Chapter twenty-three

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Hoseok's pov:
It's been roughly over two months, sense Taehyung and I finally spoke. Things were better, but I remained to keep distance with him. It's still hard for me to face him, after what happened New Years, I would drop papers off and leave his office instantly. We would exchange a few words now and then, but it was always too tense for me. So tense, I could barely breath, making my head spin and feel sick to my stomach.
Today, while in teaching dance, I stopped in the middle of my dance. Holding my spinning head, moving to the side and telling them to continue. Watching them instead, deciding to stay after the class, get my mind off of everything. But when I did, my head felt light, feeling dizzy, making it hard to continue dancing. I scheduled a doctors appointment at six this evening today. Because my friends, specifically Jimin and Namjoon, they kept pestering me about my health. Asking 'what if' questions, such as; What if you're really sick? What if there's something wrong with you? What if you are pregnant? What if this! What if that! But the word pregnant, that simple word always makes my chest feel tight, if I were to be pregnant, then why hasn't my scent changed? Now I'm asking myself questions that I'm unable to answer.
I growled in irritation, rubbing my fatigued, sweaty eyes and face with my clammy hands. Checking the time on my phone, seeing it's now around five, so I began packing everything up. Heading out to go to my doctors appointment.

Third pov:
Jimin sat at home with his mates, the pups fast asleep in their room upstairs. The two omegas snuggled against their alpha. Jimin exhaled a long sigh, "I'm worried about Hoseok, he's been acting strange lately and I don't know why." Yoongis face scrunched in confusion, "Why? Is he pregnant?" Jimin hummed the words 'I don't know', shrugging his shoulders. "It's hard to tell, he does have some of the symptoms, but his scent hasn't changed and he's still thin... maybe it's just a cold or something..." Jungkook pecked his head, making a smile spread on the omegas lips. "Don't worry, if anything happens, then we'll be by his side to help him as much as possible." Receiving a loving kiss on the lips from both of his omegas, smirking and pulling them both into another kiss. Slowly becoming a heated make out with his mate Yoongi, while Jimin pecked kisses down his neck. Yoongi hummed, "Lets move this to the spare bedroom down here, because I don't want to wake up the pups." He stated, both of his horny mates agreed, making sure to bring the baby monitor with them.

Taehyung stood outside on the balcony to his office. Leaning against the metal railing, tired from the amount of wolfs, that come into his office, especially the omegas. All saying that they're his destined mate, showing him a fake tattoo mark, or that they're even pregnant with his pup and shit. He hears it every, single, day, and combining that with stress from work. Because a big competition event is happening this coming summer. Different groups of dancers and singers will come to his pack, the singers produce a song for the dancers to dance to. It's stressful for the head alpha because he has to team up with his workers, to design clothes for each dance group, make sure it fits with their theme. And make sure to get all the correct measurements of the dancers. Having to pick the best stadium to hold the competition at, etcetera-etcetera.
Taehyung's mind soon wandered to a specific omega, his personal secretary. Excited to see the omegas performance at the competition, imaging the omegas amazing movements. The way his body moves to the rhythm of any form music, always left Taehyung in awe. But, Hoseok, has been avoiding the alpha lately and he couldn't think of a reason for it either.
"Sir, you have a meeting at six," Taehyung nod, confused on how the female got in his office so quietly, he didn't even hear her knock. He grumbled out made up words, checking his wrist watch for the time. The watch reminding him of the omega, that is always on his mind. He sighed, the meeting is in thirty minutes. Shrugging, still smelling the female omegas awful scent of cinnamon, "What room?" He simply asked, "Room thirty on the the first floor sir." The alpha nod, telling her to leave, finally able to breath once she did. His gaze fixed back at the watch, studying the details, Hoseok's heart shaped smile and deep brown eyes, facial features, personality, laugh, and sun kissed skin. Glued to the alphas memory, still not knowing why the omega made his stomach turn. Still unnoticed by the truth, that he is deeply in love with the omega and is destined to be with him. But the alpha refused to admit it, still blind by the past, no matter how many times he tries to push it away.

