouth, causing me to Moan loudly-at this Point I think that my Underwear is completely drenched and my Arousal is probably down my Thighs already.

"More?", I ask, a Part of me hopes that she will say yes, so I can go further with this and make her cum over and over again, but another part of me is scared that I might hurt her at actual fucking. After a few tries, she seems to give up speaking and nods her Head with a sheepishly Grin. I chuckle and kiss her Nose before hovering over her, then I slowly bring my Right Hand off her waist and down to her Center, my Thumb rubbing over her Clit. This time I Moan as well as her, given I can see her. The way her whole body position changes. Her Eyes flutter close and her Lips part, they're slightly bruised, probably because she's bitten her lip before-or well, from our Kissing-probably caused by both of it. Her right Arm is holding onto me while her other Hand is gripping the Sheets. "Tell me when it hurts-and also are you..?", I trail off, knowing she understands the Question anyway. "I will, and No.", She Replies And I smile and nod. Others might as well prefer Virgins-I did too. But with this whole Human-Vampire situation I'm just glad that she's not in any unnecessary pain. Especially given I wouldn't know if it was 'just' the usual 'first time-Pain' or if I actually hurt her. I inhale once again before inserting one finger, and once again I can Hear her Moan. Her Grip on the Sheet tightens and she's slightly arching her back off the Mattress once I'm all in. "You okay?", I ask, one last time. "Yeah..Ke-Keep going? Please..", She Asks, trying to rock herself against me to cause any friction, but as ever she's being held in place by my Hands. I slowly begin to move, not too fast get, not too rough, but definitely enough for her to Feel me. She moans and grabs onto my Arm, silently telling me that she was in no Pain.

Taking that as a cue to keep going, I insert another finger and go a little faster. After a few minutes, faster again, I can tell she's close to orgasming again, but it seems like she's waiting for something or trying to hold it back. I gently nibble on her Neck, more careful than usual, now that my Fangs are obviously out and a part of me begs for me to dig in-a part that I push aside. "Come for me.", I whisper in her Ear and just seconds after it I feel her Juices covering my Hand.

I wait a few minutes for her to calm down before speaking again. "Was this Okay?", she nods her Head with a small Grin before reaching up and stroking over my Cheeks with her Fingers. "It was great-thanks.", She answers and pulls me down to her. "Get Showered?", She Asks And I nod chuckling before we make our way into the Bathroom.

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