Chapter sixty-eight**

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Third pov:
Josh stood from across the room, leaning against the door frame. Watching Kai like a hawk, as the omega sat there, reading a book. Head resting in the palm of his hand, elbow propped on the arm of the chair. Josh stepped up to the omega, taking hold of the younger's wrist. Kai gasped in surprise, seeing the alpha study his mark on his wrist. Josh growled, gripping the omegas wrist, "Kai, this was only a moon by itself, but it has marks added on. Tattoo arks only change if you mate with your destined mate. You told me you started your heat early and was forced on by an alpha! How was that alpha destined for you?! Huh!?" Kai opened his mouth to speak, but an alpha bursted threw the front door. "Boss I got another one of the Kims sons!" The alpha shouted happily. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Jongdae came running down the stairs, rushing into the living room. Hearing all the yelling got their attention, further add on the stress that both Chanyeol and Jongdae sensed their omega son in distress.

Kyungsoos breath hitched when he locked eyes with the omega, who was held in another alphas arms. That's the omega that the Japanese alpha, shouted about capturing. Kyungsoo's eyes traced down to the bump on the omega, he had to fight his inner wolf hard to not attack and save his omega. Cause he doesn't want to risk any danger to his family.
Jongdae glared at everything that was happening, Josh only laughed and cheered the alpha, "Good job Kenji! Bring him down to the basement with his brothers. I'm sure they will be happy to see him!" Kenji nod and dragged the struggling, young omega down to the basement. Dark magic prominent and lingering from the door and through out the whole basement. Masking all the scents and bonds from and to from the Kim family.
Chanyeol rushed to his omega sons aid, Kai reached for his mother's hand, holding back a whimper, as his mother comforted him. Jongdae growled, "For crying out loud Josh! The poor thing is pregnant!! He looks like he is due any day now!!! Don't you think this a bit too far on the Kim's!?" Josh bared his teeth, growling back, "This is bait to get to the Kims!! He's perfect to use!! And you!!" Josh pointed at Kai, who started shaking, Chanyeol hugged his son protectively. "Explain your mark! Now!!!" Kai flinched, "I-I met my destined m-mate.... a-and got p-pregnant with his p-pups...." he stuttered in a hushed voice. Josh growled in annoyance and pure anger, "We head to the Kims tomorrow, so be prepared!!" Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "Yes scar," he mumbled under his breath. Kenji came back up, laughing, "Masumis is so tight! God his ass is just as amazing as it looks!" Josh then smirked, an idea popping into his mind, "Kenji, take Kai and go mark him." The said omega shook in fear, shaking his head frantically. Chanyeol, his alpha son and mate, stood in front of the expecting omega that sat on the chair. All three growled, barring their teeth, "You touch my son and there will blood drawn," Jongdae snapped in a deep, dark voice.  Josh chuckled and spoke into a hidden head set, many alphas and betas the came into the house. All, but Kai, was injected with tranquilizers, Josh scuffed and shook his head in disappointment. "Take them to their hut, I will speak to them once they are awake."
Kenji then snatched Kais wrist, who yelped in pain and was forced off the chair. "No! Please!! I beg you!! Please!!" Josh growled, telling Kenji to stop for a moment, pulling out a vial from his pocket, forcing the omega to drink a potion. "Then tell the truth! About your mark!!" Kai couldn't stop trembling and sobbing, gripping the bottom of his shirt, looking anywhere, but at the angry alpha. "I-I-I met m-my dest-ined mmm-m-mate.... I-I asked h-him t-to knot m-me.... I-It was the day before m-my he-heat...." Kai partially told as the truth, sense he and his mother made the potions. The truth potion is one of the many potions that doesn't work on pregnant omegas. The body rejects it as a defense mechanism. Josh scuffed and gestured the alpha take the omega away. Kenji pulled them omega upstairs, dragging him into a spare room. He slammed and locked the door. Grinning at the crying omega, "Man! I'm gonna haft to go do another round on that omega again, because shit you're making me hard! On the bed slut." Kai crawled onto the bed with shaky limbs. Kenji crawled up behind him, forcing the clothes out of the way and started licking a spot. Kai was bitting his lip, the moment he felt the sharp teeth sink down into his skin. He bit his lip so hard it drew blood, his mark burned on his skin. Making him feel dizzy, he passed out in the bed. Kenji only chuckled and left the omega alone in the room.

*Warning!! RAPE!! You don't haft to read it, just wait for the next chapter!!

Masumi's pov:
I saw an alpha coming down the stairs, I gasped at seeing my brother in his arms. "Baekhyun!!" I tried to move closer to the bars of the dungeon like room. But the heavy chains on my wrists kept me from moving. The alpha unlocked the bar door and laid my brother down on the cold cement ground. Watching him click the heavy cuffs on Baekhyuns wrists. How did he even get my little siblings? What did he do to my brother!?
I gasped from a strong grip on my chin force me to look up. He unbuckled his pants with a single hand. "You know, for being powerless, it can be useful." I yelped from him smacking me and pinning me to the ground, I closed my legs tightly, trying keep some dignity. Shivers ran up my spine from the alpha gracing his cold hand under my gown. I was still in my night gown from when Suho and I were spending the weekend in a log cabin. But it's all torn and dirty now.
This alpha, I didn't even know his bloody name! "What do you want?!" I shouted, fighting him from forcing my legs open. My eyes watered more from the alphas dirty hands touching me, "P-Please, I don't want this! Please!" I begged and begged, he growled, making me feel so small. He chuckled, mimicking me, "Please-Please, save me mommy," he chuckled out. I screeched from him finally forcing my legs open. I turned to my stomach to crawl away, but he held a tight grip on my waist. The sound of his rough hands ripping and tearing my underwear apart. I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't.
A pain I never thought I would experience in my whole life. I screamed from his sinful and forceful thrusts into me. I want Suho to save me, I want mama, papa, Sehun, my family and friends. My throat hurt from screaming, I could smell my own blood run down my thighs. With blurry eyes, I see my little brothers still out like a light.
The alpha then hit something, and it made a moan slip out of my mouth, my head fell in shame. He did it again, and again, making me cry and moan at the same time. "Please stop..." I whimpered out, hearing him scuff, "To me, it seems like your tight virgin hole enjoys it!" I gasped and screamed a moan, from his animalistic thrusting. I could only sob, hating myself, I know don't enjoy this. I was saving my virginity for Suho to take.
I yelped from the alpha spanking me hard, he darkly chuckled, "I'll thank Suho for this later." My eyes widen, my heart shattered into a million pieces, I screamed, feeling betrayed and heartbroken.
I shook my head frantically when I felt his knot growing, I begged him to not knot me. I tried to crawl away again, but I'm too weak. I bit my lip when feeling my rim stretch open, I groaned in pain, my body shook from the new feeling. A loud pain filled scream to rip out of me, his knot fully popped and swelled.
My body went numb, falling to the ground ounce the alphas knot died down. I hugged my stomach, shaking from the cold, anger, sadness, betrayal, all these mix emotions ran through my body. So Suho in on all of this? I felt like dying right there, but my brothers need me, so I will be strong for them.
The alpha left, but came back again, using me as he pleased. As long he didn't touch any more of my siblings, then so be it.

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