Hoseok was sitting in the doctors office, gaze fixed on the many posters on the wall. His leg bounced up and down as he nervously waited for the doctor to return. The door suddenly opened, the omegas attention immediately drawn to the doctor.
"Mr. Jung?" Hoseok nod,"Yes sir?" He gasped out, his heart beating hard against his chest, eager and nervous at the same time about what was happening to him. The doctors eyes read over the results on his board and started asking the omega questions, as he made his way over to a chair.
"Mr. Jung, when was your last heat?"
Hoseok thought for a hot minute, humming as he thought.
"A little over four months ago... I believe, but I'm not sure..." The omegas face paled, realizing that he missed nearly two heats.
"Mhm... Have you been sexually active in the past few months Mr. Jung?"
Hoseok's face went from white to red in the matter of seconds, he slowly nod his head. The doctor nod,"How long ago if I may ask?" Hoseok rubbed the back of his neck, "New Years eve..." he mumbled out softly.
"During the blue moon?" The doctor received another slow nod from the blushing omega. "Has anyone said or noticed a change in your scent by any chance?" Hoseok then shook his head, his body going stiff from the doctors next question. "Do you, by any chance, have a tattoo mark? And mated with your destined mate, during the blue moon?" The omega then tilt his head in confusion, not understanding why the doctor would ask such a question. Nodding his head again, speechless on what to say.
"So, the last time this type of thing happened, on our records, is over a fifty years ago. When the last blue moon appeared. Two wolfs that were destined, mated during the blue moon, but the omegas scent didn't change. Yet, she was pregnant... which is very unheard of and this is now considered very rare. Apparently when two destined wolfs mate during the blue moon, this happens. I've had few destined couples come in, but the omegas scent changed. Because they didn't do it during the blue moon, and there also hasn't been one in five decades."
Hoseok locked his gaze down at the floor, his pink bangs covered his eyes. Nibbling on his bottom lip, as his brain absorbed the new information. He let out shaky breath, "So... what you're saying... is that I'm..."
The doctor nod,"Yes... you are pregnant."
The omegas head shot up, shock written all over his face, his gaze locked with the doctors. He shook his head, "I-I can't be..." finding it hard and impossible, to believe the doctor words. The doctor softly sighed, "I would like to do an ultrasound, if that's ok?"
Hoseok only gave a simple nod and hummed, the doctor giving him a soft smile and gestured his head towards the door. Both standing up from where they sat, Hoseok going a little slower, the doctor guided him out of the room. Hoseok followed the young, male beta, doctor to a different room, that was further down the hall. The doctor unlocked the door and instructed the omega to go lay on the bed. Hoseok hesitantly made his way over to the bed, slowly laying down, cringing at the paper crinkling and moving with him. He watched the doctor shut the door, heading over to the machine, turning it on the monitor and setting it up with ease."Life your shirt up please," the omega rolled his shirt up a bit, the doctor squeezed a clear gel on his slightly round belly. "You have a bump, which is a very good sign," he took the wand and placed it on Hoseok's bump, moving it around, while his eyes studied the screen. The doctor smiled and turned the screen to face Hoseok. The omegas breath hitched, his hand cupped over his mouth from shock.
"You look to be four months, you said New Years and it's the end of April, so the pup is in perfect shape. And you should be due in the fall time at least... would you like to hear the heartbeat?"
A tears peaked in the corner of the omegas eyes, nodding his head in reply, sucking in a sharp breath. As the doctor pressed a button. Hoseok choked on a sob, hearing his pups heartbeat echo in his ears, he covered his face, rubbing his tear filled eyes with his palms. He tried to make the tears stop, but they wouldn't, no matter how many times he tried to rub them away. The doctor handed him a few tissues, the omega thanked and took them, wiping his runny, red nose and endless tears. He felt the doctor move the wand again, hearing him awe, almost as if something was wrong. "W-What's wrong?" Hoseok worryingly ask, the doctor only smiled at him and pointed at the screen.
"There's another pup, she was hiding behind her brother... identical twins by the looks of it too, do twins run in your family or your mates family?"
Hoseok began to cry harder, twins, he was carrying twins and they were Taehyung's... oh god Taehyung is the father. The omega sucked in a shaky breath, sniffling, "T-Twins don't run in my family, I-I don't know about the father, h-he never mentioned it... we're not even mates... i-it was more like a uh o-one night s-stand, then an actual courting..." The omegas heart shattered, his pups were conceived by lust, not love. Taehyung doesn't even remember that nights events. Hoseok, himself, wasn't even supposed to remember that terrifying night either, but he does. "I also, for some reason, remember what happened that night and he doesn't, but... I do..."
The doctor hummed and shrugged his shoulders, "It's rare, but it does happen, sometimes. I'll print you a few copy's of your pups and also schedule you for your next check up." The doctor left the room, leaving monitor on, letting Hoseok to gaze at the two small pups that were growing inside him. The only problem was telling Taehyung... their father...

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