Chapter five

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Taehyung's pov:
After telling Hos... Mr. Jung about how things will work, as being my personal secretary and a dance instructor. We were left in a, surprisingly, comfortable silence. He pushed my laptop back towards me, "Done already?" I asked, very shocked on how quick he was. "The last, well the old secretary I mean, I had to email the shopping kart link to her, so she could finish." His eyebrows scrunched together, looking confused and shocked, which I seem to be making him feel quite a bit today.
"And this is all you want? Are you sure?" I asked a second time, still very confused and not sure why he is getting so little. The omega then giggled, I watched how he rest his elbow on his knee and placed his chin into the palm of his hand.
"That's all I will need, I don't need anything special, it's only for my office. If it were my house, then that would be different." He states simply, giving me a small smile.
I feel my stomach twist with butterflies again. 'And all he did was smile!' Just mentally slapping myself at the moment, so no worries. I sighed, trying to pull myself together, trying to at least. His soft voice broke me out of my thoughts.
"Are you ok sir... I-I mean... um T-Taehyung?" I didn't even realized I dozed off, "W-what? Oh uhh y-yeah... yeah sorry, I was just rethinking and going over in my head on what else you possibly need to know. But uh it looks like you're all good, for now at least, I'll let you know if anything comes to mind." He awed and sat there patiently, as I got myself, mentally, together. I finished filling out the information for the items he picked out for his office.
I closed my laptop and glanced at him, giving him a soft smile.
"Your office furniture will be here tomorrow morning. Seokjin and Jungkook will be there to help you out. I will be helping you out later on, because my father and I are having a little meeting tomorrow morning. May I see your phone real quick?" He nods and pulls out his phone from his inside suit pocket. He unlocks it and hands it me. I type my number into his contacts real quick and hand it back to him.
"I gave you my number, text me later tonight, so I can get your number. This will only be for business reasons though and nothing more, so don't take advantage of it... unless it's an emergency, got it?"
'For now, but I sadly can't trust him, not yet', I thought to myself.
His eyes widen, showing a bit of fear, nodding his head frantically. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest, but trust is a hard thing for me to do.
"Y-Yes... I-I completely... un yeah completely... under... U-understand..." I nod with a stern look on my face. I stood up from my couch, held out my hand to help the omega stand up. He stares at my hand in confusion, eyebrows scrunched together, looking up at me for a reason.
I sighed, my hand falling down to my side, "We're going to head to the café, I got a message from Jin, on my laptop, that he's out in lobby, sitting on the couch with his wife. They said they're waiting for us." I held my hand back out, he looks at it and was hesitant, but takes it with a soft grip. 'His hands feel like silk!' I mentally scream in my head, noticing how much smaller his hands were in mine. I helped him up, seeing his cheeks turning a little red again.
"Lets go Mr. Jung." I start walking to my office door to leave, thinking he was following behind.
"Hoseok." Hearing him mumble, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure what he said. I turn around to see he didn't move from his spot. His gaze was locked down at his hands.

Hoseok's pov:
"Hoseok," I said to him, not moving from my spot, finding my hands more interesting. I felt his eyes on me, "I-I'm sorry... what did you say?" He stuttered out. I felt my face get more warm, "Hoseok... j-just call me Hoseok... please," I look away from my hands, gazing into his hazel-brown eyes.
"Oh... ok... let's go then... Hoseok," I correct, with a small smile forming on my flushed face. I follow him out of his office, while I walk towards my new friends. I hear Taehyung quickly turn off the lights and lock the doors to his office.
Seokjin stood up from the couch, who is now in a suit and all cleaned up, giving his mate a hand to stand up.
Namjoon glanced at me, "So how was it?" He asked me in a soft tone.
"It went better than I thought," I stated, a smile never leaving my lips, glancing over towards Seokjin and gave him a slight bow. "How was your dance practice Mr.Kim?" I asked, trying to be polite and formal with my peers as much as possible.
He then starts laughing, which sounded really funny for a laugh, "Oh please, no need to be so formal! Please call me Jin!" I nod, his laugh making me and Namjoon break out in laughter as well.
After we calmed down, still slightly giggling now and then. "Practice was good by way, thank you for asking..." he panted out, whipping away any tears that fell.
"Hoseok," I told him him, seeing his smile get bigger and nod happily in reply. He takes Namjoons hand into his, both glazing into each others eyes. Seeing the love circle around them, made my heart burst with happiness.
I hear someone clear their voice, I turn and see Taehyung, with a small smile on his lips. "Shall we?" A very hot grin spreading on his lip, making me freeze for a second. And his voice was deep too when he said that, whichever god gave and blessed him with that voice, thank you, is all I haft to say. I nod my head frantically, turning back to the love birds, mainly hiding from embarrassment of my own thoughts.
We all head towards the elevator and made our way down, to head to the café down the road.

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