Chapter nine

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Hoseok's pov:
After lessons with my dance group, I was finally left alone. And started singing and dancing on my own. I didn't write the song, but it was one of my favorites, called 'Black Swan'.
I was then interrupted by my phone going off, the ringtone blasting threw the speakers. Realizing that I forgot to turn the Bluetooth off. I sighed and walked over towards my phone, disconnecting it from the Bluetooth speakers. Reading the screen, 'Minnie', sliding the screen to answer the call. Placing my phone against my ear, "Hoseok-ah!" I flinched a bit from my friends loud voice, but noticed Jimin sounded off.
"Hi Jimin, is something wrong?"
"Yoongi went into labor! We're at the hospital right now! I'll send you the address to it!" I nod my head, realizing that he couldn't see me.
"Ok, I'll be there as soon as possible!" I hung up and quickly pack up my things. I got the address from Jimin and started to put it into my phones GPS, so it was ready when I got to my car. I bolt out of the room, heading to the elevator, waiting for it impatiently to open. Tapping my foot and groaning when it felt like the elevator was taking it's bloody time.
The moment the door dinged and open, I bolted inside and slammed on the button for the first floor. 

I bolted out of the elevator once the doors opened only by a crack and ended up running into someone in the process on my way out. And why did it haft to be Taehyung?
"Wooo slow down horsy, alright, what's wrong? Why are you in a rush Hoseok?" He asked me in a curious, yet worried tone.
"Yoongi went into labor, I haft to go to the hospital!" I rambled out, his eyes shot open, catching me by surprise when he grasped my wrist and pulled me out into the parking garage.
We walked up to what I'm assuming is his car. "Get in, I know where it is, so don't worry."
I nod, trusting him for this, hopefully I can trust him for not getting us lost, or even killed. The engine roared and the tires squeaked as we sped off on our way to the hospital.
We made it there alive and safe, shockingly, for how fast he drove. How he didn't get pulled over and get a ticket is beyond me. Ok, maybe it has something to do with being head alpha, but I don't know.
We sped walk into the hospital, the smell of rubbing alcohol burning my nose.
Taehyung and I walked up to the desk, "Jeon Yoongi?" He asked the young, omega nurse, she smiled at him, in a very weird way.
"Yes head alpha, he is in room three-twenty six, do you need help to find it." Now she is sounding very flirty and, is it me, or is she trying to show her burst more? Taehyung shook his head and gave her a soft smile. "No ma'am I'm fine, thank you though."
She then glance over at me in disgust, "How can I help you?" She asked me in an annoyed tone. Which made me very confused, I thought nurses were supposed to be nice. I gave her soft smile anyway and cleared my throat.
"Jeon Yoongi?" I said as nicely as possible.
"Sorry no visitors are aloud right now," she said coldly. I shook my head in bewilderment, "Wait what? But you let him up?!" She rolled her eyes, "Yeah, but only because he's the head alpha and I don't see his mark on you, so move along." I looked at her in disbelief. She can't be serious right now!

Third pov:
"Listen, I may not be Taehyung's future omega, but I am his personal secretary. Which I have just as much power and work as he does! So you let me go up and see my friend or else I'll just go up myself!" Hoseok snapped at her, furious to why she wouldn't let him upstairs, 'my friend is giving birth right now, so I will visit him, no matter what.'
"I'm not letting a wolf like you visit anyone, you let down your own pack and ran away from your problems," she smirked evilly, crossing her arms over her chest, as if she though she won the fight. Hoseok then held his head high, turning on his heel, heading threw the door to go upstairs. The girl gasp and shot up from her seat, "Security!! Get that pathetic, no good omega!! Now!!" The nurse yelled, three security officers started chasing after Hosoek up the many flight of stairs.
Hoseok finally reached the third floor, running and reading the numbers on the signs. He glanced down a hall and  spots Jimin sitting with Taehyung, outside the room.
"You!! Omega stop where you are!" One of the alpha security guards shouters, while running towards Hoseok.
Hoseok then turned down a different hall, not wanting his friend, Jimin, to get hurt by his mistake. He then was about to run down another hall, until he heard the word, "STOP!" In an alpha voice, making his inner wolf whimper. The guard chuckles and walks up to the omega gripped his thin wrist tightly, making him yelp in pain. Another guard comes up to omega, drooling over his body.
"You have such a sexy body omega, how much do you charge an hour for some fun." Hoseok's eyes widen in fear, shaking his head, trying to get out of the alphas tight grip.
The third guard chuckles, smirking, "I don't know why your parents didn't just sell you omega. I would've bought this sexy body in a heart beat. And aren't you still a virgin? You still smell fresh like one."
Hoseok was shaking, hot tears was now staining his flushed cheeks. The guard holding his wrist, started pulling and dragging Hoseok somewhere.
"Come on boys, let's go have some fun," the first guard chuckled out in a dark voice, his grip tightening harder around Hoseok's wrist causing him yelp again in pain.
Hoseok was scared, no terrified and he tried to fight, but he wasn't as strong as the alpha.
"P-please!! Let me go!! Plea-," Hoseok fell on the ground, holding his cheek, the loud smack echoed through the halls.
The sound made Taehyung and Jimin jump. The head alpha stood up from the sound, his eyes narrow down the hall where the sound came from, he glanced back at Jimin.
"Stay here Jimin." The omega nod, as Taehyung bolted to the main hall, his head turning in many directions. Following the scent of an omegas stressed and scared pheromones.  Taehyung then spotted Hoseok on the floor, crying, and looked to be shaking in fear. The head alpha ran towards the omega, not understanding what happened.
The first guard noticed Taehyung and acted as if he didn't just hit the omega, the other two officers followed after him, acting along like nothing happened.
"Oh head alpha! It's pleasure to meet you!" The first guard spoke, all three guards bowing, Hoseok slowly glanced up at Taehyung. They locked eyes, Taehyung saw the omegas red puffy eyes, fresh tears mixing with old ones, and his cheek a bright red from the smack.
Taehyung walked closer to the group, standing in front of them, Hoseok remained on the floor, shaking. The omega didn't even bother to look up again and decided to keep his head down and keep quiet. Taehyung looked around at the guards, "What's going on here?" He asked in a stern and harsh voice. The first guard glared down at the omega, to make sure the omega knows to keep quiet. He cleared his throat and smiled at the head alpha,"You see head alpha, this omega was giving the nice nurse a lot of trouble. He was being awfully rude to her, yelled and threatened her even. My boys and I were about to teach him a lesson."
Taehyung stood there, filtering the information threw his head of what he was informed. He glanced back down at the omega, who kept his head down, holding his wrist. Taehyung bends down to the omegas level, using his finger, to gently lift the omegas face up by his chin. But of course the omega kept his eyes down, which made the alphas heart break.
"Hoseok, could you tell me your side of the story please?" Taehyung asked softly. Hoseok opened his mouth and was about to speak, but flinched when one of the guards growled.
"Head alpha, please believe us, he's known for his lies and trickery! Making his family believe that he would present as an alpha! We can't trust him!" The first guard shouted, obviously being the vocal one of the group.

