Chapter ten

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Third pov:
Taehyung walked up to Jimin with Hoseok in his arms. Jimin would've jumped up from his seat if he could, but it was more like a wiggle and a struggle to stand up. The pregnant omega gasped when seeing his friend in such a bad state.
"Oh Hoseok-ah, what happened?" Hoseok didn't reply, so the head alpha did so for him.
Taehyung sighed and spoke up for the omega. "He said the nurse at the desk wouldn't let him up... just let him cool off, I'll keep an eye on him." He gave Jimin a soft smile, slowly sitting down on the bench outside of the room. Hoseok was now sitting in the alphas lap, his head in the alphas chest and arms around his neck.
Jimin smiles at the scene, but then jumped when a scream erupted through the closed door. The room Yoongi was in, he was in labor for over twelve hours, he started pushing about twenty minutes ago. The poor omega has been whimpering in pain from the endless hours of contractions.
Another scream was heard form behind the closed door. Taehyung held out his hand out, helping the omega sit down.
The head alpha gave Jimin a kind and reassuring smile, "Everything will be ok, Yoongi is a tough omega," the alpha said while rubbing Hoseok's back.
They heard another pain filled scream, but it soon ended and was cut off. The only thing you could hear was the loud cry of a new born pup.
A big smile and tears of happiness went down Jimin's chubby cheeks. The door to the room opened, Jungkook and the doctor came out. The young alpha was smiling like an idiot, giving Jimin a hug and kiss on the lips. "Oh Jimin he's so beautiful! He is so beautiful!" The young alpha said while cupping Jimin's cheeks in his hands, pecking more kisses all over the omegas face. Making the omega giggle, Jungkook then bent down to his mates big bump, cupping his hands on it. "Of course I didn't forget about my baby girl," he said in a baby voice and pecking soft kisses on the bump, getting some little kicks in return.
"The little boy is also very healthy, you all may come in now and I'll see you next month Jimin?" The omega nodded, taking Jungkooks hand into his. The two mates head into the room to see their mate and pup. 
Hoseok slowly slid off of the alphas lap, peeking his head around the door frame.
Seeing Yoongi laying in bed, fast  asleep, while Jungkook held a small pup in his arms, bundled and wrapped in a blanket. Jimin was wiping Yoongis face with a damp cloth, cleaning the sweat and tears off his flushed face. Jimin glanced at the two figures standing by the door and smiled, gesturing them to come in. Hoseok slowly stepped towards the alpha holding the small pup in his arms, getting on his tip toes to see the new born. Jungkook chuckled and glanced over at his omega friend, seeing the cute reaction from seeing the new born.
"Would you like to hold him Hoseok?" The alpha asked in a hushed voice, the omega slowly and hesitantly nod, nibbling his bottom lip and lowing down onto his heels. The alpha carefully handed the pup to Hoseok. The pup squirmed and yawned, then relaxed in the warm embrace. A small smile spread on the omegas lips, studying the small pups facial features, that slept peacefully in his arms and made sure to support his little head.
Taehyung came up behind Hoseok to see the pup, peering over the omegas shoulder, a small smile appearing on his own lips. The head alpha then glanced over at Jungkook, who had his hands tucked in his back pockets. His eyes glued on his pup, jumping from Taehyung patting him on the back. "I'm happy for you Jungkook. What's the name you decided for the cute squirt?" Taehyung asked quietly, to not wake up the pup, nor Yoongi, from their sleep.
Jungkook grinned and cleared his throat, "Everyone, meet Jeon Hyeon-Jun, we decided to call him Junnie for short, that was Jiminies idea, so give him the credit for it." Hoseok awed, cooing at the little bundle in his arms.
"Welcome the world Junnie," Hoseok whispered, the pup opened his cat like eyes slowly and looked up at the omega, a small smile spread on his lips. Hoseok gazed at the pups features, seeing that it was a beautiful mix of both parents. Eyes and nose like Yoongis and lips like Jungkooks.
He slowly handed the pup back to Jungkook, happy for the growing family. Jimin fondly watched how amazing his friend was with his son, hoping that one day his friend will find his destined mate and start a family of his own.
Yoongi soon woke up, "Hey," he whispered in voice sounding a bit scratchy from screaming earlier. Jimin held his omega mates hand, "How are you feeling Yoonie?"
Yoongi scuffed, "Like shit, but happy that he's finally here..." he softly said, turning his head towards his alpha, Jungkook. Who was holding their pup, making a smile forming on his lips. Jungkook glanced at his mates, the pup then started to whimper in his arms, squirming around. Yoongi lightly giggled and untied his hospital gown, revealing his swollen chest.
"Here, he's probably hungry Kookie," the alpha awed and hand the upset pup to his mother. The pups whimpering instantly stopped when he felt the familiar touch, immediately latching onto the nipple, humming in happiness that he was being fed. Jimin used his finger to wipe the milk dripping down the pups little chin.
Jimin giggled at his sons big appetite, "Slow down Junnie or else you'll get a tummy ache." Yoongi giggled at his omega mates words, a smirk forming on his lips. "You can thank Jungkook for that, the pup got his appetite from his father.... oh speaking of big appetite, where's Jin and Namjoon?"
The head alpha cleared his throat, getting everyone's attention, "They are visiting family, so they won't back until next week, but they did tell me to let you know, that they said congratulations and that they are really happy for you all." Yoongi awed and nod, then put his attention back towards his new born pup.

Hoseok's pov:
It's been about two weeks, I believe, sense the hospital incident happened. Yoongi got released three days after giving birth and I made sure to help out, driving Jimin to the hospital to visit him, while Jungkook was at work.
As for the nurse, she got fired, along with the three officers, guards, whatever they were. I still haven't told Taehyung the whole story, about nearly getting raped, but it was my fault.
I sighed, shaking my head and breaking those thoughts and memories away. I finished more papers and writing a few more last minute details for the fall party next month. My phone buzzed, I glanced at it, seeing a text from an unknown number.
"Know your place omega..."
That's odd, I shrugged it off, and didnt think to much about it.

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