Chapter sixty-one

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Third pov:
Screams of pain filled the bedroom. Hoseok gave one more hard push and fell back into the pile of pillows, letting out a gasp of air. His tear stained, rosie cheeks and puffed out from panting air. His lips formed into a small smile, hearing his pups loud cry. Taehyung rest the pup on his mates sweaty bare chest. A smile never left the alphas lips the moment he saw his sons face for the first time. He himself started to cry when his heard his sons powerful lungs. He crawled up beside his mate in bed, adoring every detail in his new born sons face. That was squished against his mother's swollen chest. He pecked kisses against his mates head, thanking him multiple times. The gentle and sweet praises made Hoseok giggle. They both gazed at their newborn pup, Hoseok then noticed the blue moon peaked out from behind the clouds. A mark magically formed onto their sons left wrist, glowing a bright white and forming into a small crescent moon. The mates  were in shock, but were beyond happy.

After cleaning up, Taehyung let in his eldest twins. Who were very impatient and were eager to see their new sibling. Taehyung held Baekyun and Jihyo in his arms, who just woke up only to want attention. Taehyung has no idea how they slept through the birth, but he is happy that they did, he doesn't want his pups to have more nightmares.
Hoseok gave his twins a tired smile, Boni and Masumi jumped up onto the bed. They scurried over to their mother, their nightmare that kept them up hours ago is now long gone. The now had many mixed emotions flowing through them, having trouble sitting still, pushing and shoving each other. Taehyung sat next to his mate on the bed, the twins jumping onto his lap, he chuckled and adjusted his pups on his lap. Their young, curious eyes wandered to the small bundle their mother's arms. Masumi was the first to stutter out words. "M-mama ok?!" His eyes were glossy from the old and fresh tears, cheeks still slightly flushed from his last break down. His sister on the other hand didn't cry, but the worry in her eyes said otherwise. Hoseok weakly giggle, "I'm fine, no need to worry about me ok. Now scoot over here and meet your brother." The Twins scooted closer beside their mother. Hoseok tilt his pup up a bit, moving the blanket away from his face. The twins awed, Boni graced a finger over the pups cheek. She lit up when the pup wrapped his tiny hand around her two little fingers.
Taehyung couldn't stop smiling at the sight before him. "So Hobi, what shall we call him?" The alpha asked, as his son began to play with his sisters fingers. Hoseok hummed and glanced down at his pup and then back up at his alpha. "I think, we should call him...


Fourteen years later....

Kyungsoo and his eldest brother, Kai, were walking in the woods, enjoying the summer air. Talking about random things and Kyungsoo decided to pop a random question. "Do you think you'll present as an alpha next year?" Kai smirked, "Oh yeah, most definitely and you'll be an omega." He stated confidently. Kyungsoo scuffed and was about to retort his brother, but they both stopped their tracks once they sensed someone was near. Kai stood in front of his brother, glaring at his surroundings.

Kai's pov:
My heart was pounding, that scent was different and young. Meaning I don't know if this wolf is an alpha, beta or omega. My mark on my left hand wrist felt warm and stung a bit, but I ignored it. Two bodies came into view, my breath got caught in my throat. I know there's two woods, but for some reason, this one wolf is so.... intriguing. I snapped out it, shaking my thoughts away and glared at the smirking wolfs. "Who are you?" I snapped. They chuckled and one of them spoke first, "Chill sweet cheeks, we don't want any trouble. The names Sehun and this is my older brother Baekhyun." My jaw dropped from the nickname, 'Sweet cheeks?! Who is he calling sweet cheeks?!' I thought to myself. Kyungsoo pulled into my sleeve, I glanced down at him with a questioning gaze. "We should go Kai, we don't want to mess with the pack Leader Kim's pups.. mother told me about their Luna, Hoseok, we don't want to mess with them." He whispered, I glanced at the Kim's and cleared my throat. "It was nice meeting you both, but my brother and I haft to get going." We turned to leave, but that Sehun called for me, his voice brought shivers down my spine. His voice was so calming and I honestly would die to hear it every day. "Wait! Will we see each other again?" I glanced back him, not knowing what to say now. I only shrugged and gave him a simple maybe. Not wanting to make any promises with a stranger.

The rest of the day went by, and nowI couldn't sleep, that bloody kid is still on my mind. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I chose to go for walk to Spirit Waterfall, that place always helped to clear my mind.

Sehun's pov:
Why can't I sleep? Is it that wolf, who's face I cannot get out of my mind, he never even gave me his name. I groaned in irritation, sitting up in bed, my eyes glanced toward the half moon outside.
Maybe I should just go for a walk, it's not like I have anything else better to do. I'm fourteen bloody years old, almost fifteen. I have video games and all that jazz and I the type to mainly read or go for walks. I sighed and got out of bed, throwing on the first thing I find. I made my way to my parents room and quietly entered. I slowly stepped up to my parents bed, tapping on my mother's arm to wake him. He hummed and opened his eyes slightly, "What's wrong pup?" He asked in a  soft and tired voice. "I can't sleep, is it ok if I go to Spirit waterfall. I'll be back by dawn, no later." He sighed, seeing that worried look flash in his eyes. He placed his hand on his small four month old bump. Yes, my mother is pregnant with another pup, but he wanted another. So who was tell an omega what to do with their body. He gave birth to me, so I haft to respect him for his choices.
He eventually nod his head, "That's fine sweetie, just promise me that you'll bond me, papa or your older siblings." I nod my head frantically, and pecked a kiss on his cheek, thanking him. I skipped out of the house and ran into the woods.
Then a familiar scent hit me, it's him, my wolf howled with happiness. I ran faster to my location, seeing him sitting there on the grass. The moonlight against his face made him look like an angel.

Third pov:
Sehun stepped closer to the other, "Hey..." he said in a hushed voice....

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