Taehyung's pov:
I snapped my head up, glaring daggers towards the three guards.
"I am going to hear the omegas side of the story, so let him speak," I spat out to the guards.
"But Head Alph-," I shot up to my feet, glaring at all three officers, not wanting to hear another word from them.
"I said, Let. Him. Speak." I spat again through gritted teeth. I bent back down to the omega, his face looking down again. I use my finger to gently lift his head back up to look at me. I studied his face more closely now, seeing his tear stained cheeks, eyes red and puffy from crying, and a bruise forming on his left cheek. My stomach turned, I didn't like seeing his state like this.
"I need you to tell me your side of the story please and I want your eyes on mine as well," I asked him softly.
He lets out a shaky breath and eyes shot down, but they slowly glanced up. "S-She wouldn't let me up." He stuttered out in a hushed voice.
"Who wouldn't let you up?" I asked.
"T-The nurse at the desk that let you up here... she wouldn't let me up... S-So I came up myself..."
Needing to find out what the officers said is true or not. "Did you threaten her?" I asked him, he shook his head. "N-no, she wouldn't let me up, s-so I said I would take myself up."
"Lies," I hear the first guard spit out, but I ignored him, shaking my head and sighed. I then glance down, noticing Hoseok's wrist in his hand, gently moving his fingers away, seeing a bruise starting to form around the circumference of it.
"Omega let me see your wrist," I commanded, gently taking his left hand, examining his wrist, seeing him flinch and hiss in pain when I barely graced my thumb over the bruised skin. "What happened?" I asked, as worry and anger boiled up inside me.
"S-she wouldn't let me u-up, she said she only let you up because y-you're the head alpha. I-I told her that I was your secretary... but she said she d-didn't want a wo-wolf that let d-down their pa-pack and r-ran away from th-their problems." That still doesn't explain why he has a bruise forming on both his cheek and wrist. I sighed, looking at the omega, noticing how his gaze was on the floor again."Can you please look at me omega?" He slowly lifted his head, making eye contact with me again.
"You still didn't explain why you are crying... I also want to know why you're hurt..." I stated, needing answers. He started shaking more, his distressed scent coming out more by the second. I pull him into a hug, he started sobbing into my chest, my heart shattered, seeing him act like this.
"Hey, Hoseok, sshhh it's ok... deep breaths... ok, deep breaths..." I rubbed his back in a circle motion, I heard the first guard growl, frightening Hosoek more. I hear him whimper and begin to shake and tremble more.
So I then connected a few pieces together, using the little information that I got. Then something clicked into my brain. 'My boys and I were about to teach him a lesson...' those words echoed in my head.
I stand up, picking up Hoseok bridal style, his arms wrapped around my neck, as his nose stuck in my neck. I knew he smelling my scent to calm down, which I didn't mind, it makes me happy knowing he trusts me this much. I glared at the three guards,
"You three... are fired and I'll make sure to fire that stupid bitch of a nurse as well." I turned on my heel, walking back towards Yoongi's room.

Third pov:
"That fucking omega is going to pay for this," the first guard growled.

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